We Look Behind at All You've Done   May I Copy this Hymn?

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We look behind at all You've done.
We trace the path on which we've come.
Holy Father, You are mercy!
Lord, everywhere we see Your hand,
The pattern of Your loving plan.
Holy Father, You are mercy!
Holy Father, You are mercy!
You are mercy!

Through all the wanderings of our lives,
You daily lead us in the light.
Loving Father, You are faithful!
Through all the sin we cannot hide,
You claim us as Your holy bride.
Loving Father, You are faithful!
Loving Father, You are faithful!
You are faithful!

We look ahead, O Lord, and see
A glimpse of all that is to be.
We exalt You! Alleluia!
Almighty God, Eternal Truth,
All life is always only You!
We exalt You! Alleluia!
We exalt You! Alleluia!

Words by Ken Bible
Music from Geistliche Kirchengesange, 1623; harm. by Ralph Vaughan Williams
© 2003 by LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #3982512.

©2022 LNWhymns.com.
13873 S. Gallery St. Olathe, KS 66062