Jesus Arose Again   May I Copy this Hymn?

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Up from the grave He came for me.
Jesus arose again.
Living God, He sets me free.
Jesus arose again.
I know it! We know it!
He is Lord, and we live to show it.
Mighty King of Kings is He!
Jesus arose again.

Now He's alive and lives in me.
Jesus arose again.
Helps me be who I should be;
Jesus arose again.
I know it! We know it!
He is Lord, and we live to show it.
As we love the world will see
Jesus arose again.

Since He arose, we too shall rise.
Jesus arose again.
Rise to meet Him in the skies;
Jesus arose again.
I know it! We know it!
He is Lord, and we live to show it.
We will share in heaven's prize.
Jesus arose again.

Words by Ken Bible
Music: African-American Spiritual and Ken Bible
© 2005 by CCLI Song #4585437.



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