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Hear the Savior say, "I am the vine.
You are a branch.
Remain in Me.
See the Father tend the precious vine.
So come and rest.
Remain in Me.
"How Your Father longs to see the fruit,
Abundant fruit
That grows from Me.
All alone the branch can only die.
I am the vine.
Remain in Me.
"Life will grow
In its fullness--
Joy unbroken, holiness and beauty!
All will flow,
All will grow
As You abide in Me!
"How the Father loves the precious vine!
This love is yours.
Remain in Me.
All I am will ever live in you.
O come and rest!
Remain in Me."
Words by Ken Bible
Music by Ludwig van Beethoven and Ken Bible
© 2007 by LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #5088878.