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Imagine your Creator's breath,
His heart, His love within,
His wisdom shaping all you are,
His thoughts where yours begin.
Imagine all the life of God,
Abundant, rich, profound,
The life His love has longed to share
Now growing all around.
Imagine peace so sweet and deep
That He and we are one,
And all that boundless love can be
Has only just begun.
Imagine dead and barren lives
Now fruitful in the Vine.
Each broken heart will burst with joy
And praise His wise design.
Our Father, as we trust and wait,
You prove each promise true.
The highest hopes that heaven holds
Are all complete in You.
Words by Ken Bible
Music: Traditional Folk Tune; arr. by Ken Bible
© 2012 by LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #6313449.