You are great beyond all words,
I have nothing but my need.
You are strength and boundless power,
I am helplessness indeed.
You are pure and high above,
I was born in greed and sin,
You, so glorious in Your love,
I, unlovely all within.
As You lift me to Yourself,
As You show me all You are,
As I crown You Lord of all,
As I praise You from my heart,
I am freed from all my chains,
Self-concern and vain conceit,
Gladly lost in You alone—
Meekness pure and real and sweet.
Give the Spirit of Your Son,
All the meekness of His heart,
All the love His hands would give,
All the warmth His words impart,
All His kindness to the weak,
All the smile of His delight.
May the lives of all I touch
Feel the gentleness of Christ.
WORDS: Ken Bible
MUSIC: James Mountain
© 2013 by CCLI Song #6633703.