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How precious are Your people,
Your people, dear Jesus.
How lovely is Your bride, Lord -
This family of faith.
Though only two or three are here,
You come to serve Your grace.
You breathe Your love through each and all
And speak it face to face.
How precious are Your chosen,
Your sisters, Your brothers.
How precious are Your people -
This family of faith.
You’re moving now to touch us,
To teach us, to draw us.
You’re speaking now to bless us,
This family of faith.
O Jesus, Lord, we lift our hands
And raise our needy hearts.
Be glorified in all we do
As each one plays a part.
How dear is every person,
The young ones, the old ones.
How precious are Your people -
This family of faith.
Words by Ken Bible
Music: Traditional Scottish Melody; arr. by Ken Bible
© 2002 by LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #3918469.