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You clothe Your full transcendence
In rags of flesh and bone,
Your splendor in a vessel of clay.
All our weakness, all Your might
In Christ Jesus now unite,
All You are pouring out through human thoughts, human words,
All Your love pouring out through human hands.
Lord God, Your Holy Spirit
Still fills our flesh and bone.
Your splendor shines in vessels of clay.
All our weakness, all Your might
In Your children now unite,
Jesus Christ pouring out through human thoughts, human words,
All His love pouring out through human hands.
O God, Your holy beauty,
Your goodness and Your love,
Your rich, undying life shine through me!
By the Spirit of Your Son,
All Your perfect will be done,
Jesus Christ pouring out through all my thoughts and my words,
All His love pouring out through these Your hands.
WORDS by Ken Bible
MUSIC: Traditional American Folk Tune and Ken Bible
© 2016 LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #7064409.