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Father, grant my heart’s desire:
All in You, breath by breath.
Make me, by Your wind and fire,
All like Christ in life and death,
Drawing from You alone
All I say, all I do,
Holy and all Your own,
Working, resting here in You.
Single-minded like Your Son,
All in You, breath by breath,
This I pray: Your will be done.
Have Your way in life and death.
Yours all my strength and time!
All my heart be Your home!
All, all You are is mine!
Father, may Your kingdom come!
Father, may Your kingdom come!
Father, may Your kingdom come!
WORDS: Ken Bible
MUSIC: Traditional Folk Tune and Ken Bible
© 2017 LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #7102231.
- Every Moment in You
- Father, Creator, Eternal God...
- Father, help me to hold loosely to my...
- Father, I am struck by...
- Father, my only adequacy...
- Father, so fill my heart...
- Father, thank You for giving us Yourself...
- Father, today help me to be...
- Father, You call us to live lives...
- God, in the deepest desires...
- My only ambition for today...
- O Father, how I long...
- The Beatitudes Describe Jesus