Love has brought us near,
Kissed us with forgiveness,
Poured out all the blessings of Your great and tender heart.
Father, You are love,
Pure and perfect goodness.
All Your grace and boundless wealth You give us in Your Son,
Jesus Christ Your Son.
Rooted in Your love,
We are green and growing,
Bearing holy fruit that spreads Your blessings all around.
Love has built us up,
Christ, our sure foundation,
We, Your holy temple filled with worship to our God.
Praise to You, our God!
Love will bring us home,
Home to You, our Father,
Joyful in Your presence, breathing rich and perfect peace.
Love will make us one,
One with You forever,
One with Father, Son, and Spirit, full in You, our Lord!
Praise to You, our Lord!
WORDS & MUSIC: Ken Bible
© 2017 CCLI Song #7104134.