Our Hope Is All in You   May I Copy this Hymn?

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You speak, and it is so
Above, beyond, below.
Our hope is all in You!
Creator, Breath of all,
May we, so brief and small,
Put all our trust in You!

Our human plans are vain.
This world is Your domain.
Our hope is all in You!
You give and You control.
You fill and rule the whole.
Our trust is all in You!

You love and understand
Those resting in Your hand.
Our hope is all in You!
We look in reverent fear.
You smile and draw us near.
Our trust is all in You!

Our strength, our help, our shield,
Transcendent love revealed,
Our hope is all in You!
O joy of all our songs,
To You our breath belongs.
Our trust is all in You!

WORDS:  Ken Bible
MUSIC:   Joseph Barnby
© 2018 LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #7113512.



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13873 S. Gallery St. Olathe, KS 66062