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Hide me, Almighty God!
Fierce storms arise.
Clouds gathering all around
Darken the skies.
You are my hiding place,
My safe, secluded space.
How peace is shining through
Here, Lord, in You!
You are my highest good,
O glorious Lord!
Life’s great inheritance!
Love’s rich reward!
Shallow and passing joys
Shout out their empty noise.
All that is good and true
Flows, Lord, from You.
Bless You, my guard, my guide,
Heaven’s pure light!
You bless and shepherd me
All through the night.
Fullness of love divine,
Pleasures profound are mine,
Joys ever fresh and new
Here, Lord, in You.
WORDS: Ken Bible
MUSIC: Lowell Mason (1792-1872)
© 2018 LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #7113538.