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O Father, we sing of Your splendor and greatness,
With songs rising up from a joy ever new.
Our every-day lives are a hymn of thanksgiving.
Our wonder, our worship, our story is You.
Creation declares You are power and beauty,
Magnificence no one can copy or claim.
No title, no honor can speak all Your glory,
But almighty, unfailing love is Your name.
Great Father of all, every people and person,
All nations, all families, each culture and race
Belong in Your presence, with praise overflowing,
Awash in Your holiness, justice, and grace.
The field and the forest, the earth and the heavens
Will sing hallelujahs and dance with delight,
For God, You are coming in power and justice
To make this Your home and put everything right.
WORDS: Ken Bible
MUSIC: Ken Bible, based on a Traditional Scottish Tune
© 2005, 2020 LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #7150515.