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I love You as Your little child,
Almighty Lord of all.
You listen for my every word
And answer when I call.
You answer when I call.
When tiny problems steal my peace,
When life is deepest pain,
I turn and trust Your tender heart
And find my fears are vain.
In You all fear is vain.
Compassion, mercy, boundless grace –
No words can speak Your love,
So pure and right, so wide and deep,
Below, around, above --
Around and all above!
I share the cup that Jesus drank,
I lift the cup He poured
And worship You with every breath,
My life, my love, my Lord!
My life, my love, my Lord!
WORDS & MUSIC: Ken Bible
© 2021 LNWhymns.com. CCLI song #7179696.