King Messiah, reign forever,
God-empowered, God’s own Son,
Rule in all His sovereign greatness,
Joining heaven and earth as one.
Son of Man in heaven’s throne room,
Every kingdom, every throne,
All the power, all the glory
Now are Yours and Yours alone!
Great High Priest, what full assurance!
One with us, and one with God!
Grace unmeasured! Love unfailing!
Boundless mercy spread abroad!
You Yourself the Suffering Servant,
You Yourself the sacrifice,
All to buy us helpless sinners.
What a gift, and what a price!
You the Prophet after Moses,
Speaking all the Father’s will.
You the Word that spoke creation,
And Your Word is speaking still.
God’s Messiah, Suffering Servant,
Priest and prophet, Son of Man,
You are wisdom, power, and glory,
You the Father’s loving plan!
WORDS & MUSIC: Ken Bible
© 2023 CCLI song #7223918.