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Our Father exalted, majestic above,
Complete in all power and wisdom and love,
We see You in splendor and pray and proclaim
That all Your creation will worship Your name.
Your Kingdom, Your power, Your glory today!
Your goodness, Your mercy, Your keeping, we pray!
From struggle and vanity, Father, we come
To You, the great Doer of all that is done.
Your purpose is perfect. Our view is so small.
Be Lord every moment! Be Lord over all!
How rich Your provision for body and soul!
You bless every moment while guiding the whole.
You feed us and heal us and help us to see
How deep our dependence, how total our need!
Words by Ken Bible
Music by William Billings and Ken Bible
© 2007 by LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #5060346.