Jesus, Jesus, Lord and Brother,
Wisdom, joy, and life in me.
Fullness of my Father's presence,
Peace and perfect liberty;
As You spoke and out of nothing
Bloomed Your love's abundant wealth,
So You spoke and filled my darkness
With the beauty of Yourself.
Great Creator, Christ exalted,
As You rest, Your work complete,
So I come and leave my struggles,
Living, learning at Your feet,
Free to rest and free to listen,
Knowing that Your love will speak.
Jesus, Savior, ever present,
You are all I need and seek.
Here I find my satisfaction,
Here is where my heart is home,
Fruitful in Your living Spirit,
Driven by Your love alone.
Let me share Your endless Sabbath,
Holy, Lord, in all I do,
In my working, in my waiting,
Resting in and unto You.
Words by Ken Bible
Music by William Moore
© 2000 by CCLI Song #3309157.