My Loving Father   May I Copy this Hymn?

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Beyond where eyes and thoughts can reach,
You are there, my Father.
Where truth transcends all human speech,
You are there, my Father.
We strive to learn and boldly climb,
Yearning to discover,
But far above all space and time,
You are there, my Father.

This world of wonder sings of You
Here and now, my Father.
You share Yourself through all You do
Here and now, my Father.
You overflow all we can see,
Vast beyond all measure,
But face-to-face You come to me
Here and now, my Father.

The life of Jesus sings of You,
O my loving Father!
His Spirit proves each promise true,
O my loving Father!
I touch Your face in simple prayer,
You, my joy, my treasure!
I sing with every breath we share,
“O my loving Father!”

WORDS:  Ken Bible
MUSIC:  The Sacred Harp and Ken Bible
© 2008, 2015 by CCLI  Song #7050315.



13873 S. Gallery St. Olathe, KS 66062