My Lord, my Light, my Savior,
Almighty, ever near,
In You, my Strength, my Stronghold,
What power should I fear?
With evil all around me,
Its darkest threats displayed,
O God, You are my fortress.
My heart is not afraid.
Your presence is my longing,
The hunger of my soul;
Your praise, my deepest pleasure,
My all-consuming goal.
When trouble swirls around me,
You hide me in Yourself,
For You are boundless riches,
All life and joy and health.
Almighty God, I trust You
Through danger and delay,
For You are love and wisdom.
You speak, and I obey.
O God of perfect patience,
So good in all You do,
My Lord, my Light, my Savior,
I wait, I hope in You!
WORDS: Ken Bible
MUSIC: Swedish folk tune and Ken Bible
© 2018 CCLI Song #7113231.