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With thanks, with joy, in humble fear,
We lift Your praise that all might hear
This simple message loud and clear:
How great You are, O glorious God!
You give Yourself with pure delight.
Our hearts rejoice, our souls recite
Your works, Your ways, so rich, so right.
How good You are, O glorious God!
Lord, all You say and all You do
Are faithful, righteous, kind, and true.
When all is wrong, we trust in You,
For You are just, O glorious God!
O Sovereign Lord, as we obey,
Your wisdom guides our darkened way,
And joy glows brighter day by day.
All praise to You, O glorious God!
WORDS: Ken Bible
MUSIC: Ken Bible, inspired by The Sacred Harp, 1844
© 2019 LNWhymns.com. CCLI song #7125688.