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Hear it thunder through all times -
The Word of the Lord.
All around its wonders shine -
The Word of the Lord.
Before the earth and all that is,
Before the worlds above,
Our Father spoke in mighty love
The Word of the Lord.
Through the fire and through the flood -
The Word of the Lord.
Prophets die to lift it up -
The Word of the Lord.
Through war and death and darkest days,
Through liars, thieves, and kings,
The faithful know the hope it brings -
The Word of the Lord.
Through our struggles, through our fears -
The Word of the Lord.
Daily we will bow to hear
The Word of the Lord.
Soon all we see and touch and know
Will fade and fall away.
But praise to God! The truth remains -
The Word of the Lord.
All praise to God! The truth remains -
The Word of the Lord.
Words & Music by Ken Bible
© 2001 by LNWhymns.com. CCLI Song #3551376.