Boundless God   May I Copy this Hymn?

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Boundless, eternal, sovereign Holy God,
Infinite life, so pure, so deep, so broad;
We, small and brief, and You, so high, so far
That no mind can imagine all You are.

Faithful, unchanging, yet how small our view,
Blinded by self, impure, unkind, untrue;
Your thoughts so vast, Your promise always sure.
All You say, all You purpose will endure.

You are life’s purpose, You, its grand design.
You are its gift, its blessing all divine.
Share all You are! Come fan this inner fire.
Make Yourself, Father God, our one desire.

WORDS:  Ken Bible
MUSIC:  Southern Harmony, 1835, and Ken Bible
© 2022 CCLI song #7193495.



13873 S. Gallery St. Olathe, KS 66062