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I am rejoicing here in this trial,
Singing a joy so long overdue.
Lord, You’re amazing! You are unchanging!
I am at peace here living in You!
Father, my Father! Jesus, my Brother!
Spirit of Life, so gentle, so strong!
Almighty Presence, with and within me,
You hold me steady! You are my song!
Lord, You are with me. Why should I worry?
Bearing concerns, I come, and I bow.
Almighty God, all-wise and all-loving,
I am at peace while trusting You now.
All that is pure and all that is lovely,
All that is right and all that is true –
Lord, may they fill my thinking and doing.
Fill all I am with all that is You!
WORDS: Ken Bible
MUSIC: Elisha A. Hoffman (1894) and Ken Bible
© 2023 LNWhymns.com. CCLI song #7222292.