Living in Babylon   May I Copy this Hymn?

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Lord, we are Your children. Stay near us, we pray,
Now strangers and exiles, our home far away.
But You, the Almighty, are Lord even here,
Our joy and our Shepherd, our freedom from fear.

Great God, You are love! You are love here and now,
So help us be loving. Each day show us how.
Display Your great mercy through all that we do.
Be real to these dear ones who need to see You.

O Lord, keep us fearless, yet kind like Your Son,
With You, holy Father, and Jesus now one.
So help us to lead by example, not force,
With love as our power, and You as the Source.
Inspire us to speak with Your heart and Your smile,
Both loving and truthful, no harshness, no guile.
Alive in Your Spirit, with hope ever new,
Our home here and now, O our Father, is You!

WORDS:  Ken Bible
MUSIC:  Adoniram J. Gordon (1836-1895); arr. by Ken Bible
© 2024 CCLl song #7246426.



13873 S. Gallery St. Olathe, KS 66062