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Our Newest Hymns

Familiar TuneHymnRecording
Diversity Among God's People

We serve a God who delights in the diversity of His people. And His Spirit generously inspires a wide variety of worship materials to speak to them all and to help them speak to Him. He does so out of love, out of a fierce determination to make Himself fully and widely known, out of the richness of His character. As you worship Him, share His broad and loving heart.
*Eternal Health

Each of us deals with sickness. This hymn helps us pray for healing, trusting God with the how and when
Forever Has Begun

This hymn is based on John 14. It reminds us that Christ is not only making an eternal home for us in His Father’s house, but Father, Son, and Spirit make their home in us now.
Hear the Prophets Sing of Jesus

John the Baptist, along with all the Old Testament prophets, pointed to Christ and paved the way for Christ. They did so not just by their words, but by their single-minded lives of rugged obedience.
Kingdom of Love

Jesus’ words and His life were a beautiful song about an eternal Kingdom of Love. He joyfully invites us to join it even now!
One God

“Hear, Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!” (Deuteronomy 6:4, NASB). Join the timeless song of all His people, exalting our magnificent, all-encompassing, absolutely-unique God!
People of the Living God

We the Church are heirs to the magnificence of our God. Rejoice! Imagine! Anticipate all that soon will be!

New Hymn Recordings

Familiar TuneHymnRecording
Diversity Among God's People
*Eternal Health
Forever Has Begun
Hear the Prophets Sing of Jesus
*How God Came
Kingdom of Love
Lord of All Realms
One God
People of the Living God
Remind Me, Lord
*Speak, Lord
The Body of Christ
*We Trust Your Love
Where I Am
You Alone
©2022 LNWhymns.com.
13873 S. Gallery St. Olathe, KS 66062