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Our Newest Hymns

Familiar TuneHymnRecording
All in You

This prayer stirs the desire to live the same beautiful life as Jesus Christ, immersed inthe Father.

I Am I AM, the Boundless Christ

Jesus proclaimed Himself and proved Himself to be all weneed: the True Bread from Heaven, the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd,the Door, the Resurrection and the Life, the True Vine, and the Way, the Truth,and the Life. This hymn summarizes Jesus’ I AM statements.

Inscrutable God

This hymn helps us trust the inscrutable, unsearchable, mysterious God, even when we don’t understand Him.

Jesus was always in the moment, always focused on the Father, and thus always open to interruptions. Some of the most important things He said and did came in response to unplanned interruptions. O how I want to be like Him!
Introducing Jesus

This hymn is based on John the Baptist’s introduction of Jesus in John 1:29-34 and 3:29-35. The verses of the hymn are focused on these four images: Lamb of God; Son of God; the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit; and the Bridegroom.
*Living in Babylon

Based on Daniel 1, this hymn encourages us to live as did Daniel, whose long and fruitful life was spent far from home in pagan Babylon. Set to a familiar tune.
Magnificent God

Based on Daniel 1, this hymn encourages us to live as did Daniel, whose long and fruitful life was spent far from home in pagan Babylon. Set to a familiar tune.
On the Damascus Road

In this hymn, the story of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus becomes our personal testimony.
Share in the Father

Jesus invites us to share in His
relationship with the Father.
*You Give All That You Are

Based on Daniel 2:1-23, this hymn highlights how our generous God gives all that He is: wisdom, goodness, perfect peace, rightness and His own Holy Spirit. The music is adapted from a familiar hymn tune.
The Goodness of God

Every trial, however long or difficult, ends with a deeper appreciation for God’s goodness if we but continue to trust Him. Our faith is stronger. Our joy is richer.

New Hymn Recordings

Familiar TuneHymnRecording
All in You
Colossians 1:26-27
Colossians 2:9-10
Galatians 2:20
Gifts to Savor and Share
God of All Healing
I Am I AM, the Boundless Christ
Inscrutable God
Introducing Jesus
*Living in Babylon
Love Lessons from Jesus
Magnificent God
On the Damascus Road
See the Glory of God
Share in the Father
*The Freedom of Faith
The Goodness of God
*We Are Living in Your Kingdom
*You Give All That You Are
©2022 LNWhymns.com.
13873 S. Gallery St. Olathe, KS 66062