Hymns by Scripture Reference - John

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ReferenceFamiliar TuneHymnRecording
  Holy Father, Only You
1:1-5*Holy, Human Jesus Christ
1:1-5 Prophecies of Christ
1:1-5*Trinity Hymn
1:1-14 Hear the Word
1:1-18*Christ in Genesis and Exodus
1:1-18 Christ the Word
1:1-18 The Word of God Is Jesus Christ
1:4 Knowing the Father in the Son
1:4-5 Magnificent God
1:4-9 Christ the Light
1:6-8, 19-28 Prepare Us
1:6-8, 19-28 The Light of the Living Christ
1:9 Grace Goes Before Us
1:9 Magnificent God
1:11-13*Heirs of God
1:12-14*A Song Was Born At Christmas
1:14*Christ Is Our Horizon
1:14 God in Christ in Us
1:14 Grace and Truth
1:14 Holy Is the Lord
1:14 Incarnation Wonder
1:14*Our God Came to Visit
1:14*The Fullness of God's Glory
1:14*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
1:14*Trinity Hymn
1:14 True Wealth
1:14*You Came to Us
1:14 Your Word
1:14-16 Psalm 89
1:14-17*Great Is Your Faithfulness (Easter)
1:14-18 Be the Incarnation
1:14-18 Heaven and Earth
1:14-18*Holy, Human Jesus Christ
1:14-18*Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace
1:14-18*Knowing God
1:14-18 O Father, Give Us Jesus Christ
1:14-18 Prophecies of Christ
1:14-18*See God in Christ
1:16 One
1:17 Grace and Truth
1:17*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
1:18 Incarnation Wonder
1:18 Knowing the Father in the Son
1:29 God Comes
1:29*You Bore Our Sin, O Lamb of God
1:29-34 Epiphany Hymn (HELMSLEY 2)
1:29-34*Epiphany Hymn (REGENT SQUARE)
1:29-34 See the Lamb of God
1:35-42 Come and Follow Me
1:43-52*You See Me, Lord
2:1-11*Water into Wine
2:13-17*See His Kingdom Come in Power
2:18-21 Heaven and Earth
2:19-22*We Have Come, God's Living Temple (CWM RHONDDA)
2:19-22*We Have Come, God's Living Temple (LAUDA ANIMA)
3:1-21 Born Again
3:1-21 No Other Life
3:8 Life of God
3:14-16 Magnificent God
3:16 All-conquering Love
3:16 Constant Love
3:16*Ever Full and Overflowing
3:16 We Are Trusting in the Lord
3:21*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
3:34 Be the Incarnation
3:34 By Your Breath
3:34*Fullness of God
3:36 We Are Trusting in the Lord
4:1-42*The Woman at the Well
4:5-42*When Jesus Speaks
4:13-14 Breath of Life
4:14 People of the Living God
4:21-26 I Was the One
4:23-24 Father, Help Me Worship You
4:23-24*We Have Come, God's Living Temple (CWM RHONDDA)
4:23-24*We Have Come, God's Living Temple (LAUDA ANIMA)
4:31-34 All in You, Breath by Breath
4:34 A Servant's Prayer (BINNEY)
4:34*A Servant's Prayer (GERMANY)
4:34 Christ the Word
4:34 Holy Father, Only You
4:34 Knowing the Father in the Son
4:34 My Father, Do What Pleases You
4:34 Nothing Else Matters
4:34*Psalm 86
4:34*The Freedom of Faith
4:34-36*Captives of Eternal Love
4:35-36 Lord, Keep Us Reaching
4:37-39*The Glories of Christ
5:1-15*At the Pool of Bethesda
5:19 Holy Father, Only You
5:19*Holy, Boundless Breath of God
5:19-20 All in You, Breath by Breath
5:19-20*Like Christ, in Christ
5:19-20*We Need You, Holy God
5:19-20, 30*Each Moment by Faith
5:21-27*Christ in Psalm 7
5:21, 24-26, 28-29*Good Morning, All Who Trust in Christ!
5:26 Magnificent God
5:30 A Servant's Prayer (BINNEY)
5:30*A Servant's Prayer (GERMANY)
5:30 All in You, Breath by Breath
5:30 Holy Father, Only You
5:30 In the Father, Son, and Spirit
5:30 Knowing the Father in the Son
5:30*Like Christ, in Christ
5:30 My Father, Do What Pleases You
5:30*Psalm 86
5:30*We Need You, Holy God
6:1-14 Feeding the Five Thousand
6:15-21 Come and Follow Me
6:16-21 See Him Walk on the Water
6:26-65 Feeding the Five Thousand
6:27*Come and Feast
6:32-33*Come and Feast
6:35*Come and Feast
6:35*We Can Know Our God Transcendent
6:35-51 I AM, I AM - Hear the Mighty Name
6:35, 48-51*We Taste Your Life and Long for More
6:38 A Servant's Prayer (BINNEY)
6:38*A Servant's Prayer (GERMANY)
6:38 Christ the Word
6:38 Holy Father, Only You
6:38*Like Christ, in Christ
6:38 My Father, Do What Pleases You
6:38*Psalm 86
6:48-51*Come and Feast
6:48-51*The Glories of Christ
6:51 Magnificent God
6:53-58 O Father, Give Us Jesus Christ
7:18*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
7:37-38 Breath of Life
7:37-39*God My Father
8:12 Christ the Light
8:12*Hymn for the Persecuted Church (HYMN TO JOY)
8:12 Hymn for the Persecuted Church (JEFFERSON 2)
8:12*Jesus, the Light of the World
8:12 Magnificent God
8:12 The Light of the Living Christ
8:12*We Can Know Our God Transcendent
8:31-32 I Have the Truth
8:31-32*Love of God, Possess Me
8:31-32 The Catch and the Call
8:31-36*Freedom Hymn
8:31-36*The Freedom of Faith
8:31-36*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
8:34-36 Lord, I Repent
8:34-36*Psalm 83
8:36 Freedom in You
8:36*The Allness of God
8:36 The Catch and the Call
8:44*Christ in Psalm 3
8:44 Christ in Psalm 4
8:44*Psalm 83
8:58 All-conquering Love
8:58 I AM, I AM - Hear the Mighty Name
9:1-3 Where I Am
9:3-5 Display Your Splendor in Me
9:25*We Sing a Life Completed
10 Good Shepherd
10:1-4 Psalm 35
10:1-4 When Christ Our Healer's Work Is Done
10:1-18*Psalm 80
10:1-30 One Lost Sheep (CHIC SHAVER)
10:1-30*One Lost Sheep (EVERLASTING LOVE)
10:2-4*Now in Christ
10:7-10*I Am the Door
10:7-11 I AM, I AM - Hear the Mighty Name
10:7-11*We Can Know Our God Transcendent
10:8-10*Christ in Psalm 3
10:9 O Father, Give Us Jesus Christ
10:10 Magnificent God
10:10 Treasure
10:10 Which Spirit?
10:14*Now in Christ
10:14 When Christ Our Healer's Work Is Done
10:16 Psalm 87
10:17-18*You Bore Our Sin, O Lamb of God
10:27-28 When Christ Our Healer's Work Is Done
10:30*Holy, Boundless Breath of God
10:37-38 Father, I See You in Your Son
11:1-45*John 11
11:23-26*We Can Know Our God Transcendent
11:25 Magnificent God
11:25-26 Christ in Psalm 4
11:33-35 Jesus Weeps for the Unrepentant
12:1-33*Make My Life a Holy Fragrance
12:12-15 Here Comes Jesus! He's Our King!
12:12-15*Who Is He?
12:12-19*See His Kingdom Come in Power
12:23-28 Glorify Your Name
12:23-28*The Heart of Christ (BEACH SPRING)
12:23-28*The Heart of Christ (NETTLETON)
12:23-32 His Hour Has Come
12:24*Captives of Eternal Love
12:24 Kingdom Seed
12:24*Sown in Tears, Raised in Joy
12:24 Your Kingdom Come!
12:27-28 A Servant's Prayer (BINNEY)
12:27-28*A Servant's Prayer (GERMANY)
12:32-33*Our God Came to Visit
12:44-45 Father, I See You in Your Son
12:49-50 Father, I See You in Your Son
13 Jesus at the Last Supper
13:1-3 His Hour Has Come
13:1-17, 34-35*Here at Your Feet, Lord
13:5-17 Love Lessons from Jesus
13:15 In Your Steps
13:31-33 His Hour Has Come
13:34 As You Loved Me
13:34 Your Thoughts, Your Words
13:34-35 As You Love
13:34-35 Be the Incarnation
13:34-35 Kingdom of Love
13:34-35*Live and Love and Grow in Christ
13:34-35 Love Lessons from Jesus
14*Father and Son
14 Forever Has Begun
14 Jesus at the Last Supper
14:1-3*Christ, Our Source and Goal
14:1-14*We Can Know Our God Transcendent
14:1-28 The Way, Truth, and Life
14:5-7*We Can Know Our God Transcendent
14:6*Christ Crucified
14:6 Explore God
14:6*Great Lord of All Reality
14:6 I Have the Truth
14:6 Incarnation Wonder
14:6 Knowing the Father in the Son
14:6 Magnificent God
14:6 O Father, Give Us Jesus Christ
14:6*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
14:6, 19 Father, You See Our Need
14:8-11 Father, I See You in Your Son
14:9-10*See the Father Walk Among Us
14:10 All in You, Breath by Breath
14:10*Created for Union with God
14:10*Each Moment by Faith
14:10 Holy Father, Only You
14:10 Knowing the Father in the Son
14:10*Like Christ, in Christ
14:10*We Need You, Holy God
14:15-23 Breath of His Love
14:15-23 One with God
14:15-23*Our God Came to Visit
14:15-27*A Trinity of Hymns
14:15-27*Trinity Hymn
14:15-27 Worshiping the Trinity
14:15-27 Your Love, Holy Father
14:15-19, 26-27 Spirit of Christ
14:16-17 Give God What Is God's
14:16-17*We Have Come to Join in Worship
14:16-17 Your Kingdom, Your Power
14:16-23 All in You, Breath by Breath
14:16-23 Engulfed in God
14:16-23 In Step with the Spirit
14:16-23 One
14:16-23 When I Speak
14:16-24*Holy, Boundless Breath of God
14:20 Father, I See You in Your Son
14:20-23*Father, As You Love Your Son
14:20-23*God's Mysterious Ways
14:20-23*Jesus' Life Is All a Promise
14:21*Knowing God
14:21-23 Your Kingdom, Your Power
14:21, 23*Ever Full and Overflowing
14:21, 23*God My Father
14:23*See All That Human Can Be
14:24 Voice of God
14:27*Almighty God, You Never Change
14:27 Knowing the Father in the Son
14:27*Like Christ, in Christ
14:27*Pass the Peace of Christ
14:27*Peace in Christ
14:27 Quietness
14:27 Shalom
14:27 The Good Fight of Faith
15*Father and Son
15 Jesus at the Last Supper
15:1*We Can Know Our God Transcendent
15:1-8 In Step with the Spirit
15:1-8*Life in the Vine
15:1-8 One
15:1-8*Psalm 80
15:1-11 Growing in Grace
15:1-12*Remain in Me
15:5*Created for Union with God
15:5*Eternal God, Unbound by Time
15:5*Fruitful in You
15:5*Imagine Your Creator's Breath
15:5 In the Father, Son, and Spirit
15:5 In You, Lord
15:5 Lord of Time
15:5*Risen with Jesus Christ
15:5, 11 Father, You See Our Need
15:5, 26 Spirit of Christ
15:9-11 Your Love, Holy Father
15:9-12*The Reason We Sing
15:11*Almighty God, You Never Change
15:11 Breath of Life
15:11*Chosen in Jesus
15:11 Christ My Joy
15:11 Father, in This Suffering
15:11*Fullness of Joy
15:11 I Look to You
15:11 Joy in Christ
15:11 My Father, My Joy
15:11*Psalm 86
15:11 The Glow of Your Goodness
15:11 The Good Fight of Faith
15:11 You Are Calling Me to Yourself
15:12 As You Loved Me
15:12 I Want to Be Like You
15:12 Love One Another
15:12 Your Thoughts, Your Words
15:12-14 As You Love
15:15-19 I Bow in Obedience
15:16 I Choose You
15:17 As You Love
15:18-21*Christ in Psalm 3
15:18-21 Psalm 64
15:18-25 Psalm 35
15:26*A Trinity of Hymns
15:26*Trinity Hymn
15:26*We Have Come to Join in Worship
16*Father and Son
16 Jesus at the Last Supper
16:12-15*A Trinity of Hymns
16:12-15 One with God
16:12-15*Trinity Hymn
16:12-15 Worship Father, Son, and Spirit
16:12-15 Worshiping the Trinity
16:13*Speak Your Word, My Father
16:13-14*Love of God, Possess Me
16:13-14 Spirit of Christ
16:19-24 Your Love, Holy Father
16:23-27 True Wealth
16:33*Pass the Peace of Christ
16:33 The Good Fight of Faith
17*Father and Son
17 Jesus at the Last Supper
17:1-3*Good Morning, All Who Trust in Christ!
17:1-5 His Hour Has Come
17:2-3 Magnificent God
17:3*Christ in Psalm 30
17:3*Eternal Life Is Knowing You
17:3 Full Knowing
17:3*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
17:3 You Alone
17:10 One
17:13 Christ My Joy
17:13*Fullness of Joy
17:13*Hymn for the Persecuted Church (HYMN TO JOY)
17:13 Hymn for the Persecuted Church (JEFFERSON 2)
17:13 I Look to You
17:13 Joy in Christ
17:13 My Father, My Joy
17:13*Psalm 86
17:13*The Allness of God
17:13 The Glow of Your Goodness
17:13, 20-26 Your Love, Holy Father
17:14-18*Christ in Psalm 3
17:17*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
17:20-21*All One in Christ
17:20-23 Breath of His Love
17:20-23*Christ Is Our Horizon
17:20-23 Psalm 133
17:20-23 Which Spirit?
17:20-24 All in You, Breath by Breath
17:20-24 One with God
17:20-24 Quietness
17:20-26*Ever Full and Overflowing
17:20-26*Father, As You Love Your Son
17:20-26 Love Lessons from Jesus
17:22-23 In Step with the Spirit
17:23 Give God What Is God's
17:24-28*God of All People
18*A Garden in the Night (BOYLSTON)
18 A Garden in the Night (GETHSEMANE)
18*Crucifixion Hymn
18*Discover Jesus Christ
18 Feel the Savior's Heart for People
18 Here Is Love
18*I Cannot Tell
18*I Love You, Jesus, Savior, Lord
18*In the Father's Hand
18*Lead Me to Calvary
18 My Heart Was Hard As Iron
18 One with Us
18*The Mystery of Love
18*The Trial (BEECHER)
18 The Trial (VENEZUELA)
18 What Will You Do with Jesus?
18:37*Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
19*A Garden in the Night (BOYLSTON)
19 A Garden in the Night (GETHSEMANE)
19*Crucifixion Hymn
19*Discover Jesus Christ
19 Here Is Love
19*I Cannot Tell
19*I Love You, Jesus, Savior, Lord
19*In the Father's Hand
19*Lead Me to Calvary
19 My Heart Was Hard As Iron
19 One with Us
19*The Mystery of Love
19 What Will You Do with Jesus?
19:1-16*The Trial (BEECHER)
19:1-16 The Trial (VENEZUELA)
19:1-30 Feel the Savior's Heart for People
19:16-30 Meditation on the Crucified Christ
19:16-37 See What Love Has Done
19:16-38 Jesus Dying for Me
19:17-30*Christ Crucified
19:26-30 Last Words
19:30 All-conquering Love
20:1-8*Great Is Your Faithfulness (Easter)
20:1-9 Didn't He Rise!
20:1-9 Jesus Arose Again
20:1-10*See His Kingdom Come in Power
20:19-20 Father, You See Our Need
20:19-22*Pass the Peace of Christ
20:19-23 See the Lamb of God
20:21-22 All in You, Breath by Breath
20:21-22 Treasure
20:22 Breath of Life
20:22 By Your Breath
20:22*Imagine Your Creator's Breath
20:22 Knowing the Father in the Son
20:22 True Wealth
20:22 When I Speak
20:31 Knowing the Father in the Son
21:15-23 Come and Follow Me
21:19 A Servant's Prayer (BINNEY)
21:19*A Servant's Prayer (GERMANY)
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