Choose a Reading
- All
- "Let nothing disturb you...
- "The sheep hear his voice...
- A Better Life Is Waiting
- A Broader Vision
- A Christ-centered Year
- A Clear Choice
- A Day of Love
- A Fascinating Person
- A Father’s Love
- A Final Prayer for the Day
- A Focus for Christmas
- A Glance Backward
- A Glimpse of the New Creation
- A Hearing Heart
- A Life Completed
- A Life Framed with Love
- A Living Example
- A Living Hymn
- A Living Relationship
- A Living, Present Being
- A Love Letter
- A Ministry of Salvation
- A Model for Prayer
- A Mother’s Love
- A Multitude of Angels
- A New Day
- A New Reality
- A New Relationship with God
- A People of Truth
- A Personal Reflection
- A Prayer for Many Occasions
- A Prayer for the Faith of Abraham
- A Prayer for Today
- A Prayer of Love
- A Prayer Response to Romans 14
- A Present God
- A Real Person
- A Relationship of Trust
- A Seed Must Be Planted
- A Servant’s Prayer
- A Single Step
- A Story of Forgiveness
- A Story of Forgiveness 2
- A Study in Failure, Part 1
- A Study in Failure, Part 2
- A Study in Failure, Part 3
- A Study in Failure, Part 4
- A Study in Failure, Part 5
- A Study in Failure, Part 6
- A Taste of Heaven
- A Tense Situation
- A Testimony
- A Thought about Congregational Singing
- A Unique Opportunity
- A Voice in the Wilderness
- A Word from Your Creator
- Abandon the notion...
- About "Fullness of Joy"
- Above All
- Abraham's Sacrifice
- Absolutely nothing of lasting value...
- Accept One Another
- According to Jesus:...
- Active Faith
- After centuries of enduring…
- After His resurrection…
- ALL Are Invited!
- All Credit, No Blame
- All God's Best
- All God's servants are…
- All human learning is an attempt to…
- All in All
- All in Christ
- All in You
- All One
- All our relationships are to be shaped…
- All rightness begins with...
- All Saints Day
- All that God says is wise...
- All that matters now...
- All that you see is temporary…
- All the beautiful qualities of Jesus Christ…
- All the Best of Life
- All the care we lavish…
- All the Fullness of God
- All the richest blessings we...
- All the Treasures of Wisdom
- All the ways Sovereign God…
- All to Your glory...
- All truth, all reality flows from...
- All understanding begins with an...
- All We Are in Him
- All we believers are members…
- All We Need
- All You Are
- All You Made Me to Be
- All you who practice...
- All-encompassing God
- All-knowing, ever-present Father…
- All-seeing God…
- Almighty Creator, all the earth shows...
- Almighty Father, I cannot see or feel...
- Almighty Father, You are leading...
- Almighty Father, Your Son...
- Almighty God has called you out...
- Almighty God of unfailing faithfulness...
- Almighty God, my Father, when...
- Almighty God, my Father…
- Almighty God, my Shepherd, my Father...
- Almighty God, our shallow...
- Almighty God, our suffering is real...
- Almighty God, this is Your work...
- Almighty God, You have solemnly...
- Almighty, Holy God, I pray, keep...
- Alone with Jesus
- Always Face to Face
- Am I perfect...
- Ambassadors of His Love
- Among God's servants…
- Amos: But We Are Religious
- Amos: God's Judgment
- An Adventure in Christ
- An Adventure of Faith
- An Introduction to Temptation
- An Undivided Heart
- An unwanted decree...
- Angels vs. The Son of God
- Anointed with God's Spirit
- Anticipation
- Anxiety is self-centered…
- Anxiety or deadly false…
- Any love and desire...
- Apostle and High Priest
- Are you being tried...
- Are you continuing to grow in faith...
- Are You God or Not?
- Are you overwhelmed...
- Are You Praying for Healing?
- Are you willing to let God...
- As a means to true…
- As a writer...
- As disciples, our suffering changes us...
- As God works through His servants...
- As God's people, sometimes we have…
- As God's servant, do you feel...
- As I Begin to Pray
- As I face today's tasks...
- As I read Mark 4:35-41...
- As I read today...
- As I read Your Word today, Father...
- As I See Jesus
- As I simply trust You, Father, I live...
- As I simply trust You, Father…
- As I Sit among Your People
- As I travel through this evil world...
- As I trust You, Father, I...
- As I walk in Your Spirit...
- As I Want to Be Treated
- As in the Apostle Paul's day...
- As It Is in Heaven
- As It Is in Heaven #3
- As Jesus was beaten...
- As Jesus was departing...
- As Jesus’ disciples, we do not…
- As we chase all the best of life…
- As we display the submissive...
- As We Gather
- As we hunger to see Your glory
- As we live and serve…
- As We Live in Christ
- As we see Jesus, we...
- As we servants of God...
- As we trust and obey God…
- As we walk with Jesus…
- As when Jesus walked among us...
- As with Christ
- As you face your ministry task...
- As you go about your daily life…
- As You have fed…
- As You Lead
- As you pray, you open…
- As you read and listen to God's Word...
- As you read the gospels, sense…
- As you trust God, you can do...
- As You Work
- As Your servants, Father…
- Ashes to Ashes
- Ask #3
- Ask Anything in My Name
- Ask for Wisdom
- Ask Your Father
- Ask!
- At His baptism, the sinless Jesus...
- At His transfiguration...
- At Home with the Father
- At the End of the Day
- At the Pool of Bethesda
- Aunt Bessie
- Be assured that whatever...
- Be diligent with every task…
- Be faithful to sow God's Word…
- Be gentle with everyone…
- Be His Praise
- Be Open with God
- Be patient with others...
- Be sure of this...
- Bear with one another's faults...
- Beatitudes
- Beautiful Words
- Because of our unique resources…
- Because You Love Me
- Before Easter: A Meditation for Holy Saturday
- Before the day begins and after...
- Begin with God
- Behind the evil we see in the human world…
- Behind the Hymn: Alive in You
- Behind the Hymn: Before the Starry Universe
- Behind the Hymn: Christ Is Alive! We Live in Him!
- Behind the Hymn: Come, Our Lord!
- Behind the Hymn: Discover Jesus Christ
- Behind the Hymn: Everlasting Father
- Behind the Hymn: Freedom in You
- Behind the Hymn: Give Me Jesus
- Behind the Hymn: Give Thanks to God
- Behind the Hymn: I Cannot Tell
- Behind the Hymn: I Love You, Jesus, Savior, Lord
- Behind the Hymn: I Thank the Lord for You
- Behind the Hymn: I Was the One
- Behind the Hymn: I'm in You
- Behind the Hymn: If God Is on Our Side
- Behind the Hymn: If You Would Be Great
- Behind the Hymn: Image of the Unseen God
- Behind the Hymn: In the Light of the Cross
- Behind the Hymn: It's a Gift
- Behind the Hymn: Jesus Loves Me (Christmas)
- Behind the Hymn: Jesus, the Light of the World
- Behind the Hymn: Lay Aside Your Passing Pleasures
- Behind the Hymn: Lord, Life Becomes More Simple
- Behind the Hymn: Love Has Come!
- Behind the Hymn: My Time Is in Your Hand
- Behind the Hymn: Not I, but Christ
- Behind the Hymn: Nothing Between
- Behind the Hymn: O Living God
- Behind the Hymn: One in Purpose, One in Passion
- Behind the Hymn: Our Lord I AM
- Behind the Hymn: Pentecost Hymn
- Behind the Hymn: See How God's Flower Blossoms
- Behind the Hymn: Soldiers of Christ, Arise
- Behind the Hymn: Sweet Peace
- Behind the Hymn: The Blood-washed Pilgrim
- Behind the Hymn: The Only Good Is Jesus
- Behind the Hymn: The Promise
- Behind the Hymn: The Shepherd's Carol
- Behind the Hymn: The Truth of God Is Greater Far
- Behind the Hymn: The Word of the Lord
- Behind the Hymn: We Lift the Light of Hope
- Behind the Hymn: When I Face You, Lord
- Behind the Hymn: Your Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love
- Being a Christian is not about emotional highs...
- Being a Christian is not...
- Believe that God will do…
- Believers, look at the One…
- Better Bread
- Beware of shortcuts...
- Beware of the hunger for money…
- Beware of Unbelief
- Beyond All Imagining
- Beyond my words, Father, I fix...
- Beyond Myself
- Beyond This Life
- Biscuits and Fish
- Bless me with the Spirit of Christ...
- Blessed
- Blessed Are the Meek
- Blessed Are the Merciful
- Blessed Are the Peacemakers
- Blessed Are the Persecuted
- Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
- Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
- Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
- Blessed by Problems
- Blossoming
- Born a King
- Born Again
- Born out of my bout with cancer...
- Bound over to Mercy
- Boundless God
- Breakfast with the Lord
- Breath of God
- Breath of His Breath
- Breathe Every Prayer
- Building a People
- By living as children of God...
- By what a person is mastered...
- Called Aside
- Can God's Existence Be Proven?
- Can We Reasonably Trust the Bible?
- Captive
- Care for Your Precious Plant
- Career Goals
- Catch Me Up in Your Work
- Celebrate Your Resurrection
- Centered on Jesus
- Certainty
- Change, uncertainty, temptations...
- Children
- Children of God
- Children of the King
- Children of This Age
- Children: God's Living Promise
- Chosen
- Christ Comes
- Christ Descended to the Place of the Dead
- Christ Draws Us
- Christ Helps Me Pray
- Christ in Genesis and Exodus
- Christ in Psalm 3
- Christ in Psalm 30
- Christ in Psalm 38
- Christ in Psalm 4
- Christ in Psalm 40
- Christ in Psalm 45
- Christ in Psalm 67
- Christ in Psalm 7
- Christ in Psalm 8
- Christ in You
- Christ Is Our Feast
- Christ Is Praying for Us
- Christ Our Healer
- Christ Our Pattern
- Christ Our Rightness
- Christ the King
- Christ the Light
- Christ the Light
- Christ the Tabernacle
- Christ Walks among Us
- Christ will soon gather...
- Christ Your Bridegroom
- Christmas Is a Story of Faith
- Christmas Is a Story of Joy
- Christmas Is a Story of Light
- Christmas Is a Story of Love
- Christmas Is a Story of Worship
- Christmas Is for Everyone!
- Christmas Is Only the Beginning
- Christmas Is Past, Present, and Future
- Christmas Is the Story of a Baby
- Christmas Is the Story of a Gift
- Christmas Is the Story of a King
- Christmas Is the Story of a Promise
- Christmas Is the Story of a Star
- Christmas reminds us…
- Church, Follow Me
- Circumstance has never been the key...
- Clarity
- Clean Forever
- Closer, Lord
- Come Humbly
- Come like Jesus
- Come to Me
- Come to the Source
- Come, Our Lord!
- Commit your concerns to your Father...
- Communion Commitment
- Communion Face-to-Face
- Communion is a foretaste...
- Community
- Compassion
- Complete Freedom
- Complete in Jesus
- Complete in Our Father
- Complete Your Love in Us
- Completion
- Concerned with What Concerns You
- Consider David killing...
- Consider the Seed
- Consider This Gift
- Consistency
- Constant Christmas
- Constantly, Completely Dependent
- Content
- Continual Dependence
- Continual Worship
- Continue to serve your Father...
- Conversation with Our Creator
- Coveting His Control
- Created for God
- Created for Union with You
- Creation Will Be Redeemed
- Creation’s Prayer
- Creator
- Creator & Father Devotional
- Creator of all, You...
- Creator, Father, Savior...
- Creator, I am still part...
- Creator, loving Father, the rule...
- Creator, perfect health is being...
- Creator, Source and Goal...
- Cross Every Barrier
- Crucified with Christ, Risen with Christ
- Crucifixion
- Customer-driven Ministry
- Daily Bread
- Daily Confidence
- Daily Forgiveness
- Daily Gentleness
- Daily Love
- Daily Needs
- Daily Work
- Dangling Threads
- Darkness is the absence…
- David was not called...
- David's example of joyful generosity...
- Day by day, challenge by challenge...
- Death lies naked before God...
- Decide
- Deep Knowing
- Deep Peace
- Deliver Us from All Evil
- Deliver Us from Evil
- Deliver Us from Evil #1
- Deliver Us from Evil #2
- Dependence
- Depending on the Spirit frees us…
- Desire God
- Despite the way we say it...
- Destructive Habits
- Details Matter
- Devote yourself to the truth…
- Difficult Tasks
- Difficulties
- Distractions
- Diversity
- Divine Coincidence
- Do not be discouraged by small numbers...
- Do not complain when…
- Do not despise the day...
- Do not fear death...
- Do NOT judge God's work...
- Do not look around for "greener grass"...
- Do not reject or…
- Do not seek human glory...
- Do What Pleases You
- Do you doubt the power...
- Do you feel engulfed...
- Do you feel weak, imperfect…
- Do You Hear Him?
- Do you long for a just, righteous society...
- Do you long for peace?
- Do You Recognize These Temptations?
- Do you regret some chapters...
- Do you want a closer, more constant…
- Do you want God to glorify Himself...
- Do you want God to glorify Himself…
- Do you want more joy in your life…
- Do you want to be truly blessed…
- Do you want to be truly…
- Do you want to delight...
- Do you want to know God better?...
- Do You Want to Make a Difference?
- Do you want to see God's Kingdom...
- Do you want your life to be balanced...
- Do Your will in me, Father…
- Does the day ahead...
- Does the work God has given...
- Does your faith in God ever waver...
- Does your struggle seem long...
- Don't be distressed by problems...
- Don't be seduced or sedated...
- Don't chase emotional experiences…
- Don't despair about your weakness…
- Don't despise your own weakness and smallness…
- Don't fear any opposition…
- Don't focus on knowing about God...
- Don't focus on the life...
- Don't give up on...
- Don't judge the importance...
- Don't let anything--anything…
- Don't let the enemy of your soul...
- Don't let the world's fear and tumult...
- Don't let yourself be distracted...
- Don't live in response...
- Don't set your desires on riches...
- Don't spend a single hour...
- Don't try to hide your need…
- Don't try to squeeze God's children...
- Don't worry, if God couldn't forgive…
- Don’t Desert God
- Don’t Fear Sufferings
- Draw near to the needy...
- Drawing Near to God
- Drawn by such magnificent...
- Drink in the little blessings...
- During difficult times we sometimes…
- During His Suffering on the Cross
- During His trial and crucifixion, every…
- During our times of deepest need…
- Each ability, each resource…
- Each of us has a role in...
- Each of Us Is a Gift of Grace
- Each of us who knows God…
- Each Person in Christ
- Early Promises of Messiah
- Earth Crawlers
- Earthen Vessels
- Easter Is a Story of Darkness
- Easter Is a Story of Life
- Easter Is a Story of Love
- Easter Is a Story of Sacrifice
- Easter Is the Story of a Coronation
- Easter Is the Story of a King
- Easter Is the Story of a King (long version)
- Easter Is the Story of a Mystery
- Easy to Please
- Ecclesiastes: An Overview
- Ecclesiastes: Highlights
- Ecclesiastes: Introduction
- Embrace Diversity
- Emmaus Road
- Empty
- Empty Before God
- Empty Glory
- Energetic Waiting
- Engulfed in God
- Enjoying Christ
- Enjoying His Presence
- Ephesians 1:6 says...
- Eternal Dawn
- Eternal Day
- Eternal God
- Eternal God, You are all-powerful...
- Eternal Life Is Knowing God
- Even as a believer, most of the…
- Even God's judgment...
- Even in our abundance, Father…
- Even our needs...
- Even our temptations can draw us…
- Even the highest human joys are mixed...
- Even though I cannot know…
- Even when failure...
- Even when I don't understand You...
- Even when Jesus was an infant…
- Even with the Messiah...
- Ever Increasing Health in Christ
- Everlasting Father
- Every guilt trip that doesn't...
- Every Moment in You
- Every moment, Father, You are...
- Every other good in life...
- Every promise God ever made…
- Every struggle is a struggle of faith...
- Every time I interact…
- Everyone Is Invited!
- Everyone who follows Jesus Christ…
- EVERYONE, praise God...
- Everything I want, everything...
- Everywhere the Apostle Paul went…
- Evil seems to flourish unchecked...
- Evil will gradually draw us...
- Evil's False Face
- Evil's False Power
- Examine My Motives
- Exodus Fulfilled in Christ
- Explore God
- Ezekiel's Calling
- Ezekiel: A Vision of New Life
- Face-to-face with the Living God
- Facing His darkest hour...
- Facing temptation, Father…
- Faith Spreads
- Faith That Lives On
- Faith, not reason, is God's chosen...
- Faith: The Greatest Bargain in the Universe
- Fall and Incarnation
- Father and Son
- Father Creator, help me to…
- Father Creator, You always provide...
- Father Creator, You are renewing...
- Father Creator, You share with me Your...
- Father God, my mind and imagination…
- Father in deciding between right and wrong...
- Father may Your Spirit fill my heart...
- Father of all life and all good
- Father of all, in these divisive...
- Father of love, thank You…
- Father, Abraham lived his whole life...
- Father, adorn me with…
- Father, all life, all goodness...
- Father, all power belongs...
- Father, all that exists is Yours...
- Father, all that I "accomplish"...
- Father, all that I have and am...
- Father, all that I have…
- Father, all that we see and touch...
- Father, all that You do is good...
- Father, all the earth...
- Father, all those hanging threads…
- Father, all we believers are...
- Father, all we Your servants are...
- Father, all Your children pass through...
- Father, all Your life…
- Father, all Your people, all nations...
- Father, am I clinging…
- Father, am I enslaved by my money…
- Father, among Your people, may I…
- Father, anger and anxiety grow…
- Father, any good that we have been...
- Father, any view of reality...
- Father, are any of my former thoughts…
- Father, are there any ways…
- Father, as I bow to You…
- Father, as I bring You my daily concerns...
- Father, as I continue Christ's work...
- Father, as I cry out to You...
- Father, as I experience…
- Father, as I face another day in...
- Father, as I face decisions today…
- Father, as I face each temptation...
- Father, as I humbly receive...
- Father, as I live in these threatening times...
- Father, as I look back…
- Father, as I pray, keep me...
- Father, as I read today...
- Father, as I read, I come...
- Father, as I see the suffering of Your dear Son...
- Father, as I speak, may I...
- Father, as I take communion...
- Father, as I trust You, I am dead...
- Father, as I trust You, my reality…
- Father, as I walk among people…
- Father, as I walk this daily journey…
- Father, as I walk through the dark times…
- Father, as I worship You…
- Father, as in Jesus' day…
- Father, as Jesus cleansed the temple…
- Father, as Jesus faced the whirlwind...
- Father, as Jesus was the primary...
- Father, as long as I am following...
- Father, as long as my heart is all Yours…
- Father, as long as…
- Father, as my fears grow…
- Father, as one You have trusted to teach...
- Father, as the Passover helps the…
- Father, as the sick thronged to Jesus…
- Father, as we begin to know You better…
- Father, as we discipline every area...
- Father, as we endure the...
- Father, as we follow Your leading...
- Father, as we follow Your Spirit…
- Father, as we give our time...
- Father, as we go into the world...
- Father, as we respond to You…
- Father, as we simply trust You, we...
- Father, as we simply trust You, You...
- Father, as we trust You, we are...
- Father, as we walk every step together...
- Father, as with Jesus, may doing…
- Father, as with Mary...
- Father, as You entrusted many churches...
- Father, as You sow...
- Father, as You speak today…
- Father, as You surround me…
- Father, as Your child, help me think...
- Father, as Your children we are already...
- Father, as Your servant may...
- Father, at present I see Your goodness…
- Father, at the cost of Your own...
- Father, bathe my thoughts…
- Father, bitterness and discontent…
- Father, bless me as You blessed...
- Father, bless me with the wisdom…
- Father, bless my dear loved ones…
- Father, bless my loved ones…
- Father, bless us today...
- Father, Brother, Breath of God...
- Father, by His coming…
- Father, by my attitudes…
- Father, by my own efforts...
- Father, by my words and my life…
- Father, by retelling the life stories...
- Father, by the Spirit of Christ guiding...
- Father, by Your Son You have freed...
- Father, by Your Spirit help me to...
- Father, by Your Spirit in me…
- Father, by Your Spirit, continue...
- Father, compared to much of the world...
- Father, consume more and more…
- Father, consume my life...
- Father, consume my life...
- Father, continue to grow my faith...
- Father, continue to nourish my trust…
- Father, continue to nurture my neediness...
- Father, continue to sanctify my thoughts…
- Father, continue to shape my heart…
- Father, continue to teach me...
- Father, Creator and Lord…
- Father, Creator of all the vast...
- Father, Creator of all, You freely...
- Father, Creator, Eternal God...
- Father, Creator, I want to know...
- Father, Creator, Redeemer, even...
- Father, Creator, Savior, only You...
- Father, Creator, Savior, You have...
- Father, Creator, Sovereign Savior
- Father, cure me of my restless desire…
- Father, cure me of the constant hunger…
- Father, day by day enrich...
- Father, day by day help me to walk...
- Father, deliver me from the craving…
- Father, deliver me from the foolishness of pride…
- Father, deliver me from the foolishness…
- Father, deliver me from the self-centered...
- Father, deliver me from the tyranny…
- Father, deliver me from the wisdom...
- Father, deliver us from dreams...
- Father, distraction and self-interest…
- Father, do You have deep...
- Father, don't let me be shaped or...
- Father, enable me...
- Father, engrave Your truth…
- Father, Eternal Almighty God...
- Father, eternal realities call me...
- Father, even at our best, how inconsistent...
- Father, even in our most desperate need...
- Father, even in this evil world...
- Father, even when deception is rampant...
- Father, even when doing good seems to be futile...
- Father, even when pressed…
- Father, even when You judge...
- Father, every day You give me…
- Father, every moment I want to think…
- Father, every time we see You working…
- Father, everything I do today…
- Father, everywhere I go, may...
- Father, evil is pressuring us...
- Father, express Your truth through us...
- Father, facing the most horrific trial...
- Father, facing this uncertainty…
- Father, faith in You is the way…
- Father, Father, Father...
- Father, feed me...
- Father, feelings of insecurity…
- Father, fill my heart and mind...
- Father, fill my heart only...
- Father, fill my heart with a longing...
- Father, fill my heart, not with "religion"...
- Father, following Christ is not a...
- Father, for Jesus, You were the foundation...
- Father, forgive my indifference…
- Father, forgive our small ideas...
- Father, form in me the wonderful…
- Father, form Your Son in me…
- Father, free me from all dreams…
- Father, free me from the desire for...
- Father, from our side of eternity…
- Father, fulfill all Your desires…
- Father, give me a gentle spirit...
- Father, give me a heart always hungry…
- Father, give me Christ's attitude...
- Father, Give Me Jesus
- Father, give me Noah's bold...
- Father, give me the mind…
- Father, give me the Spirit of Christ...
- Father, glorify Jesus Christ today…
- Father, Glorify Yourself
- Father, glorify Yourself in my deepest desires…
- Father, Glorify Yourself through This Need
- Father, gratitude is the beautiful fruit…
- Father, Greatest Good…
- Father, grow in me…
- Father, guard me from greed...
- Father, guide me to the place…
- Father, He is with You right now…
- Father, heal me of all negative...
- Father, help me be careful how...
- Father, help me both savor...
- Father, help me drink...
- Father, help me follow Jesus today...
- Father, help me lay aside…
- Father, help me live every day from…
- Father, help me lives as Your servant...
- Father, help me never be…
- Father, help me never walk...
- Father, help me not let...
- Father, help me not to allow...
- Father, help me not to be preoccupied...
- Father, help me not to cling to...
- Father, help me not to cling...
- Father, help me not to expect You...
- Father, help me not to grow...
- Father, help me not to let…
- Father, help me not to limit…
- Father, help me not to live in...
- Father, help me not to look...
- Father, help me not to respond…
- Father, help me not to say or do…
- Father, help me not to wrangle...
- Father, help me see my world…
- Father, help me serve You alone and...
- Father, help me set a godly example…
- Father, help me share Your heart…
- Father, help me to act like Your child...
- Father, help me to always be completely…
- Father, help me to always be...
- Father, help me to always live in response…
- Father, help me to always treat...
- Father, help me to be completely satisfied…
- Father, help me to be content...
- Father, help me to be more generous...
- Father, help me to be more patient...
- Father, help me to beautify…
- Father, help me to begin...
- Father, help me to cleanse from my life...
- Father, help me to cultivate...
- Father, help me to daily speak...
- Father, help me to daily, hourly, always...
- Father, help me to display Your generosity…
- Father, help me to drive...
- Father, help me to fill my here...
- Father, help me to flee...
- Father, help me to freely give…
- Father, help me to fully release...
- Father, help me to give myself…
- Father, help me to go through...
- Father, help me to guard my tongue...
- Father, help me to hear and obey…
- Father, help me to hold everything…
- Father, help me to hold loosely to my...
- Father, help me to keep my life weeded...
- Father, help me to keep my life…
- Father, help me to know when…
- Father, help me to know You, trust You...
- Father, help me to know You...
- Father, help me to lay aside anything…
- Father, help me to leave all my fruitless...
- Father, help me to lift my eyes…
- Father, help me to listen to each...
- Father, help me to live all the truth…
- Father, help me to live beyond…
- Father, help me to live in the reality…
- Father, help me to live in this present...
- Father, help me to live in Your presence…
- Father, help me to live moment by moment…
- Father, help me to live more and more…
- Father, help me to love and seek...
- Father, help me to love others...
- Father, help me to love those around me...
- Father, help me to make no peace...
- Father, help me to meet every situation...
- Father, help me to meet the challenges…
- Father, help me to no...
- Father, help me to not let...
- Father, help me to offer…
- Father, help me to only open…
- Father, help me to pray with...
- Father, help me to put aside…
- Father, help me to receive joyfully...
- Father, help me to receive the precious seed...
- Father, help me to remain content…
- Father, help me to remain in Your peace…
- Father, help me to remain open...
- Father, help me to respond…
- Father, help me to savor the deep…
- Father, help me to savor…
- Father, help me to see myself…
- Father, help me to see other…
- Father, help me to see people…
- Father, help me to see today...
- Father, help me to shepherd…
- Father, help me to spend less of myself…
- Father, help me to spend my entire life...
- Father, help me to stay as...
- Father, help me to take advantage…
- Father, help me to take every...
- Father, help me to talk to You...
- Father, help me to think and live...
- Father, help me to throw off…
- Father, help me to treasure You…
- Father, help me to treat all other...
- Father, help me to treat all...
- Father, help me to treat every…
- Father, help me to treat everyone in Christ…
- Father, help me to treat Your servants...
- Father, help me to truly "grow in grace"...
- Father, help me to trust in all You are…
- Father, help me to turn away…
- Father, help me to use my money...
- Father, help me to use the passing...
- Father, help me to use Your resources...
- Father, help me to walk in all the light…
- Father, help me to worship You today...
- Father, help me work up to...
- Father, help us deeply desire your very best...
- Father, help us not to fear what...
- Father, help us to follow wherever...
- Father, help us to see beneath...
- Father, help us to stay faithful…
- Father, help us to use the resources...
- Father, how amazing that You...
- Father, how can I be salt...
- Father, how can we trace...
- Father, how compact are…
- Father, how do we praise You...
- Father, how far and fast...
- Father, how I love being among...
- Father, how insignificant in Your eyes...
- Father, how loose...
- Father, how many beautiful truths…
- Father, how many times and in...
- Father, how often have I missed…
- Father, how often I am as dull...
- Father, how often we are distracted…
- Father, how temporary...
- Father, how wonderful our world...
- Father, I accept my weakness...
- Father, I always go wrong…
- Father, I am one in Spirit…
- Father, I am a small…
- Father, I am available...
- Father, I am challenged…
- Father, I am dead to the old life…
- Father, I am desperately needy...
- Father, I am limited…
- Father, I am neither the source…
- Father, I am not sure of myself...
- Father, I am passing through this world…
- Father, I am rude to You…
- Father, I am serving, worshiping...
- Father, I am strong in Your strength...
- Father, I am struck by...
- Father, I am weak…
- Father, I am Your child...
- Father, I am Your child…
- Father, I am Your servant. How...
- Father, I and my work are…
- Father, I can only accomplish...
- Father, I can only be and do...
- Father, I can't imagine…
- Father, I cannot boast about anything…
- Father, I cannot see the path ahead...
- Father, I come to You needing You...
- Father, I come to You now as I…
- Father, I come to You this…
- Father, I commit to You all…
- Father, I constantly pray to You…
- Father, I could not have...
- Father, I crave comfort and security…
- Father, I desire union with You...
- Father, I diet and exercise…
- Father, I do not live...
- Father, I do not trust…
- Father, I don't know how You work...
- Father, I don't need a major moral…
- Father, I don't want to sleep...
- Father, I don't want to spew...
- Father, I don't want to stand…
- Father, I eagerly anticipate my full...
- Father, I embrace the brevity…
- Father, I exalt You, praise You...
- Father, I feel like You have forgotten...
- Father, I feel pressured by a mounting list...
- Father, I get distracted by…
- Father, I get up every morning…
- Father, I give You everything I do…
- Father, I give You what little...
- Father, I gladly give all...
- Father, I have become rich...
- Father, I have limited time…
- Father, I have not made myself right...
- Father, I have nothing but what…
- Father, I have the wonderful privilege...
- Father, I know my weakness…
- Father, I know that dangers and challenges...
- Father, I know that even Your judgment…
- Father, I know what I want…
- Father, I limit the constancy...
- Father, I live, I hope...
- Father, I long for escape...
- Father, I long for my life...
- Father, I long for You to show...
- Father, I long to be clothed...
- Father, I Long to Know You
- Father, I long to live fully as Your child…
- Father, I long to live in full response…
- Father, I long to see the whole...
- Father, I longed to know You...
- Father, I look at the life of Your Son…
- Father, I look forward to an...
- Father, I look forward to the day...
- Father, I look forward to the day…
- Father, I look to this world...
- Father, I look to You now and...
- Father, I love every word...
- Father, I love You...
- Father, I love Your Word because...
- Father, I make myself a slave…
- Father, I need You...
- Father, I offer You…
- Father, I only want the glory You give...
- Father, I only want to do what...
- Father, I pray for the entire Christian...
- Father, I pray the entire...
- Father, I rationalize and justify my faults…
- Father, I receive this difficult situation…
- Father, I remember what I was like…
- Father, I rest in Your foreverness...
- Father, I see Jesus, and He is...
- Father, I see only the small picture...
- Father, I See You in Your Son
- Father, I see Your Son, and …
- Father, I serve not for money…
- Father, I set aside pleasing people…
- Father, I set aside...
- Father, I share Your glory through...
- Father, I submit to You...
- Father, I tend to judge…
- Father, I tend to take…
- Father, I thank You for good health...
- Father, I treasure my freedom...
- Father, I truly want to be the spouse…
- Father, I trust You to finish...
- Father, I wait patiently for You...
- Father, I want a living, unbroken connection…
- Father, I want for my loved ones...
- Father, I want to always live...
- Father, I want to be a clean vessel…
- Father, I want to be completely...
- Father, I want to be salt and light…
- Father, I want to joyfully fill...
- Father, I want to know Christ…
- Father, I want to know You and…
- Father, I want to live like all the Old...
- Father, I want to remain…
- Father, I want to rest in You…
- Father, I want to serve You as...
- Father, I want to show myself…
- Father, I want to sow my life...
- Father, I want to stay faithful...
- Father, I want to walk by...
- Father, I want to walk with You as...
- Father, I Want YOUR reward...
- Father, I will bring all my neediness…
- Father, I will bring You all my sorrow…
- Father, I will look to You...
- Father, I will not let my service to You…
- Father, I will not see the truth...
- Father, I will praise You with my words...
- Father, I will trust and obey You...
- Father, I worship You for...
- Father, I’m sure I have false…
- Father, if any of my habits…
- Father, if anything in my past deeds…
- Father, if I have softened…
- Father, if I want to live in Your Son...
- Father, if I were to fully perceive...
- Father, if it please You, take away...
- Father, if Jesus could face...
- Father, if we thank You for every gift...
- Father, if we would look beyond…
- Father, in a world of lies and vicious...
- Father, in a world where evil...
- Father, in all I do today...
- Father, in all my life and ministry…
- Father, in all my responses…
- Father, in all our need...
- Father, in all our unworthiness...
- Father, in all temptation…
- Father, in all that I say and do...
- Father, in all the distractions...
- Father, in death as in life...
- Father, in every situation I enter...
- Father, in every situation, even...
- Father, in every situation, with...
- Father, in good times and in difficult times...
- Father, in Jesus Christ You give us all…
- Father, in my daily life I will pursue...
- Father, in my heart…
- Father, in my personal relationships…
- Father, in my relationships with other people…
- Father, in my relationships with others...
- Father, in my thinking, in my living...
- Father, in my thoughts…
- Father, in my weakness, I ask...
- Father, in our age and time…
- Father, in our anxiousness, how...
- Father, in our deep ignorance…
- Father, in our relationships with You...
- Father, in our sufferings, disappointments...
- Father, in so much of my life…
- Father, in the crush of the day...
- Father, in the daily press of life...
- Father, in the day-to-day of discipleship…
- Father, in the face of every evil and...
- Father, in the face of every…
- Father, in the lives of Your servants…
- Father, in the long run my "success"...
- Father, in the new creation You are...
- Father, in the pressures of the day…
- Father, in the Psalms...
- Father, in the world we have trouble...
- Father, in these divisive days, help...
- Father, in this evil world, help...
- Father, in this life of conflicting pressures…
- Father, in this present struggle...
- Father, in this prolonged trial…
- Father, in this world and in this...
- Father, in this world of constant need...
- Father, in this world of lies, delusions...
- Father, in this world of lies…
- Father, in time and eternity...
- Father, in what areas of my life are You...
- Father, in what I say and what I do
- Father, in what ways am I...
- Father, in what ways does the smallness...
- Father, in what ways...
- Father, in Your loving plans for Your children…
- Father, in Your mercy deliver me...
- Father, in Your presence…
- Father, in Your unimaginable grace...
- Father, instead of asking...
- Father, instead of craving…
- Father, is any part of my life…
- Father, is there any part of Your...
- Father, is there anything I should change…
- Father, is there anything I'm doing…
- Father, is there anything in my life...
- Father, is there anything unfruitful…
- Father, is there anything unholy…
- Father, it frightens us…
- Father, it is not enough to have the truth...
- Father, Jesus always knew...
- Father, Jesus cared only about...
- Father, Jesus Christ came announcing…
- Father, Jesus Christ has come...
- Father, Jesus Christ is my shepherd…
- Father, Jesus craved time...
- Father, Jesus had no income...
- Father, Jesus is everything You are…
- Father, Jesus spoke only…
- Father, Jesus told the blind men...
- Father, Jesus was completely...
- Father, Jesus was single-mindedly devoted…
- Father, Jesus' relationship with You...
- Father, Jesus’ words and actions…
- Father, John the Baptist was so great...
- Father, keep a watch over my mind...
- Father, keep me bold in…
- Father, keep me completely humble...
- Father, keep me conscious…
- Father, keep me lovingly sensitive...
- Father, keep my eyes, not on my difficulties...
- Father, keep my heart…
- Father, keep us Christlike…
- Father, knowing You is life's...
- Father, lasting honor comes from You alone...
- Father, let nothing water down…
- Father, let Your rightness...
- Father, life periodically reminds me...
- Father, like Jesus, help me...
- Father, like Jesus, I want to live…
- Father, like John the Baptist…
- Father, like Paul, help me to never...
- Father, like Simeon
- Father, like the disciples on the road...
- Father, like the poor widow who gave...
- Father, living or dying…
- Father, make me less like Jeroboam...
- Father, make me the gift of love...
- Father, make my life a testimony…
- Father, make my love wiser…
- Father, make my times of sorrow...
- Father, make Your precious Word fruitful…
- Father, many things are allowable…
- Father, matters of eternal importance...
- Father, may all I think…
- Father, may all my plans and dreams...
- Father, may all my thoughts, hopes...
- Father, may all my thoughts, words...
- Father, may all our political views…
- Father, may all that flows…
- Father, may all that I am…
- Father, may every day of my life…
- Father, may every desire of my heart…
- Father, may everything I do today...
- Father, may everything I say and do...
- Father, may glorifying You…
- Father, may I always be humble...
- Father, may I always credit...
- Father, may I always live and speak...
- Father, may I and all my dreams...
- Father, may I bear injustice...
- Father, may I do each task today…
- Father, may I live and give...
- Father, may I never fearfully…
- Father, may I no longer be…
- Father, may I not grasp for...
- Father, may I not let Your pure Word...
- Father, may I take pride...
- Father, may I use each...
- Father, may Jesus Christ be all…
- Father, may love for Christ overflow...
- Father, may my actions today…
- Father, may my attitude...
- Father, may my daily life be my clearest...
- Father, may my every thought…
- Father, may my fellowship with Christ be...
- Father, may my heart always be...
- Father, may my heart and mind be always open…
- Father, may my life be a song...
- Father, may my life be a vibrant...
- Father, may my life be adorned…
- Father, may my life beautify Jesus Christ…
- Father, may my life make…
- Father, may my prayer life include...
- Father, may my prayers be driven…
- Father, may my prayers be shaped...
- Father, may my worship be obedience...
- Father, may our daily walk together...
- Father, may our prayer life include...
- Father, may our view of each other…
- Father, may people see and hear...
- Father, may praise and profound...
- Father, may the love of Christ control…
- Father, may the love of Christ lead me…
- Father, may the only glory...
- Father, may the people I encounter...
- Father, may you be pleased...
- Father, may Your glory…
- Father, may Your holiness...
- Father, may Your living, loving wisdom…
- Father, may Your love be all that it...
- Father, may Your name be glorified…
- Father, may Your ways...
- Father, most of the words in...
- Father, my desires, my time…
- Father, my earthly life is so brief...
- Father, my faith is in YOU, not...
- Father, my Father, help me to obey…
- Father, my Father, help me to simply...
- Father, my Father, help me turn...
- Father, my Father, save me...
- Father, my Father, thank You…
- Father, my hardships focus my faith…
- Father, my life here is uncertain…
- Father, my life is not…
- Father, my neediness is deep and wide…
- Father, my one ambition…
- Father, my only adequacy...
- Father, my only ambition and my deepest…
- Father, my only desire is...
- Father, my responsibility today…
- Father, my spirit is willing...
- Father, no crisis...
- Father, no matter how deep…
- Father, no matter how uncertain…
- Father, no matter what disappointment…
- Father, no matter what faces me…
- Father, no matter what happens or...
- Father, no matter what happens today...
- Father, no matter what happens...
- Father, no matter what my circumstances...
- Father, no matter what opposition…
- Father, no matter what songs...
- Father, no matter what stresses…
- Father, no matter what threats...
- Father, nothing escapes Your notice…
- Father, nothing is as valuable...
- Father, nothing that we hold is ours…
- Father, now we are stewards of what...
- Father, nurture in me the...
- Father, O what a blessing...
- Father, often I come to You so anxious…
- Father, often when You act...
- Father, one that I love…
- Father, only in You do our efforts...
- Father, only what is done from You…
- Father, Only You
- Father, only You make our efforts fruitful...
- Father, others will be influenced…
- Father, our future is all…
- Father, our future rests not...
- Father, our glory is You...
- Father, our images of Your power...
- Father, our imaginations strain...
- Father, our longing for home...
- Father, our minds and hearts…
- Father, our physical life is here...
- Father, our physical world seems…
- Father, our service to You focuses...
- Father, our treasure is not…
- Father, our unity with other…
- Father, outside of You, human beauty...
- Father, people flocked to Jesus...
- Father, perfect in wisdom...
- Father, Peter was awestruck...
- Father, pour the generous and gentle…
- Father, Psalm 72 is my prayer...
- Father, Receive My Gift
- Father, receiving Your perfect will...
- Father, refocus my praying...
- Father, regarding me…
- Father, remove all the unworthy distractions…
- Father, rescue me from a ravenous evil...
- Father, saturate my mind...
- Father, save me from the little temptations...
- Father, Save Us from Fear
- Father, search me...
- Father, seeing Jesus Christ...
- Father, self-centeredness easily sneaks…
- Father, self-centeredness permeates…
- Father, self-sacrifice was…
- Father, shape my habits and my heart…
- Father, show me how to serve today…
- Father, show me my daily life…
- Father, show me the people…
- Father, simple faith in the truth…
- Father, sin has absolutely no part in...
- Father, sin is horrible...
- Father, since all reality…
- Father, since every detail of my life...
- Father, since Jesus' followers…
- Father, since You are in Christ...
- Father, since You are who You are...
- Father, since You showed Your love by...
- Father, so fill my heart...
- Father, so fix my heart on You...
- Father, some of the ways You speak and work...
- Father, somehow, through all I am...
- Father, sometimes I need to talk to You…
- Father, sometimes I trust You enough…
- Father, sometimes it seems that You…
- Father, sometimes what You do…
- Father, sometimes You allow us to face...
- Father, sometimes Your work seems...
- Father, Son, and Spirit
- Father, spread Your goodness freely…
- Father, step by step...
- Father, teach me the humility...
- Father, teach me to live fully...
- Father, teach me to live in all…
- Father, Teach Me to Pray!
- Father, teach me what this call...
- Father, teach us to live and work…
- Father, temporary trials develop in me...
- Father, thank You for a salvation…
- Father, thank You for always acting...
- Father, thank You for disciplining me...
- Father, thank You for fully bringing Yourself...
- Father, thank You for giving us glimpses…
- Father, thank You for giving us Yourself...
- Father, thank You for holding Yourself
- Father, thank You for teaching us…
- Father, thank You for the assurance…
- Father, thank You for the cleanness..
- Father, thank You for the eternal, holy…
- Father, thank You for the family…
- Father, thank You for the perfect...
- Father, thank You for the pleasure…
- Father, thank You for the rich...
- Father, thank You for the wonderful…
- Father, thank You for turning everything...
- Father, thank You for what…
- Father, thank You for Your marvelous...
- Father, thank You for Your stern warnings…
- Father, thank You for Your tender concern...
- Father, thank You for Your willingness...
- Father, thank You for Your…
- Father, thank You that I can rest…
- Father, thank You, thank You, thank You...
- Father, thank You, thank You...
- Father, the alabaster anointing...
- Father, the beautiful truth of the gospel…
- Father, the believers around us are…
- Father, the Bible reminds us...
- Father, the blessings that flow...
- Father, the Body of Christ will grow…
- Father, the coming judgment is…
- Father, the crucial question is not…
- Father, the evil one tempts me as...
- Father, the fulfillment of Your promises...
- Father, the future flows from You...
- Father, the gospel spreads…
- Father, the highlight of my life…
- Father, the human race is like a prism…
- Father, the individuals around me…
- Father, the injustice of this world...
- Father, the life of Joseph...
- Father, the love You show in Jesus Christ...
- Father, the more I look to You, the more...
- Father, the more I trust You and love You...
- Father, the offerings we bring...
- Father, the Old Testament saints...
- Father, the only reward I seek...
- Father, the real point...
- Father, the river of time…
- Father, the sobering truth is that...
- Father, the Spirit of Christ within...
- Father, the Spirit of Your Son gives...
- Father, the truth You have revealed to us...
- Father, the waiting we endure...
- Father, the way You work is often...
- Father, the work You have called us...
- Father, the works of our hands...
- Father, thinking about Jesus Christ…
- Father, this is the light...
- Father, This Is What I Want
- Father, this is what I want...
- Father, this is Your world…
- Father, this world is engulfed...
- Father, those Jewish disciples...
- Father, those who practice Your wisdom...
- Father, though I am nothing…
- Father, though I am small...
- Father, though I cannot rely…
- Father, though I don't trust…
- Father, though the road is long...
- Father, though the road…
- Father, though we are engulfed...
- Father, though we are small...
- Father, though Your hand is unseen...
- Father, through all my inconsistencies…
- Father, through all my unrealized hopes...
- Father, through all our neediness...
- Father, through all that I pursue
- Father, through difficult days, help...
- Father, through difficult relationships…
- Father, through the daylight...
- Father, through this prolonged…
- Father, through Your Spirit help...
- Father, through Your wonderful words...
- Father, throughout my days...
- Father, throughout my hardship…
- Father, throughout the day, fix…
- Father, to us Your ways...
- Father, today broaden my understanding...
- Father, today feed my mind...
- Father, today fill me with the holy…
- Father, today help me show those…
- Father, today help me to be...
- Father, today help me to cleanse...
- Father, today help me to say…
- Father, today help me trust You…
- Father, today I need to be…
- Father, today I will interact...
- Father, today I will press ahead…
- Father, today may my life sing...
- Father, today may Your name...
- Father, today may Your Spirit guide…
- Father, today shine Your light...
- Father, today speak Your Word...
- Father, today we are in Your tender care...
- Father, today You are carrying my burdens...
- Father, today, help me to live as...
- Father, today, in every situation…
- Father, we always reap what we sow...
- Father, we are in a complex and confusing...
- Father, we are so focused…
- Father, we are so proud...
- Father, we cannot grasp Your holiness...
- Father, we cannot understand this world…
- Father, we chafe under...
- Father, we claim to long for...
- Father, we don't need to fear...
- Father, we don't receive all the wonderful gifts…
- Father, we face temptations and…
- Father, we have a living relationship...
- Father, we live in the darkness…
- Father, we may be persecuted for obeying...
- Father, We Need You
- Father, we see only this shadow…
- Father, we small, weak, short-lived...
- Father, we thank You for both…
- Father, we thank You for Your unfailing love...
- Father, we think of ministering to…
- Father, we too often judge...
- Father, we trace Your hand
- Father, we trust Your love: You...
- Father, we walk and work each day...
- Father, we want to think...
- Father, we who sow...
- Father, we will wait on Your way...
- Father, weighed down with needs...
- Father, what a marvelous privilege...
- Father, what a momentous and...
- Father, what a wonderful gift is freedom...
- Father, what amazing and marvelous ways…
- Father, what an amazing reality...
- Father, what beautiful, life-giving fruit...
- Father, what distractions have...
- Father, what is critical is not how much…
- Father, what joy when I realize…
- Father, what prejudices or false notions…
- Father, what small-minded...
- Father, what wonderful, deep…
- Father, whatever challenges...
- Father, whatever circumstances today brings...
- Father, whatever disappointments come…
- Father, Whatever Glorifies You
- Father, whatever I am sowing day after day…
- Father, whatever I have done in Your service...
- Father, whatever my challenge...
- Father, whatever of Christ's sufferings…
- Father, whatever troubles and threats…
- Father, when all love's hopes…
- Father, when all seems dark...
- Father, when all the world seems dark...
- Father, when anxiety rises in me...
- Father, when faced with temptation…
- Father, when hardship comes to me…
- Father, when human means seem...
- Father, when I am burdened...
- Father, when I am treated unfairly…
- Father, when I begin to realize who You are...
- Father, when I disobey you...
- Father, when I do wrong...
- Father, when I don't understand...
- Father, when I feel overwhelmed and...
- Father, when I focus on myself…
- Father, when I get discouraged...
- Father, when I join You in caring...
- Father, when I lack confidence…
- Father, when I live Your truth…
- Father, when I need Your provision…
- Father, when I needed You...
- Father, when I pray for Your glory...
- Father, when I pray, help...
- Father, when I receive the lowliest...
- Father, when I speak Your truth…
- Father, when I think about the situation...
- Father, when I was far…
- Father, when Israel fully…
- Father, when Jesus returns…
- Father, when Jesus was abandoned…
- Father, when my feelings and perceptions...
- Father, when my focus shifts...
- Father, when my heart and my life...
- Father, when storms engulf me...
- Father, when that great day comes…
- Father, when the threat is very real...
- Father, when those around me don't...
- Father, when trouble faces me...
- Father, when unfair...
- Father, when we are laid low...
- Father, when we are lost...
- Father, when we are unloving or fearful…
- Father, when we fail to trust You…
- Father, when we sacrifice or suffer…
- Father, when we suffer injustice...
- Father, when You call me…
- Father, when You call us to Your service...
- Father, when You face me…
- Father, when You incarnated Yourself...
- Father, when You purge creation of everything false...
- Father, when You speak to me...
- Father, when You speak…
- Father, when Your gifts feel like burdens…
- Father, whenever I come before You…
- Father, whenever You call me...
- Father, whenever You call me…
- Father, wherever I go…
- Father, wherever You are leading me…
- Father, whether or not...
- Father, while I trust and obey You…
- Father, while serving You…
- Father, whoever is elected...
- Father, with all my needs...
- Father, with all our political leaders…
- Father, with so many suffering…
- Father, with the challenges...
- Father, with threats all around me...
- Father, with what boldness...
- Father, with whatever riches…
- Father, with whatever You give me...
- Father, with You we can go...
- Father, without You, we are hopelessly…
- Father, You allow hardships...
- Father, You and all Your words are sure...
- Father, You and Your Word are pure...
- Father, You are a Giver…
- Father, You are a patient teacher…
- Father, You are all my hope...
- Father, You are all-in-all...
- Father, You are All-in-all...
- Father, You are always and completely...
- Father, You are always wise…
- Father, You are always with me, faithfully...
- Father, You are always with me…
- Father, You are complete in Christ...
- Father, You are complete…
- Father, You are completely unlimited...
- Father, You are driven by love…
- Father, You are eager to be God…
- Father, You are eternal. Our...
- Father, You are eternal...
- Father, You are glad to lead...
- Father, You are good in every way...
- Father, You are high and holy, transcendent…
- Father, You are joyfully generous...
- Father, You are just and always work justice...
- Father, You are making me new…
- Father, You are most pleased...
- Father, You Are My Joy
- Father, You are my light, my...
- Father, You are my reward for service…
- Father, You are my wisdom...
- Father, You are never rushed…
- Father, You are not fooled...
- Father, You are passionate about lost people...
- Father, You are patient with our mixed motives…
- Father, You are perfect justice...
- Father, You are pure light, love…
- Father, You are pure Light. Help…
- Father, You are riches in...
- Father, You are so far above us...
- Father, You are so generous with…
- Father, You are so patient…
- Father, You are sovereign God, so…
- Father, You are sovereign Lord…
- Father, You are sovereign over…
- Father, You are teaching me not...
- Father, You are teaching me...
- Father, You are the center of all reality...
- Father, You are the center of all reality…
- Father, You are the focus of all reality...
- Father, You are the Giver of all...
- Father, You are the goal toward which…
- Father, You are the God of Abraham…
- Father, You are the Life and…
- Father, You are the Lord…
- Father, You are the master of time...
- Father, You are the only desire...
- Father, You are the sovereign Source...
- Father, You are the truth…
- Father, You are using my disappointments…
- Father, You are wise and loving…
- Father, You are with me always and forever...
- Father, You are with me always...
- Father, You are with me wherever...
- Father, You are working for...
- Father, You began to save...
- Father, You bless all who trust You...
- Father, You bring good…
- Father, You call us to follow Christ...
- Father, You call us to live lives...
- Father, You call us to pray…
- Father, You call us to witness...
- Father, You can deliver…
- Father, You can speak universes...
- Father, You care deeply and personally...
- Father, You comfort me and...
- Father, You comfort us in...
- Father, You created me and set me...
- Father, You deeply desire oneness...
- Father, You deliver the needy...
- Father, You deliver us from futile…
- Father, You develop the precious qualities…
- Father, You do not call me to success...
- Father, You do not disperse...
- Father, You do what pleases You…
- Father, You don't rank individuals…
- Father, You exposed Your…
- Father, You fashioned all this world...
- Father, You fed 5000+...
- Father, You feed us with suffering...
- Father, You fill my life…
- Father, You forget nothing…
- Father, You gave all You are...
- Father, You gave the gift...
- Father, You gave us rules...
- Father, You gave Your holy, beloved...
- Father, You give each of us some task…
- Father, You give me everything I need...
- Father, You gladly supply our needs…
- Father, You graciously enable me…
- Father, You guided…
- Father, You have anointed Your Son...
- Father, You have blessed me and...
- Father, You have brought all You are...
- Father, You have committed to me…
- Father, You have communicated precious...
- Father, You have created and redeemed us...
- Father, You have decreed…
- Father, You have deep...
- Father, You have enriched my life…
- Father, You have entrusted me…
- Father, You have entrusted precious…
- Father, You have equipped me...
- Father, You have given me such…
- Father, You have given me this day...
- Father, You have graciously invited...
- Father, You have joined Yourself...
- Father, You have made me wealthy...
- Father, You have no limits...
- Father, You have not left us to wallow...
- Father, You have placed Your Almighty...
- Father, You have poured Yourself…
- Father, You have proven Yourself…
- Father, You have redeemed me…
- Father, You have removed everything…
- Father, You have set me apart...
- Father, You have shown me so much…
- Father, You have spoken Your full...
- Father, You have trusted me…
- Father, You have wonderful, gracious…
- Father, You have yet more truth…
- Father, You judge rightly...
- Father, You kept Your promise to Solomon...
- Father, You know exactly...
- Father, You know me thoroughly...
- Father, You know my financial resources...
- Father, You lead and provide day by day…
- Father, You led Abraham out...
- Father, You let Paul languish...
- Father, You listen to our groans...
- Father, You long to bless...
- Father, You long to lift us to…
- Father, You love everyone with...
- Father, You make promises that...
- Father, You move in history in Your...
- Father, You never forget or...
- Father, You offer freedom from sin...
- Father, You often bless me...
- Father, You often choose people…
- Father, You often let us feel...
- Father, You often work through…
- Father, You personally prepare Your servants…
- Father, You promise that according...
- Father, You promised to give good gifts…
- Father, You provide for Your servants…
- Father, You put within me the Spirit...
- Father, You put Your…
- Father, You raise life from stone-cold death…
- Father, You reward Your servants…
- Father, You sent Jesus to bring us…
- Father, You sent Your Son , not...
- Father, You show us Yourself...
- Father, You showed Yourself...
- Father, You speak the truth clearly...
- Father, You speak to us, and as we...
- Father, You speak Your promises...
- Father, You spoke, and all the universe…
- Father, You surround me...
- Father, You the almighty, eternal God...
- Father, You urge me to be quick...
- Father, You use our weaknesses...
- Father, You want a closer…
- Father, You want my life to be…
- Father, You want our faith to mature…
- Father, You want us to grasp…
- Father, You welcome those who...
- Father, You were faithful to…
- Father, You who hear our prayers…
- Father, You will give evil its hour...
- Father, You will make me sufficient…
- Father, You Yourself are life's...
- Father, You Yourself are my treasure...
- Father, You Yourself have breathed...
- Father, You've taught me…
- Father, Your Anointed Son has forever…
- Father, Your basic nature is love…
- Father, Your best blessings...
- Father, Your best gifts are in Jesus Christ…
- Father, Your blessing is more powerful...
- Father, Your boundlessness...
- Father, Your commands to us are often...
- Father, Your entire agenda…
- Father, Your faithfulness overwhelms...
- Father, Your gift to me is fullness…
- Father, Your gifts are lavish…
- Father, Your goodness to us extends...
- Father, Your goodness, justice...
- Father, Your heart is love…
- Father, Your Kingdom is a mustard seed...
- Father, Your love for me is...
- Father, Your love is the force…
- Father, Your love patiently endures…
- Father, Your love within...
- Father, Your loving heart longs...
- Father, Your magnificence permeates...
- Father, Your mighty, sovereign voice...
- Father, Your perfect, loving wisdom…
- Father, Your plan of salvation…
- Father, Your power and creativity...
- Father, Your power, Your wisdom...
- Father, Your presence in our lives now…
- Father, Your primary purpose for my labor...
- Father, Your promise is that one day...
- Father, Your purpose is broader and deeper...
- Father, Your purpose is to bless…
- Father, Your reality is broader...
- Father, Your realm is all reality...
- Father, Your salvation is not all…
- Father, Your Son came all the way…
- Father, Your Son gave up everything...
- Father, Your Son has sent me...
- Father, Your Son Jesus Christ is my...
- Father, Your Son Jesus saves me...
- Father, Your Son poured out all...
- Father, Your Son walked in You…
- Father, Your Spirit equips us...
- Father, Your Spirit ministers as He chooses…
- Father, Your Spirit now is my guarantee…
- Father, Your Spirit provides us...
- Father, Your Spirit works within us...
- Father, Your testing is part...
- Father, Your timing is always loving…
- Father, Your truth is the only truth…
- Father, Your truth overflows...
- Father, Your unfailing love...
- Father, Your unlimited wisdom, power…
- Father, Your wisdom and power...
- Father, Your wisdom is holy...
- Father, Your wisdom is not only...
- Father, Your wisdom is perfect…
- Father, Your witnesses fill a key…
- Father, Your Word becomes reality...
- Father, Your Word is my joy...
- Father, Your Word is so creative...
- Father, Your Word is so precious...
- Father, Your Word is wisdom, power...
- Father, Your Word performs Your work...
- Father, Your Word to us is…
- Father, Your word will...
- Father, Your Word, Your creation…
- Father, Your words to us are pure words…
- Father, Your work is deeper…
- Father, Your work on our behalf…
- Father, Your written word comes…
- Fear God Alone
- Fear of anything but God…
- Fear, distraction...
- Fearing Change
- Fearing the Father
- Fears within and the world around…
- Feast on Jesus
- Feed Me, Lord
- Feeding the Five Thousand
- Ferocious Love
- Fill Me with Love
- Fill My Thoughts
- Filled to All the Fullness of God
- Final Assurance
- Final, ultimate, eternal truth...
- Financially speaking, focus...
- Find your joy in the Lord…
- First Things First
- Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
- Flavored with Love
- Flowing in You...
- Focus on God
- Focus on Jesus Christ
- Focus on Jesus…
- Focus your ambitions on love...
- Focus your heart and life…
- Focusing on the temporary things…
- Follow Jesus
- Follow Me
- Follow One Leader
- Follow truth to its logical conclusion…
- Follow where the Lord leads...
- Following the Father
- Foot Washing
- For a time, God may isolate us…
- For God to work mightily through you…
- For God's people, love is the law…
- For Himself and for His followers...
- For Jesus, "fullness of joy"...
- For Jesus, the Father was His constant…
- For Today
- For years the Church...
- For You Alone
- Forced Fasts
- Foreshadowing the Resurrection
- Forever Faithful
- Forever Has Begun
- Forget "success"...
- Forgive Me, Lord
- Forgiveness #1
- Forgiveness #2
- Forgiveness Devotional
- Forgiveness Is Always Available
- Forgiving Each Other
- Forgiving Love
- Forgiving Others
- Free for the Asking
- Free, Fearless, and Complete
- Freedom
- Freedom in Christ
- Freedom is Jesus Christ
- Freely, Gladly Yours!
- From Every Nation
- From my own life experience...
- From the Father’s Hand
- From the Inside Out
- Fruit unto God
- Fruitful Living
- Fruitful Prayer
- Full Assurance
- Fullness of Joy
- Gaining the Mind of Christ
- Generations change...
- Gentle and Patient
- Gentleness is not weakness...
- Gethsemane
- Getting to Know Jesus
- Gifts of Love
- Gifts to Savor and Share
- Give Me Boldness
- Give Me Jesus
- Give Me the Mind of Christ
- Give Me Your Heart
- Give Thanks
- Give Us Our Daily Bread
- Give Us Our Daily Bread #3
- Give Yourself to Him
- Giving is a beautiful way...
- Glimpses of Messiah's Future
- Glorified Christ, as you walk…
- Glorify Jesus Christ
- Glorious Counterpoint
- Glorious Father, am I displeasing...
- Go Beyond
- God Alone
- God Answers Prayer
- God Blesses His People
- God Born Among Us
- God came among us focused...
- God Can Enable You Too
- God commanded that the tribe of Levi...
- God Decrees Our Well-being
- God designed our individual...
- God didn't spare His own Son…
- God doesn't think like...
- God Enjoys Your Company
- God Far and Near
- God Finds Joy in You
- God gives grace when...
- God Gives Himself
- God Gives Us Himself
- God gives us Himself…
- God has not called me to attack…
- God has sown His seed in You…
- God has unlimited resources…
- God Himself is all that you...
- God in Christ
- God in Christ in Us
- God in Three Persons...
- God Introduces Himself
- God is a gardener at heart…
- God is a giver, not a taker…
- God is all-in-all...
- God is always seeking workers...
- God Is Always Working
- God is bigger than life and death...
- God Is Drawing Us to Himself
- God is eager to teach you...
- God Is Here
- God Is in His Temple and on His Throne
- God Is Moved by Prayer
- God is never limited by money…
- God is not a set of rules...
- God is not blinded by time...
- God is serious about our holiness…
- God is the source of all…
- God is unfailing love and absolute dependability...
- God Is with You
- God is working through you to create...
- God is working. Wait...
- God Keeps His Own
- God Keeps His Promises
- God Loves the Lost
- God Loves to Grow Things
- God loves you completely and forever...
- God of All
- God of All Music
- God of all the arts...
- God of Endless Abundance
- God of glory, Your magnificence...
- God of Jacob
- God of judgment, when You arise...
- God of mystery...
- God of perfect timing...
- God of self-sacrifice...
- God of the Exodus
- God often chooses to speak through a lone voice...
- God Our Fullness
- God Our Healer
- God refuses to let His servants...
- God rules over all the chaos...
- God takes animals through the long…
- God Teaches Jonah
- God uses our weaknesses more...
- God wants us to know Him…
- God Wants You to Know Him
- God Who Sees
- God Will Be Exalted
- God Will Make All Things New
- God with Us
- God with Us: Completed in Jesus
- God Worked through Abraham
- God Worked through Moses
- God Worked through Noah
- God Works through People
- God Works through Us
- God's actions don't illustrate…
- God's blessing is not His wish…
- God's Burning Love
- God's Call to Samuel
- God's Eternal Promises
- God's Fruitful Vineyard
- God's Gentle Whisper
- God's Goodness
- God's Kingdom Comes
- God's light is always burning…
- God's Living Word
- God's most basic instinct...
- God's Mysterious Love
- God's Persecuted People
- God's Promise to Abraham
- God's Promise to Adam and Eve
- God's Promise to David
- God's Promise to Moses
- God's Promise to Noah
- God's purpose is never threatened…
- God's reward to His suffering...
- God's Spirit makes ordinary...
- God's truth is so marvelous...
- God's Unfailing Promises
- God's Unfruitful Vineyard
- God's wise stewards focus…
- God's working is not confined…
- God, help me to live like Christ today...
- God, I Want to Know You
- God, in my lowest moments...
- God, in the deepest desires...
- God, may each of my concerns...
- God, My Brother
- God, we are so completely needy...
- God, what a glorious day...
- God, You are my deliverance...
- God, You are my Savior, and I am…
- God, You continue to surprise...
- God’s Gift Wrapping
- God’s Life Within Us
- God’s Seeds Bear Fruit
- Good and Evil in the Psalms
- Grace and Peace
- Grace and Truth
- Grace and Truth 1
- Grace Goes Before Us
- Grasping for Greatness
- Great Sovereign of all reality…
- Greater Than the Temple
- Greet the new creation...
- Grow Us in Christ
- Growing in Grace
- Growing in Holiness
- Growing Me to You
- Growing through Prayer
- Guaranteed!
- Guard Your Desires
- Guard Your Heart
- Habakkuk's Prayer
- Hallowed Be Your Name
- Hannah
- Hard Changes
- Has God given you a task...
- Has the Lord called you to a task...
- Have Mercy
- Have the Attitude of Christ
- Have you been mistreated...
- Have You Lost Your First Love?
- Having tasted Your wonderful salvation…
- Having the Truth Within
- He Came
- He Comes to Us
- He Is Our Shepherd, We Are His Sheep
- Health, finances, relationships...
- Hear the counterpoint throughout…
- Hear your Father say, "My child...
- Hearing His Love
- Hearing the Spirit’s Voice
- Heartache, failure...
- Heaven and Earth Reunited in Christ
- Heaven and hell, now and forever...
- Heirs of God
- Help Me Remember
- Help Me to Know You
- Help me to live humbly...
- Help me to turn to You...
- Here in the middle of my trouble...
- Here is a request God will always grant...
- Here Is My Servant
- Hey, I Know Them!
- Hiding in You or from You?
- Hindered by Unbelief
- His Indescribable Gift
- His Love Endures Forever
- His Strength through My Weakness
- History's Destination
- Hold on to Love
- Hold Steady While He Works
- Holding Nothing Back
- Holiness
- Holiness Devotional
- Holy and Faithful
- Holy and Human
- Holy and just Father, help me...
- Holy God, we are overwhelmed...
- Holy God, You are truth...
- Holy Pride
- Holy, Almighty God made flesh...
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Honest with God
- Hope Devotional
- Hope Grows
- Hope Has No Ifs
- Hope That Does Not Disappoint
- How absolutely wonderful is the gospel…
- How Can I Thank You?
- How Can We Describe It?
- How can you please your Father…
- How corruptive and destructive is sin…
- How Do I Use This Prayer?
- How Do We Keep the Lord's Supper Meaningful?
- How does God honor His servants...
- How God Came
- How Much of a God?
- How much richer and more joyful...
- How much uglier…
- How often has Jesus come among us…
- How to Be Sure about God
- How to Celebrate Christmas
- How would your life change...
- However frightening the future…
- However I can glorify You...
- Human
- Human history seems to be…
- Humble God
- Humble in Christ
- Humility
- Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
- Hunger for God
- Hungry for a Word
- I Am Always with You
- I Am Asking, Father
- I Am from You
- I Am His Child
- I am not called to straighten out...
- I Am the Door
- I Am Your Creation
- I Am Your Servant
- I Am Yours
- I Am Yours Completely
- I bring each problem...
- I Bring My Weakness to You
- I Bring That One to You
- I Can Be and Do in You
- I Can Live in Christ
- I Cannot Live Half-heartedly
- I Choose You
- I Choose Your Presence
- I Come Seeking You
- I Delight to Do Your Will
- I Desire Only You
- I Follow You
- I have a personal, constant relationship…
- I Have a Seed
- I Hunger for You
- I Lay Down My Life
- I live in a world of hatred...
- I Long for the Father
- I Long for You, My Father
- I look at the glorified Christ…
- I look forward to being immersed...
- I Look to You in Temptation
- I love You, Father...
- I Need the Mind of Christ
- I Need You, Father
- I Offer You My Silence
- I owe a debt to every person…
- I Press Ahead toward Christ
- I See You More Clearly
- I Sing Your Glory
- I Thank God for You
- I treasure Your love…
- I Trust My Body to You
- I trust the Bible as one perfect...
- I Trust You with My Time
- I Want to Follow Jesus
- I Want to Know You
- I Want What You Want
- I Will Raise Him Up
- I Will Return
- I Will Stay Faithful
- I Work for You
- I've found it consistently true...
- I’ve Lost My Job
- If God Is for Us
- If I Am Following, You Are Leading
- If Jesus…
- If the Bible doesn't…
- If we could see…
- If we go where God sends us…
- If we throw aside… (paraphrased from Fenelon)
- If you are following Jesus…
- If you care so much for your loved ones…
- If you want to beat back...
- If you want to look good...
- If you want to please your Father…
- If you want to see your future…
- Ignore the voice of fear…
- Imagine
- Imagine how ignorant, selfish, false…
- Imagine how much better your...
- Imagine moving to the poorest...
- Imagine seeing all the connecting threads…
- Imagine the day when...
- Imagine the mutual joy...
- Imagine what your life would be...
- Imagine: the Creator...
- Immanuel: God with Us
- Immersed in disappointments and delays…
- Immersed in God
- Immersed in You
- Improving God’s Word
- In a sense, you share…
- In a world completely obsessed…
- In a world filled with distractions…
- In a world of difficult…
- In a world that denies moral absolutes...
- In all I say and do, Father…
- In all of Paul's suffering...
- In all the world, there is nothing...
- In all the world, throughout…
- In changing and uncertain times...
- In Christ
- In Christ I enjoy…
- In Christ we are never helpless victims…
- In comparison to Your love…
- In Control
- In daily life there are...
- In darkness and daylight...
- In Gethsemane
- In God's Holy Presence
- In heaven we will know and experience...
- In His final hours, Jesus was shrouded…
- In His Presence
- In Jesus Christ all the beautiful...
- In Jesus Christ we have infinite room…
- In Jesus Christ, the Truth...
- In Jesus' temptations in the wilderness...
- In Matthew 14, the Son of God...
- In Me You Have Peace
- In my neediness...
- In my thoughts, Father…
- In my unbelief...
- In Old Testament times, it was…
- In order to keep ourselves as…
- In our search for truth…
- In our surrender, in our...
- In plenty and in need...
- In Someone Else’s Skin
- In Spirit and Truth
- In Suffering
- In the Beginning, Father and Son
- In the End
- In the end, Father, the story...
- In the grip of all these threats...
- In the Light of the Cross
- In the lives of those who trust God…
- In the long run...
- In the noise and in the silence…
- In the Old Testament people responded…
- In the Silence
- In these divisive days...
- In these divisive times...
- In this dark world we cannot yet see…
- In this false world…
- In this need, Father, help me...
- In this selfish, troubled...
- In this world filled with trouble...
- In this world, Father, I am...
- In what ways have you suffered…
- In You, Almighty God…
- In your concern for our nation, remember...
- In your difficult, uncertain situation...
- In Your eyes, Father, my family members…
- In Your service, Father...
- In Your Time
- In Your work, Lord, what I can do…
- Incarnation Wonder
- Indebted to God's Love
- Individuals, Not Issues
- Infinite Love
- Inscrutable God
- Inspiration
- Interruptible
- Interruptions
- Invest in Forever
- Invest Wisely
- Invest your brief, earthly life...
- Is anything more important than...
- Is God Fair?
- Is the Bible Accurate?
- Is there anyone specific for whom…
- Isaiah 6: The Prophet's Response
- Isaiah's Vision
- It is astounding what God...
- It is exciting when God uses...
- It is not Your miracles or Your gifts...
- It's OK to lack confidence in yourself…
- Jacob at Bethel
- Jesus Among Us
- Jesus and His Father
- Jesus at the Last Supper
- Jesus befriended the moral outcasts of His day...
- Jesus Christ Devotional
- Jesus Christ is our example...
- Jesus Christ is the Father's good news…
- Jesus Christ is the full and final revelation…
- Jesus Christ is the Word...
- Jesus Christ, I give myself to You…
- Jesus Christ, Our Completeness
- Jesus Christ, Our High Priest
- Jesus Christ, Our Intercessor
- Jesus Christ, Sovereign God, is forever…
- Jesus Christ, the I AM
- Jesus Christ, You have come to us...
- Jesus Died, Risen, Lord of All
- Jesus emphasized the coming judgment…
- Jesus entered, not only our flesh...
- Jesus has already walked...
- Jesus Introduces Himself
- Jesus Is the Bridegroom
- Jesus Is the Word
- Jesus knows death and life…
- Jesus modeled this definition…
- Jesus Models Forgiveness
- Jesus Models Prayer
- Jesus Provides Forgiveness
- Jesus returned from the…
- Jesus talked to You often, Father...
- Jesus taught: Don’t spend your life…
- Jesus tells us: Don’t think…
- Jesus the Word
- Jesus Walks Among Us
- Jesus was continually at odds...
- Jesus was engulfed in violence…
- Jesus was faced with a woman...
- Jesus was humbled that we...
- Jesus was led by Your desires...
- Jesus was misjudged...
- Jesus was murdered by religious people…
- Jesus was rejected, as were…
- Jesus was the only person on earth...
- Jesus was transfigured AS...
- Jesus was who He was because…
- Jesus was Your temple
- Jesus Weeps for the Unrepentant
- Jesus Will Call Us to Account
- Jesus' compassion was aroused...
- Jesus' dealing with us is neither…
- Jesus' Heart for People
- Jesus' life perfectly illustrates this truth...
- Jesus, as I follow You in daily service…
- Jesus, as I read Your Word today…
- Jesus, as we take communion…
- Jesus, Brother, Shepherd...
- Jesus, Light of the World…
- Jesus, My Power and Wisdom
- Jesus, the Good Shepherd
- Jesus, when You return…
- Jesus, whenever You show up...
- Jesus, You shared my weakness…
- Jesus, You Yourself are now our temple...
- Jesus: Your Ultimate Choice
- Jesus’ Bond with the Father
- Jesus’ Family
- Jesus’ Last Words
- Jesus’ Life Is God’s Promise
- John the Baptist
- John the Baptist Introduces Jesus
- Jonah stumbled...
- Joy
- Joy at His Coming
- Joy Devotional
- Joy is the inevitable...
- Joyfully Giving All
- Judas, the Jewish leaders...
- Judgment Day
- Judgment Has Already Begun
- Just as we cannot fully understand...
- Just one step, Lord...
- Just Talk with Him
- Justice
- Justice and Mercy
- Justified through Jesus
- Keep in Step with the Spirit
- Keep My Heart Awake
- Keep the Focus on Him
- Keep Walking
- Keep Your Eyes on God's Love
- Kind to the Unkind
- King of Kings and Lord of Lords
- Kingdom of Love
- Kingdom of Peace
- Kingdom seeking is not for...
- Kingship
- Knocking
- Know God by Faith
- Know Your Creator
- Knowing God
- Knowing Jesus Better
- Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 1
- Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 2
- Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 3
- Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 4
- Knowing the Unknowable
- Lamb of God
- Lament for Sin
- Lead Me Out, Lord
- Leaders from a different country...
- Learn a New Response to Need
- Learn to recognize Satan's agenda…
- Lessons from Solomon
- Let Life Come to You
- Let Love Fill My Moments
- Let Me Love You in Others
- Let There Be Light
- Let this reminder bring...
- Let Your Love Burn in Me
- Let's ask our Father to guide…
- Letter from a Concerned Father
- Life
- Life 1
- Life and Love
- Lift the eyes of your imagination...
- Lift Up Jesus
- Light
- Like any loving father, You spend…
- Like children, we don't appreciate…
- Like Jesus' disciples…
- Like Paul, I feel bound...
- Like Paul, we each play...
- Like Peter, I overestimate the…
- Like the disciples, Father…
- Like the disciples, we know the way...
- Like Your Son, Father...
- Like Your Son, Father…
- Listen
- Listen for His Word
- Listen to the Spirit of Christ…
- Listening to a Friend
- Little Things for God
- Live a life of simple faith...
- Live and speak the gospel so that...
- Live as Seeing the Unseen
- Live His Love
- Live in response to Sovereign God…
- Live in the All-in-all God
- Live in the Allness of God
- Live Love
- Live with the End in View
- Living a Relationship
- Living God
- Living in a Saturday World
- Living in Freedom
- Living in God
- Living in the Father's Presence
- Living Praise
- Living Toward God
- Living Water
- Living with Our Imperfections
- Living Without Guilt
- Long-term Obedience
- Longing
- Longing for God
- Longing for the New Creation
- Look and Listen!
- Look around at each...
- Look Around You
- Look around you. The entire…
- Look Back
- Look to Jesus
- Look to Jesus #1
- Look to Jesus #2
- Look to the Horizon
- Look to Your Father
- Look!
- Looking for Acceptance
- Lord God, every soul will soon witness…
- Lord God, however the present appears...
- Lord God, with every step...
- Lord Jesus, no one has ever been...
- Lord of All Realms
- Lord, as I become more and more aware...
- Lord, fill my life with Your love and...
- Lord, Forgive Me
- Lord, Give Me Light
- Lord, help me to live every day...
- Lord, I Am Listening
- Lord, I am restless to fill...
- Lord, I know that more is expected...
- Lord, in the midst of my greatest...
- Lord, just as with the woman...
- Lord, Today
- Lord, what a difference it makes...
- Lord, You are my treasure, my joy...
- Lord, You expected Your disciples not to fear...
- Love
- Love each other with...
- Love Him
- Love in Living Color
- Love Is Fruit
- Love is greater than any God-given abilities...
- Love Is Not Blind
- Love Lessons from Jesus
- Love One Another
- Love one another as You have loved us...
- Love That Teaches
- Love, struggle, comfort, challenge…
- Love’s Wisdom
- Loving Difficult People
- Loving Father, help me to endure...
- Loving Father, I long...
- Loving Father, may I always…
- Loving Father, our Shepherd...
- Loving Father, You guide...
- Loving Father, Your loving will...
- Loving Father, Your truth...
- Luke 11:37-54
- Luke 15: Restoration
- Luke 15: The Lost Son
- Luke 15: The Other Lost Son
- Luke 6:1-11
- Luke wrote his gospel because…
- Lust is self-centered and longs…
- Magnificent God
- Majestic in Holiness
- Make Every Song a Prayer
- Make God Flesh and Blood
- Make Me Gentle
- Make Me Whole in You
- Make My Love Wiser
- Make Them Rich in Christ
- Make This Day Holy
- Maker of all that is...
- Mangling the Word of God
- Manna: Bread from Heaven
- Many of God's richest blessings…
- Marriage Supper of the Lamb
- Master Gardener, You grow us…
- Master of all reality...
- May my attitude and my…
- May the riches that I pursue...
- May we be like the twelve...
- Meal of Remembrance
- Meditation on the Crucified Christ
- Meekness, not human glory...
- Merciful and patient Father, warn...
- Merciful Father, help us to guard…
- Mercy
- Mercy, Not Judgment
- Messiah and the Holy Spirit
- Messiah's Family Tree
- Ministry by Numbers: Jesus' Example
- Miracles?
- Moment by Moment
- Money
- Money
- Money can only offer temporary comfort…
- Money is a lifeless idol…
- Money is a medium of human exchange…
- Money only passes through...
- Money, comfort, health…
- Money, pleasure, and pride…
- More
- More and More
- More Loving
- More on Stewardship
- Morning Star
- Morning Thanksgiving
- Moses Stood with God
- Most High God, You humble Yourself...
- Most thought that the woman...
- Motives Matter
- Move in, Lord
- Musical and Spiritual Changes
- My Father, I will praise You with...
- My Father, our injustice…
- My Hands Are Yours
- My Heart Is Yours
- My Holy and Human Brother
- My hope, my glory, and my joy...
- My life and all my "possessing"...
- My Life Is Pain
- My Mind Is Yours
- My only ambition for today...
- My Own Prayer Retreat
- My Plans for You
- My prayer for all my loved ones...
- My Prayer Is a Promise
- My reputation, my belongings...
- My Time Is in Your Hand
- My Weakness Glories God
- Mysterious Wonders
- Natural Prayer
- Necessary and Easy
- Neediness
- Needing God
- Never Be Thirsty Again
- Never hesitate to follow God…
- New Driver
- Ninth Months Pregnant
- No Fear
- No Fear, No Bitterness
- No matter how deserted...
- No matter what our uncertainties…
- No matter what you are going through...
- No money, not human glory...
- Noah, Abraham...
- Not a Hair Will Perish
- Not the wonders of nature...
- Note Jesus' consistent pattern...
- Nothing but You
- Nothing but You, Christ
- Nothing defuses a confrontation...
- Nothing Else Matters
- Nothing in this world, seen or unseen…
- Notice that when Jesus revealed...
- Now Is the Time
- Now, Christ Alone
- Nurture Our Love
- O Almighty Father, You who...
- O Almighty, Eternal Father…
- O Almighty, Magnificent Father...
- O Awesome, Almighty God...
- O Delivering God...
- O Everlasting God, Your love takes...
- O Father Creator, all that...
- O Father Creator, no matter...
- O Father Creator, Sovereign King...
- O Father Creator, You who conceived...
- O Father in heaven, bless this earth...
- O Father, all reality overflows...
- O Father, because Your holy...
- O Father, bring justice...
- O Father, by Your faithful Spirit, fix...
- O Father, by Your faithful Spirit...
- O Father, cleanse me and...
- O Father, continue to deepen...
- O Father, continue to grow in me...
- O Father, deliver me...
- O Father, enthroned in unfailing love...
- O Father, everything else we trust...
- O Father, forgive me for the way...
- O Father, help me never...
- O Father, help me to guard...
- O Father, help me to live more...
- O Father, help me to remain pure...
- O Father, help us to glorify You and...
- O Father, help us to praise You...
- O Father, how I long...
- O Father, how marvelous is Your presence...
- O Father, I am glad IN YOU...
- O Father, I feel like an outsider...
- O Father, I rejoice in You...
- O Father, if only everyone recognized You...
- O Father, implant Your Word...
- O Father, in Jesus Christ...
- O Father, in me and in those...
- O Father, Jesus Christ is Your precious...
- O Father, lead me into...
- O Father, like Paul...
- O Father, make my love...
- O Father, may everything I do...
- O Father, may my worship...
- O Father, may nothing ever eclipse...
- O Father, may Your Kingdom come to...
- O Father, may Your wisdom...
- O Father, my Father, may I always respond...
- O Father, my heart sings for joy...
- O Father, my troubles are too much...
- O Father, no matter how small...
- O Father, Ruler of all reality...
- O Father, separate me entirely...
- O Father, thank You for our...
- O Father, we live in a world...
- O Father, what a day...
- O Father, what a privilege and pleasure...
- O Father, what a privilege to live...
- O Father, what a privilege to walk...
- O Father, what eternal riches we see...
- O Father, write James...
- O Father, You always have been...
- O Father, You are all truth...
- O Father, You are my protector...
- O Father, You are the lamp...
- O Father, You did not abandon us...
- O Father, You love me...
- O Father, Your love...
- O Father, Your vision...
- O Father, Your Word is forever...
- O God of infinite abundance...
- O God of Peace, You grant...
- O God, for me make the waiting…
- O God, high over all reality...
- O God, You are absolute...
- O Holy God, always good...
- O infinitely magnificent God...
- O just and loving Father...
- O Light of the World...
- O Living God, how every person on earth...
- O Living God, we know You...
- O magnificent Creator, our Shepherd, we sing...
- O Magnificent Father, my whole being...
- O magnificent God, in this world You immerse...
- O Magnificent God, Your creation...
- O Magnificent God...
- O merciful Father, by Your...
- O my Father, my Creator...
- O my Father, recognizing You...
- O my merciful Father, I want to walk…
- O the utter futility...
- O Unfailing Love...
- Obey God eagerly…
- On the Damascus Road
- On the outside, Father, we appear...
- On this beautiful day, Father...
- Once we are gripped...
- Once we grasp…
- One
- One Body
- One by One
- One Day
- One day, the reality…
- One Desire
- One Example
- One God
- One in Christ
- One of the most beautiful truths…
- One of the Tempter's strategies...
- One Question
- One Sacrifice
- One Thing I Seek
- One voice speaking the truth...
- One with Christ
- One with You in Christ
- One with Your Creator
- Only for the Lord
- Only God knows the whole...
- Only in Christ do we realize
- Only in You
- Only to Help and Heal
- Only to Your Glory
- Open My Eyes
- Open Your Eyes
- Openness and Simplicity
- Ordinary Things
- Other People’s Children
- Our All-encompassing God
- Our calling is like that...
- Our Childish Perspective
- Our Confidence
- Our Creator honors us with a...
- Our Creator, the Universal Being…
- Our Daily Bread
- Our Deeper Need
- Our Destiny
- Our difficulties and our opposition...
- Our Eternal Destiny
- Our Father
- Our Father did not spare…
- Our Father in Heaven
- Our Father is a gardener at heart…
- Our Father shares with us the joys...
- Our Father sows good seed in hearts...
- Our Father's best...
- Our Father's Discipline
- Our Father, righteous King of all...
- Our Father’s Discipline
- Our God deserves to be praised...
- Our Joining
- Our joy in Christ does not change...
- Our King
- Our lives are so brief that we have…
- Our Living Hope
- Our Longing for God
- Our longing for peace...
- Our loving Father repeatedly...
- Our Magnificent Future in God
- Our merciful Father has called...
- Our Patient Father
- Our personal reality can grow…
- Our present bodies are only…
- Our present bodies, as amazing as they are…
- Our Pursuer
- Our Reality in Christ
- Our reality is too small…
- Our Shepherd through the Wilderness
- Our sight is so limited by ignorance…
- Our Single-minded Father
- Our value and our glory...
- Our Wedding Day Is Near
- Ours is not a life…
- Out of the Depths
- Parenting
- Passionate about His Father
- Patience and Persistence
- Patience and Persistence in Prayer
- Patient Endurance
- Patient with Differences
- Paul faithfully delivered the gospel...
- Paul related to God's people...
- Peace
- Peace in the Storm
- Peace in You
- Pentecost
- People grow...
- People look for proof about God...
- People of God
- People of the Living God
- People won’t truly believe…
- Perfect Love, Wisdom, and Power
- Perfect Peace
- Persevere!
- Persistent Prayer
- Personal Lord
- Personal Service to Jesus
- Perspectives
- Picture This
- Pictures of the Messiah
- Place God's Word in your heart…
- Planting Seeds
- Please Yourself, Lord
- Practice kindness and compassion…
- Practicing the Presence
- Praise
- Praise to You, Our Father!
- Pray as Christ Prayed
- Pray as One of His Children
- Pray Continually
- Pray for Patience
- Pray for Those You Pass
- Pray in Love
- Pray in the Truth
- Pray to the Father of All
- Pray. He loves...
- Prayer Devotional
- Prayer does not enable a small...
- Prayer grows from wanting...
- Prayer in Gethsemane
- Prayer is connecting...
- Prayer is personal communication...
- Prayer Is Simply Talking to God
- Prayer Response to Ephesians 1:3-14
- Prayer Response to Ephesians 5:1-20
- Prayer Response to Luke 5:1-11
- Prayer Response to Romans 6
- Praying in His Presence
- Preoccupied with Love
- Prepare for Advent
- Prepare for Advent: Joy
- Prepare for Advent: Love
- Prepare for Advent: Peace
- Prepare for All Saints Day
- Prepare for Ascension Day
- Prepare for Ash Wednesday
- Prepare for Christ the King Sunday
- Prepare for Christmas
- Prepare for Easter
- Prepare for Epiphany
- Prepare for Holy Week
- Prepare for Lent
- Prepare for Ordinary Time
- Prepare for Pentecost
- Prepare for the Living Christ
- Prepare for Trinity Sunday
- Prepare for Worship
- Prepare Your Body for Worship
- Prepare Yourself for Praise
- Pride
- Promises
- Proverbs: The Wisdom of Creator and Father
- Prune Me
- Psalm 1: Fruits of God's Blessing
- Psalm 1: The Path to Blessing
- Psalm 104: How Should I Respond to My Creator?
- Psalm 104: Immerse Your Senses in God
- Psalm 104: Our Nourishing Creator
- Psalm 104: See God's Servants
- Psalm 119: Desiring God's Word
- Psalm 119: The Value of God's Word
- Psalm 132: Conclusion
- Psalm 132: Remember
- Psalm 139: Embracing His Knowing
- Psalm 19: God's Beautiful Law
- Psalm 19: The Sun
- Psalm 2: God Responds
- Psalm 2: Our Response
- Psalm 2: The World Threatens
- Psalm 23 Paraphrase
- Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want
- Psalm 23: In Deepest Darkness
- Psalm 23: My Provider
- Psalm 23: Provision in Threatening Times
- Psalm 24: God's Grand Entrance
- Psalm 24: Who May Come Before Him?
- Psalm 36
- Psalm 51: Confession
- Psalm 51: Confidence
- Psalm 51: Have Mercy!
- Psalm 51: Recommitment
- Psalm 51: Renewal
- Psalm 65
- Psalm 71: Trust and Praise
- Psalm 73: Captivated by God
- Psalm 80: God's Purpose
- Psalm 81
- Psalm 90: Teach Us to Number Our Days
- Psalm 90: We Are So Brief
- Psalm 94: A Warning
- Psalm 94: Confidence for the Future
- Pure Light
- Purpose
- Pursue Love
- Quit guiding your life...
- Quit Struggling
- Re-read Mark's raw account...
- Read Hebrews 11...
- Read the Old Testament law…
- Reading the little book of Jonah...
- Reality calls us to praise You...
- Realize this: you are serving…
- Realize who you are…
- Realizing His Presence Devotional
- Reborn
- Receiving Christ’s Servants
- Reciting What I Know
- Recognized as King
- Reflecting Back
- Reflection on Colossians 1:26-27
- Reflection on Colossians 2:9-10
- Reflection on Daniel 1
- Reflection on Daniel 2:1-23
- Reflection on Daniel 3
- Reflection on Habakkuk 1:1-4
- Reflection on Habakkuk 1:12 - 2:1
- Reflection on Habakkuk 1:5-11
- Reflection on Habakkuk 2:5-14
- Reflection on Habakkuk 3:1-15
- Reflection on Habakkuk 3:16-19
- Reflection on Hebrews 6:19-20
- Reflection on Isaiah 35
- Reflection on Isaiah 43:1-7
- Reflection on Psalm 1
- Reflection on Psalm 10
- Reflection on Psalm 100
- Reflection on Psalm 101
- Reflection on Psalm 102
- Reflection on Psalm 103
- Reflection on Psalm 105
- Reflection on Psalm 106
- Reflection on Psalm 107
- Reflection on Psalm 108
- Reflection on Psalm 11
- Reflection on Psalm 110
- Reflection on Psalm 111
- Reflection on Psalm 112
- Reflection on Psalm 113
- Reflection on Psalm 114
- Reflection on Psalm 115
- Reflection on Psalm 116
- Reflection on Psalm 117
- Reflection on Psalm 118
- Reflection on Psalm 119
- Reflection on Psalm 12
- Reflection on Psalm 120
- Reflection on Psalm 121
- Reflection on Psalm 123
- Reflection on Psalm 124
- Reflection on Psalm 125
- Reflection on Psalm 126
- Reflection on Psalm 127
- Reflection on Psalm 128
- Reflection on Psalm 129
- Reflection on Psalm 13
- Reflection on Psalm 130
- Reflection on Psalm 131
- Reflection on Psalm 132
- Reflection on Psalm 133
- Reflection on Psalm 135
- Reflection on Psalm 137
- Reflection on Psalm 138
- Reflection on Psalm 139
- Reflection on Psalm 14
- Reflection on Psalm 140
- Reflection on Psalm 141
- Reflection on Psalm 142
- Reflection on Psalm 143
- Reflection on Psalm 144
- Reflection on Psalm 145
- Reflection on Psalm 146
- Reflection on Psalm 147
- Reflection on Psalm 148
- Reflection on Psalm 149
- Reflection on Psalm 15
- Reflection on Psalm 150
- Reflection on Psalm 16
- Reflection on Psalm 17
- Reflection on Psalm 18
- Reflection on Psalm 19
- Reflection on Psalm 20
- Reflection on Psalm 21
- Reflection on Psalm 23
- Reflection on Psalm 24
- Reflection on Psalm 25
- Reflection on Psalm 26
- Reflection on Psalm 27
- Reflection on Psalm 28
- Reflection on Psalm 31
- Reflection on Psalm 32
- Reflection on Psalm 33
- Reflection on Psalm 34
- Reflection on Psalm 35
- Reflection on Psalm 36
- Reflection on Psalm 39
- Reflection on Psalm 41
- Reflection on Psalm 44
- Reflection on Psalm 46
- Reflection on Psalm 47
- Reflection on Psalm 48
- Reflection on Psalm 49
- Reflection on Psalm 5
- Reflection on Psalm 50
- Reflection on Psalm 52
- Reflection on Psalm 53
- Reflection on Psalm 54
- Reflection on Psalm 55
- Reflection on Psalm 57
- Reflection on Psalm 58
- Reflection on Psalm 59
- Reflection on Psalm 6
- Reflection on Psalm 61
- Reflection on Psalm 64
- Reflection on Psalm 65
- Reflection on Psalm 69
- Reflection on Psalm 69
- Reflection on Psalm 70
- Reflection on Psalm 71
- Reflection on Psalm 72
- Reflection on Psalm 73
- Reflection on Psalm 74
- Reflection on Psalm 75
- Reflection on Psalm 76
- Reflection on Psalm 77
- Reflection on Psalm 78
- Reflection on Psalm 79
- Reflection on Psalm 8
- Reflection on Psalm 80
- Reflection on Psalm 81
- Reflection on Psalm 82
- Reflection on Psalm 83
- Reflection on Psalm 85
- Reflection on Psalm 86
- Reflection on Psalm 87
- Reflection on Psalm 88
- Reflection on Psalm 89
- Reflection on Psalm 9
- Reflection on Psalm 92
- Reflection on Psalm 93
- Reflection on Psalm 94
- Reflection on Psalm 95
- Reflection on Psalm 96
- Reflection on Psalm 97
- Reflection on Psalm 98
- Reflection on Psalm 99
- Reflection on Psalms 42-43
- Reflection on Song of Solomon
- Reflection on the Book of Exodus
- Reinvest My Thoughts
- Rejoice
- Rejoice in Jesus Christ!
- Rejoice in Your Destiny
- Rejoice!
- Rejoice! Christ Is Here!
- Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks
- Rejoicing in the Darkness
- Relationship Lessons
- Relationships & Service Devotional
- Relax in the Silence
- Remember Him
- Remember that God's commandments…
- Remember that today, as with the…
- Remember Your God
- Remember: love is always God's…
- Repent
- Repent
- Reshape My Desires
- Responding as to You
- Rest
- Resting in You
- Revelation: God with His People
- Revelation: Opening the Scroll
- Revelation: The Glorified Christ
- Rewarding God
- Right here, right now, God is...
- Right Now Jesus Christ...
- Rise above every difficult relationship...
- Risen with Christ
- Romans 14:13-23
- Rulers arise in their own nation...
- Run with Endurance
- Ruth: Kinsman-Redeemer
- Sabbath
- Sacrifice will not deter us…
- Sanctify My Words
- Satan Bound
- Satisfied in You
- Saul of Tarsus was…
- Saul on the road to Damascus…
- Save yourself lots...
- Savior, when I stand before...
- Scarred
- Science doesn't have the…
- Seated with Christ
- Secure
- See God!
- See Jesus
- See Jesus Christ
- See the Eternal Son
- See the Future
- See the Glory of God
- See the sweep of what God is doing…
- See Your Destiny
- See Your Heavenly Father
- Seeds grow to many times...
- Seeing a Greater God
- Seeing God
- Seeing God's Glory
- Seeing the Unseen
- Seeking Me
- Self-centeredness
- Self-centeredness blinds us...
- Self-fulfillment is as vain...
- Self-indulgence is the path…
- Servant Song 4
- Serving in Christ’s Presence
- Serving our wonderful Father…
- Set Apart
- Shadows of Christ
- Shalom
- Shape Me with Your Presence
- Shape Me, Lord
- Share in Christ
- Share in the Father
- Sharing God’s Gifts
- Sharing His Life
- Sharing His Suffering
- Sharing Jesus' Father-Son Relationship
- Shepherd
- Shifting Light
- Silent Witnesses
- Simeon
- Simple Faith
- Simple Prayer
- Simple Responses
- Simply calling on our God...
- Simply Jesus
- Sin would enslave us…
- Sin's alluring promises are a lie…
- Since God created us as living...
- Since You have no needs...
- Sinful choices make us…
- Sing the Lord’s Prayer
- Sing to the Lord a new song
- Single-minded Devotion
- Six Wishes
- Slaves to a Lie
- Slaves to a Lie 1
- Slaves to a Lie 2
- Sleep is a good gift from God...
- Sleepless Nights
- So many seem to live without...
- So much of the seed…
- So much truth is spoken but not…
- Society encourages competition...
- Some have the gift of teaching...
- Some hurts in this life...
- Sometimes faith leads us to patiently…
- Sometimes God sends us out…
- Sometimes my daily path seems...
- Sometimes the Bible explains heaven…
- Sometimes when God seems to be...
- Sometimes when we seem to be...
- Son and Spirit
- Son of God
- Son of Man
- Soon everything hidden will be…
- Sorrow
- Soul Food
- Sovereign Father, You are leading me…
- Sovereign God made Himself a victim...
- Sovereign God, Loving Lord, my Father…
- Sovereign God, You dwell in eternity…
- Sovereign, almighty, all-loving God...
- Speak Your truth boldly and clearly...
- Speak, Lord
- Speaking and Listening
- Speaking for the Father
- Speaking to the Saints
- Spirit of Christ
- Spirit-driven
- Start with God
- Stay absorbed in the right things...
- Stay Alert and Pray
- Stay Focused on the Truth
- Stay in Touch
- Stay Ready
- Stay Ready
- Stewards of God’s Life within Us
- Stewards of Grace
- Stewardship
- Still Focused on the Father
- Still He Comes
- Strangers Here
- Strengthen Yourself in the Lord
- Strong and gentle Father...
- Stumbling Block or Cornerstone?
- Suffering
- Suffering patiently for Jesus Christ…
- Suffering Servant
- Suffering, tortured, rejected...
- Surely Jesus' birth and His resurrection…
- Surprised by Suffering
- Surprising Examples
- Taking Thoughts Captive
- Talk simply and honestly to your Father…
- Talking with God
- Teach Me to Praise You
- Teach Me to Pray
- Teach me, Father, how...
- Tell Your Story
- Temptation
- Tense Situations
- Thank You!
- Thank You, Father, for the joy...
- Thank You, gracious Father…
- Thank You, great...
- Thank You, loving Father, that...
- That Place
- The All-in-all Christ
- The All-in-all Is All I Need
- The All-in-all is...
- The Allness of God
- The Almighty, Eternal God…
- The angel's message to...
- The Annunciation
- The Anointed One
- The Anointing
- The Apostle Paul was…
- The Ascended Christ
- The Beatitudes Describe Jesus
- The Bible
- The Bible doesn't say that we are to love…
- The Blessings of Obedience
- The Blessings of the King
- The Blind Man of Jericho
- The Body of Christ
- The Bond of Prayer
- The Bride Is Ready
- The chance to contribute...
- The Christ I serve is wonderful…
- The Christ of Advent
- The Christ of All Saints Day
- The Christ of Christmas
- The Christ of Easter
- The Christ of Epiphany
- The Christ of Holy Week
- The Christ of Lent
- The Christ of Ordinary Time
- The Christ of Pentecost
- The Christ of Trinity Sunday
- The Christian life easily...
- The Christmas Story
- The Circle of Love
- The Closing
- The Coming of the Kingdom
- The Creator announced the birth…
- The Crucified Life
- The Danger of Drifting
- The Danger of Worry
- The Difference He Makes
- The Dream
- The effects of our sin are…
- The emptiness, pain, and sorrow…
- The Enthronement
- The epistles of Paul show...
- The Essence of Life
- The essence of preparation for life…
- The Eternal God overflows all…
- The Eternal I AM, the Source...
- The Exchange
- The Exodus: A Preview of the Plagues
- The Exodus: Seeming Setbacks
- The Exodus: Setting the Stage
- The Exodus: The Plagues Begin
- The Exodus: The Plagues Continue
- The eyes of all look to You...
- The Faces of Fear
- The Faith of Abraham
- The Father and Spirit in the Son's Ministry
- The Father has guaranteed a glorious...
- The Father Shares His Fullness
- The Father's Children
- The Father's Gift
- The Finale of Job's Confrontation with God
- The Flame of Hope
- The Foolishness of Unbelief
- The Freedom of Faith
- The Fruit of Relationship
- The fruitfulness of your life depends…
- The Fruits of Your Presence
- The Full Armor of God
- The Full Armor of God 1
- The Full Armor of God 2
- The Full Armor of God 3
- The Full Assurance of Faith
- The Gift of Forgiveness
- The Gift of Giving
- The Gift of God’s Spirit
- The Gift of Life
- The glory God shares...
- The glory of God is the greatest…
- The God of Life
- The Golden Kingdom
- The Golden Rule
- The Golden Rule is a reminder...
- The Good Samaritan
- The Good Shepherd
- The Goodness of God
- The Great Commission...
- The highest purpose for speaking...
- The Holy One
- The Holy Spirit in Acts
- The Holy Spirit in Creation
- The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
- The Holy Spirit leads us...
- The Holy Spirit: God with Us
- The Holy Spirit: Power to Be
- The Holy Spirit: Power to Serve
- The Hunger
- The I AM
- The Immensity of God
- The Importance of Being
- The Inevitable Reality
- The Jewel
- The Joy of Your Presence
- The Judgment
- The Just Will Live by Faith
- The Key to Fruitfulness
- The key to prayer and the fruit...
- The King of Judah burned...
- The Kingdom Is Growing
- The Kingdom Will Come
- The Lamb of God
- The Law and Wisdom Literature Point to Christ
- The Leper and the Paralytic
- The life of Christ, the mind of Christ…
- The Life of God
- The Light of the World
- The Light of Truth
- The Little Things
- The Lord Bless You
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Lord's Prayer Paraphrased
- The Lord's Supper and Passover
- The Lord’s Prayer in Context
- The magnificence of Jesus Christ…
- The Magnificence of the King
- The Magnificent One
- The Man of the Spirit
- The Meaning of the Lord's Supper
- The Meaning of the Resurrection
- The Mind and Spirit of Christ
- The Miracle of Growth
- The model to which we aspire…
- The Most Natural Way
- The Music of Prayer
- The Music of Prayer
- The Need Is in Me
- The New Creation Has Begun
- The Old Testament Law
- The One Thing
- The One we follow is the…
- The Only Reasonable Response
- The overwhelming...
- The Panorama of Ephesians 1 - 3
- The path of self-indulgence...
- The path to fruitfulness always…
- The Peace of Jesus
- The Pearl of Great Price
- The people all around you...
- The People of the Living God
- The perfect time to come...
- The Pharisees dealt with sin...
- The Pleasure of His Presence
- The Power to Choose
- The Price of Our Salvation
- The pride and thrill…
- The Priest King
- The prize held out…
- The process of holy living is the process…
- The process of holy living is…
- The Promise of the Spirit
- The Prophets Look Forward
- The purest prayer and the truest worship…
- The question we need to ask is not…
- The Quietness of Jesus
- The Reason We Sing
- The Resurrection Body
- The Resurrection of Lazarus
- The Second Coming
- The Seed and the Soils
- The Servant King
- The Shepherd King
- The Shepherd's Compassion
- The Shepherds' Invitation
- The Simplicity of Love
- The Son of Man
- The Son's Focus
- The Source of All Wisdom
- The Sovereign Lord of all reality speaks…
- The Spirit of Jesus
- The Star
- The stories of David & Goliath...
- The Story of the Magi
- The Suffering Servant
- The Suffering Servant comes to bring...
- The Supreme Good
- The Surpassing Value of Knowing You
- The Sweet Fruits of Unity
- The Taste Test
- The Temple: Destroyed, but Not Forever
- The Temptation of Jesus
- The Tempter's Strategy
- The Touch of Christ
- The Transcendent God
- The Transfiguration
- The Treasure, the Pearl
- The Tree of Prayer
- The Triumphal Entry
- The Truth
- The truth is never on Satan's side...
- The truth of what God has done...
- The truth seems so little valued...
- The Truth Sets You Free
- The two disciples on the road to Emmaus…
- The Ultimate Fulfillment of God with Us
- The Ultimate King
- The Ultimate Treasure
- The Unchanging God
- The Uncrossable Gap
- The Unforgiving Servant
- The Unimposing Seed
- The Unseen God
- The Unshakable Kingdom
- The Wait
- The Way He Speaks
- The Way I Pray
- The Way, Truth, and Life
- The Wealth of Being
- The Wheat and the Weeds
- The Widow's Mite
- The Woman at the Well
- The woman with the...
- The Word
- The Word of God
- The Word: in Weakness and in Power
- Then and Now
- There is a perpetual humility...
- There is a rest in which…
- They Divided Your Clothes
- Think and Feel the Truth
- Think of every dark, difficult, needy place…
- This Day Is Yours
- This is my daily prayer for…
- This Is Our Champion
- This is the boundless life...
- This Is the One We Follow
- This Moment
- This morning, Father, I turn to You...
- This Time Is Yours
- Thoroughly Present
- Those who deny God consign...
- Though people and circumstances...
- Thousands of years after Eden…
- Through all that I read and hear...
- Through all the twists and turns…
- Through Difficulties
- Through every trouble...
- Through Eyes of Love
- Through our struggles, Father...
- Through Silence and Trumpets
- Through This Pain
- Throughout my life and...
- Throughout your heart...
- Time
- Time and Patience
- Titus 2:11-14
- To many, the idea...
- To see God's Church in action…
- To the trusting heart…
- To You alone, Father, I look in...
- Today help me live a...
- Today I am free to serve...
- Today in Your Care
- Today Is a Rehearsal
- Today my life may seem menial...
- Today your Father calls you to…
- Today's Focus
- Today's trials and sufferings will soon...
- Today, as You trust the almighty...
- Today, Father, fill my heart and mind...
- Today, Father, fill my…
- Today, Father, give me a humble...
- Today, Father, help me to keep my mind...
- Today, Father, help me to walk...
- Today, Father, I will not be afraid...
- Today, Father, I will not listen to…
- Today, Father, in this unique day...
- Today, Father, You are my Shepherd.
- Today, go wherever...
- Today, in every challenge…
- Today, let God spread...
- Today’s Companion
- Today’s Faith
- Today’s Forgiveness
- Today’s Prayer
- Today’s Task
- Together
- Top Priority
- Totally Available
- Toward Unbelievers
- Train yourself for godliness...
- Transcendent and Immanent
- Transcendent Father, help me to be so...
- Transfigured
- Treasure God's Word
- Treasures Old and New
- Triumphant through Suffering
- True Bread
- True Freedom
- True Riches
- True wealth is not…
- True, eternal wealth...
- Truly Free
- Trust Devotional
- Trust your Creator: be the person...
- Trust Your Father
- Trusting Christ, I am strong…
- Trusting God in the Darkness
- Trusting God is a process...
- Trusting our Father makes us both...
- Truth
- Tune Me Up
- Tuned to the Father
- Turn to God
- Turned Toward God
- Ultimate Urgency
- Ultimately, money is like…
- Unbroken Oneness
- Unchanging Faithfulness and Unfailing Love
- Unchanging Joy
- Undiscovered Blessings
- Undistracted Love
- Undying Love
- Unearned Love
- Unfailing Love, Absolute Dependabililty
- Unimaginable Power
- Union with God
- Unshakable Confidence
- Unspoken Prayers
- Unthinkable!
- Urgent!
- Use Me
- Use Me Today
- Usually we can analyze…
- Very often God doesn't answer...
- Violent opposition...
- Wait
- Walk by Faith
- Walk with Me
- Walking in Love
- Walking in the Spirit
- War and Peace
- Wars, betrayal, persecution…
- Washing Feet
- Watch and Pray
- Watch the Horizon
- Watching the arrest, trial, and crucifixion…
- Water into Wine
- We are a chosen people (1 Peter 2:9)...
- We are already citizens of heaven…
- We are blind until we trust God…
- We Are Complete in Christ
- We are God's fellow workers...
- We are immersed in realities…
- We Are Jesus’ Family
- We Are Listening
- We Are Living in Your Kingdom
- We Are Not Home
- We are quick to blame…
- We are servants of the Most High...
- We are weak and temporary...
- We Are Your Gift to the World
- We bear the most important…
- We believers are all together in the…
- We can be rich by human...
- We can't expect to see…
- We cannot avoid God’s pure truth…
- We cannot be perfect by our…
- We cannot coast through…
- We cannot make ourselves like God…
- We Come and Go as Your People
- We Come Seeking You
- We complain about our trials...
- We crave uniformity...
- We dream of making grand and glorious…
- We enjoy a well-being that flows…
- We experience the same temptations…
- We Follow Jesus
- We go to great lengths…
- We have a Light--a Light that…
- We have deep, satisfying, unending…
- We humans are like flowers…
- We know what the holy…
- We live in cities planned and built…
- We make physical sight the gatekeeper…
- We mourn the victims…
- We Must Decrease
- We Need to See You
- We Need You
- We pursue so many…
- We Rejoice in YOU
- We spend our lives fearfully holding God…
- We spread the fragrance...
- We Trust Your Love
- We Wait
- We Wait on You
- We were rebels against God…
- We will soon realize by personal…
- Weeping over Jerusalem
- Welcome the Silence
- Welcome, My King!
- Well-being
- What a Beginning!
- What a Day!
- What a Priceless Treasure!
- What a Wonderful Gift!
- What an amazing passage...
- What Could You Do If Nothing Else Mattered?
- What Could You Do If Nothing Else Mattered? Cont.
- What Do You Want from Your Music?
- What Do You Wish?
- What Do You Worship?
- What Does Christ Think of Christmas?
- What does it mean to fear God...
- What Does Your Faith Demand?
- What Gifts Would You Give?
- What Glorifies You?
- What If I Prayed?
- What Is Hindering Me?
- What Is in Your Hand?
- What Is Justice?
- What Is Real?
- What is your God-given ministry…
- What Kind of Father
- What Matters Most
- What needs are you feeling…
- What people has God committed…
- What Was Jesus Really Like?
- What We Will Be
- What Will Last
- What Will Matter Then?
- What work does the Holy Spirit…
- What’s in a Name?
- What’s the Problem?
- Whatever awaits me the moment after I die...
- Whatever else the Lord...
- Whatever You give me to do today...
- Whatever you're facing, there's only…
- Whatever your faults and failures...
- Whatever your ministry, don't focus...
- When a believer "dies"...
- When Christ returns and the end of this age…
- When concerns for your physical body…
- When Darkness Comes
- When Discouragements Come
- When eternal truth is fully revealed...
- When evil threatens its worst...
- When faced with change...
- When faith is simple…
- When Faith Seems Illogical
- When fear tempts me…
- When God allows you a bit of hardship…
- When God allows you to face…
- When God Calls
- When God calls you to a task...
- When God comes knocking…
- When God delays, He may be...
- When God gives you a gift...
- When God leads us through difficulties…
- When God Speaks
- When God works, He will do it…
- When His Healing Is Complete
- When I am tempted…
- When I Drive
- When I Fail at Ministry
- When I feel a need...
- When I look at other believers...
- When I Met Jesus
- When I Worship You
- When I'm Angry
- When I'm Ill
- When interruptions come, Father...
- When Isaiah faced...
- When Jesus fed the 5,000...
- When Jesus walked on water…
- When John the Baptist sought...
- When laying the foundation…
- When Loss Is Gain
- When Messiah Came
- When my Gethsemane comes...
- When our hearts are wrong...
- When our relationship with the True...
- When Paul was on trial...
- When problems come, Father…
- When redemption is complete…
- When society fails to uphold...
- When someone wrongs you, remember...
- When suffering unjust imprisonment...
- When Temptation Comes
- When tempted, remember...
- When the Church is as diverse…
- When the future is frightening...
- When the Heavens Open
- When the Real Me Prays
- When the Son of God became…
- When the Time Comes
- When the Walls Fall
- When trouble arrives…
- When we do wrong…
- When We Fail
- When we fear God - when we believe...
- When we leave God out of our lives…
- When we listen to the voice…
- When we sense God's presence…
- When we serve the Sovereign God...
- When We Trust God
- When We Worship
- When you are obeying God…
- When you are threatened...
- When you cannot understand what...
- When You Don't Belong
- When you embrace congregational songs...
- When you face temptation with…
- When you have done the will of God...
- When you hear a song...
- When you long for close...
- When you obey God…
- When you pray for God to glorify Himself...
- When you pray for healing...
- When you pray for someone...
- When you pray, always pray…
- When Your angel brought...
- When your life seems to be burning...
- When your world seems frightening...
- Whenever I feel a need…
- Whenever I talk about another person...
- Whenever you follow God, whenever...
- Where God Wants Me
- Where I Am
- Wherever God guides...
- Whether I am in church…
- Whether our deeds...
- Whether you are suffering...
- Which Spirit?
- While I freely admit my own ignorance...
- While Jesus was bearing the full weight…
- While the crowds marveled at Jesus' miracles…
- Who Is on Trial?
- Who is worthy to come...
- Who We Are in You
- Who’s in Your Boat?
- Wholehearted Support
- Wholeheartedly Yours
- Whom or What Do You Fear?
- Whose Child Are You?
- Why did God wait so long…
- Why Does God Save?
- Why Have You Forsaken Me?
- Why were the twelve apostles…
- Wind, Breath, and Spirit
- Wisdom doesn't come to those...
- Wisdom in Our Ignorance
- With both Nicodemus...
- With everyone I serve...
- With the needy, be the face…
- With those whose opinions differ...
- With You
- With Your love and Your power...
- Without love, spiritual gifts…
- Without You, Father, and dependence…
- Without You, Father, how...
- Without You, Father, sin…
- Without You, Father...
- Witnessing Even in Death
- Words are powerful...
- Words matter. They hurt…
- Words That Never Pass Away
- Work Gladly and Patiently
- Work While It Is Day
- Working and Resting in You
- Worry
- Worship
- Worship
- Worship and Submission
- Worship by Faith
- Worship Devotional
- Worship God in Spirit
- Worship God in Suffering
- Worship God in Truth
- Worship in the Book of Revelation
- Worship is more than telling God...
- Worship Like Jesus
- Worship While You Work
- Worshiping in the Darkness
- Worshiping money...
- Worshiping the Father
- Worshiping the Trinity
- Yahweh, Breath of Life
- Yes, Father, I gladly, eagerly...
- Yes, Jesus, I gladly take...
- You Alone
- You and Your truth...
- You Are Calling Me to Yourself
- You Are God
- You Are Good
- You Are His Child
- You Are Holy
- You Are in Full Control
- You Are My Defining Reality
- You Are My Home
- You Are Our Father
- You Are the Blessing
- You are the righteous...
- You are unfailing love...
- You Are with Me
- You Became Human
- You Call Me Back
- You Call Yourself My Father
- You Call, and We Come
- You can overcome everything you encounter...
- You Come
- You Come to Me
- You Come to Me Every Day
- You Did It for Me
- You don't have to go on a long search…
- You don't have to wait...
- You Give Yourself
- You Long for Relationship
- You Never Change
- You pour out Your wisdom...
- You Speak
- You Still Speak
- You use our most threatening...
- You will always, always...
- You, Almighty God...
- Your Chosen People
- Your confidence in God is exactly…
- Your Family in Christ
- Your Father delights to show mercy...
- Your Glory, Lord
- Your God is working…
- Your heart is the well…
- Your Holy Temple
- Your Implanted Word
- Your job is important…
- Your Kingdom Come
- Your Kingdom Come #2
- Your Kingdom Come, Father!
- Your Kingdom Grows
- Your Mighty and Tender Word
- Your most important, most far-reaching…
- Your perfect wisdom...
- Your Rest, Father
- Your Son cleansed the temple...
- Your spiritual gifts were given…
- Your weaknesses and neediness...
- Your Will Be Done
- Your Word becomes reality...
- Your Word enriches my life...
- Your Wrath Against Sin
- Yours Alone
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Familiar Tune | Hymn | Reading(s) | Recording |
| A Celebration of Life | Death lies naked before God... Re-read Mark's raw account... |
| A Father's Love | A Father’s Love Letter from a Concerned Father Luke 15: Restoration Luke 15: The Lost Son |
* | A Father's Prayer | In Your eyes, Father, my family members… Our Father Parenting You Are Our Father |
* | A Garden in the Night (BOYLSTON) | Father, as I experience… Gethsemane In Gethsemane Prayer in Gethsemane |
| A Garden in the Night (GETHSEMANE) | In Gethsemane Prayer in Gethsemane |
* | A Hymn for Loss and Disappointment | God is bigger than life and death... Keep Your Eyes on God's Love O Father, Your vision... When you cannot understand what... |
* | A Hymn for Milestones | |
* | A Hymn for the Wilderness | Abandon the notion... Look around at each... Reflection on the Book of Exodus When Your angel brought... |
| A Life of Thanksgiving | Father, Abraham lived his whole life... Father, all that I have and am... Father, as we endure the... Father, I see only the small picture... Father, thank You for always acting... Father, we thank You for both… Father, when all love's hopes… Father, You are my wisdom... Father, You bring good… Father, You lead and provide day by day… Financially speaking, focus... Heartache, failure... Let Life Come to You Rejoicing in the Darkness Satisfied in You When faced with change... |
| A Servant's Prayer (BINNEY) | As God works through His servants... As we display the submissive... Continue to serve your Father... Father Creator, You share with me Your... Father, I long for my life... Father, in death as in life... Father, may everything I do today... Father, refocus my praying... Father, somehow, through all I am... Father, You promise that according... Father, Your promise is that one day... Jesus, whenever You show up... Like Paul, we each play... O Father, may my worship... Your Glory, Lord Your Son cleansed the temple... |
* | A Servant's Prayer (GERMANY) | As God works through His servants... As we display the submissive... Continue to serve your Father... Father Creator, You share with me Your... Father, I long for my life... Father, in death as in life... Father, may everything I do today... Father, refocus my praying... Father, somehow, through all I am... Father, You promise that according... Father, Your promise is that one day... Jesus was the only person on earth... Jesus, whenever You show up... Your Glory, Lord Your Son cleansed the temple... |
* | A Song Was Born At Christmas | A Multitude of Angels Christmas Is a Story of Joy How to Celebrate Christmas |
| A Spirit of Joy | Joy Devotional |
* | A Thankful Heart | Do you want a closer, more constant… Do you want to be truly… Father, continue to nourish my trust… Father, help me to beautify… Father, I am rude to You… Father, This Is What I Want Focus your ambitions on love... Simple Responses Worship Devotional |
* | A Trinity of Hymns | |
| Adoration | Christmas Is a Story of Worship Praise |
| Advent Joy | Greet the new creation... Joy at His Coming |
| Ain'-a That Good News! | Surely Jesus' birth and His resurrection… |
| Alive in You | Behind the Hymn: Alive in You Clean Forever Easter Is a Story of Life Father, I am dead to the old life… Father, You are eternal. Our... Father, Your work on our behalf… Prepare for Easter See the Future Serving our wonderful Father… |
* | All Day, Every Day | |
* | All God's Children | |
* | All in Christ | All in Christ Each Person in Christ Father, fill my heart with a longing... Father, we who sow... Whose Child Are You? |
| All in You | All in You |
| All in You, Breath by Breath | Every Moment in You Father, Creator, Eternal God... Father, help me to hold loosely to my... Father, I am struck by... Father, my only adequacy... Father, so fill my heart... Father, thank You for giving us Yourself... Father, today help me to be... Father, You call us to live lives... God, in the deepest desires... My only ambition for today... O Father, how I long... The Beatitudes Describe Jesus |
* | All Night, All Day | God Keeps His Own |
* | All One in Christ | All One Father, all we believers are... Then and Now |
* | All Praise to You, Eternal Lord | Free, Fearless, and Complete Our King |
* | All the Angels Worship You | Exodus Fulfilled in Christ |
| All We Need | A Ministry of Salvation All We Need As we trust and obey God… Early Promises of Messiah Father, by Your Son You have freed... Father, cure me of the constant hunger… Father, Greatest Good… Father, I do not trust… Father, with what boldness... Father, You can deliver… Father, You graciously enable me… Father, You offer freedom from sin... God Can Enable You Too God is not a set of rules... God's Promise to Abraham I Am His Child Jesus Christ Devotional Jesus entered, not only our flesh... O God of infinite abundance... We cannot be perfect by our… |
| All-conquering Love | Ferocious Love God, You continue to surprise... |
| All-in-all | Do not seek human glory... Father, day by day enrich... Father, help me to flee... Father, I pray the entire... Father, may I always credit... Father, throughout my days... Father, You are All-in-all... God Our Fullness Self-fulfillment is as vain... With both Nicodemus... You Are God You Long for Relationship |
| Almighty God Is Near! | A Real Person Almighty God, You have solemnly... Father, help me to always live in response… Father, I know that dangers and challenges... Father, my spirit is willing... Father, today You are carrying my burdens... Final Assurance Forever Faithful God Answers Prayer God's light is always burning… No matter what you are going through... Realizing His Presence Devotional When fear tempts me… Whether you are suffering... With You You Are with Me |
* | Almighty God, You Never Change | Even when I don't understand You... God Gives Himself |
* | Almighty Life | Be sure of this... Right here, right now, God is... The Holy Spirit in Acts |
| Alpha, Omega | |
| Always in You | Father, are any of my former thoughts… Father, help me to no... Father, help me to put aside… Father, how far and fast... Father, self-centeredness easily sneaks… Father, You deeply desire oneness... Fill My Thoughts Focus on God Glorified Christ, as you walk… Glorious Father, am I displeasing... Honest with God O Father, help me to guard... Only to Help and Heal Psalm 19: God's Beautiful Law Sanctify My Words Titus 2:11-14 Tune Me Up |
* | Amen! | |
* | America, the Beautiful | Community |
| An Undivided Heart | All that you see is temporary… An Undivided Heart Change, uncertainty, temptations... Father in deciding between right and wrong... Father, as I face each temptation... Father, consume more and more… Father, everything I do today… Father, help me to lay aside anything… Father, help me to leave all my fruitless... Father, I know that even Your judgment… Father, I submit to You... Father, in Your unimaginable grace... Father, what distractions have... Forgiveness Devotional Guard Your Heart Learn to recognize Satan's agenda… My Heart Is Yours O Father, help me to remain pure... Pride Psalm 51: Renewal Single-minded Devotion The Simplicity of Love When God allows you to face… |
* | Anchored in God | Father, I am not sure of myself... Father, though the road is long... Reflection on Hebrews 6:19-20 |
| Antiphonal Carol | Behind the Hymn: Give Thanks to God The Magnificence of the King |
| As I Pray | Father, in every situation I enter... God Is Moved by Prayer Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 3 Listening to a Friend Pray as Christ Prayed Prayer Devotional Realizing His Presence Devotional The Music of Prayer The Tree of Prayer Unspoken Prayers |
| As I Trust You | "Let nothing disturb you... Active Faith All the ways Sovereign God… Beware of Unbelief Breakfast with the Lord Circumstance has never been the key... Clarity Father, all those hanging threads… Father, as we begin to know You better… Father, help me to always be completely… Father, Save Us from Fear Father, You are never rushed… Father, You speak to us, and as we... For a time, God may isolate us… God, may each of my concerns... Hindered by Unbelief I Am Always with You Imagine how much better your... It is astounding what God... Listening to a Friend Lord, just as with the woman... O Father, You are all truth... The Faces of Fear Today, Father, I will not be afraid... Today’s Faith Trusting God is a process... When we listen to the voice… Whenever I feel a need… You can overcome everything you encounter... |
* | As Simply as a Child | Children Come Humbly Father, how do we praise You... Father, Receive My Gift Father, You are most pleased... Father, You began to save... Father, You can speak universes... Today, Father, give me a humble... |
| As You Love | Father, give me a gentle spirit... Father, help me to act like Your child... Father, help me to love those around me... Father, help me to remain open... Father, help us deeply desire your very best... Father, You never forget or... Flavored with Love Forgiving Each Other Holding Nothing Back I Lay Down My Life In a world of difficult… Jesus, when You return… Kind to the Unkind Love one another as You have loved us... Prepare for Holy Week Relationships & Service Devotional Use Me |
| As You Loved Me | Father, by the Spirit of Christ guiding... Relationships & Service Devotional Responding as to You |
* | Ash Wednesday Hymn | Prepare for Ash Wednesday Sharing His Life |
| Ashes to Ashes | Ashes to Ashes Jesus emphasized the coming judgment… |
| Ask | Ask Your Father |
* | At the Pool of Bethesda | At the Pool of Bethesda |
* | Back to You | During our times of deepest need… Father, when we are laid low... Forced Fasts Neediness Secure When Discouragements Come You Call Me Back |
| Bathe Me in Your Light | |
| Be Immanuel in Me | Stumbling Block or Cornerstone? |
| Be Love in Me | Daily Gentleness Father, among Your people, may I… Father, as You entrusted many churches... Father, help me to keep my life… Father, help me to respond… Father, help me to treat every… Father, I constantly pray to You… Father, make me the gift of love... Father, may all our political views… Father, may my life beautify Jesus Christ… Father, my life is not… Father, thank You for Your… Father, today may Your Spirit guide… Fill Me with Love If Jesus… Individuals, Not Issues Keep My Heart Awake Lord, fill my life with Your love and... Practice kindness and compassion… With the needy, be the face… |
| Be Still | Are You God or Not? Even when failure... Father, my faith is in YOU, not... If God Is for Us You use our most threatening... |
| Be Still, My Child | A Word from Your Creator Don’t Fear Sufferings Father, You provide for Your servants… Father, Your love for me is... God didn't spare His own Son… Hear your Father say, "My child... I Am Yours I’ve Lost My Job Jesus has already walked... Today in Your Care When I'm Ill When Jesus fed the 5,000... When the Walls Fall With You |
| Be Strong | |
| Be the Incarnation | Father, as we discipline every area... Father, my Father, help me to obey… Father, since You showed Your love by... Father, we want to think... Make God Flesh and Blood |
* | Beatitudes Hymn | All the Best of Life Beatitudes Blessed Children of This Age Father, I will bring all my neediness… Father, You long to bless... |
| Beautiful Oneness | As with Christ Father, for Jesus, You were the foundation... |
| Bedtime Prayer | A Final Prayer for the Day |
* | Before the Starry Universe | Behind the Hymn: Before the Starry Universe Fall and Incarnation God's Promise to Adam and Eve |
| Behold the Star | |
| Beyond All Barriers | A Broader Vision Cross Every Barrier Father, those Jewish disciples... Father, You gave all You are... For years the Church... The Pharisees dealt with sin... We are a chosen people (1 Peter 2:9)... When Paul was on trial... |
| Beyond All Thought | God's Promise to David The Way I Pray The Word To the trusting heart… Unthinkable! |
* | Beyond Imagination | Almighty Father, You are leading... Father, by Your Spirit, continue... Father, fill my heart, not with "religion"... Father, help me not to let… Father, help me not to limit… Father, I eagerly anticipate my full... Father, thank You for the cleanness.. Father, the Spirit of Christ within... Father, though I am nothing… Father, through Your Spirit help... Father, what wonderful, deep… Filled to All the Fullness of God How Can We Describe It? Many of God's richest blessings… Master Gardener, You grow us… More Open My Eyes Our Creator, the Universal Being… Please Yourself, Lord The Holy Spirit leads us... The Importance of Being Union with God |
| Beyond Myself | Beyond Myself Father, may I live and give... Father, You are teaching me... |
| Blazing Love | Ambassadors of His Love As we see Jesus, we... Each of us who knows God… Father, like John the Baptist… Father, remove all the unworthy distractions… Father, the individuals around me… Father, You call us to witness... Father, You have created and redeemed us... Father, You put Your… Father, Your Son has sent me... Father, Your Spirit works within us... Father, Your work is deeper… In the long run... In your concern for our nation, remember... The truth of what God has done... Think of every dark, difficult, needy place… We bear the most important… |
* | Bless That Wonderful Name | What’s in a Name? |
| Bless Them with Your Best | Is there anyone specific for whom… Look Around You O Father, in me and in those... |
| Bless This Seed | Are you continuing to grow in faith... As God's servant, do you feel... Biscuits and Fish Consider the Seed Devote yourself to the truth… Do not be discouraged by small numbers... Do not despise the day... Do NOT judge God's work... Father, as You sow... Father, help us to stay faithful… Father, the believers around us are… God’s Seeds Bear Fruit I Have a Seed Like Paul, I feel bound... Our Father is a gardener at heart… Planting Seeds So much of the seed… The Kingdom Is Growing The stories of David & Goliath... Violent opposition... We are God's fellow workers... We can't expect to see… What people has God committed… When God allows you a bit of hardship… When God calls you to a task... Your Implanted Word Your Kingdom Grows |
| Blessed Be the Lord | |
| Blind Faith | A Relationship of Trust Believe that God will do… Every struggle is a struggle of faith... Father, through this prolonged… Father, when I don't understand... Father, when my feelings and perceptions... Fear of anything but God… God's working is not confined… Psalm 132: Conclusion Psalm 132: Remember Reciting What I Know Strengthen Yourself in the Lord The Faces of Fear The Unseen God |
| Born Again | Born Again |
* | Born in the Spirit | |
| Boundless God | Boundless God Father, You move in history in Your... |
| Breath of His Love | Father, in the daily press of life... Father, may Your holiness... Father, Son, and Spirit Look to Jesus Look to Jesus #2 O Father, what a privilege and pleasure... Worship God in Spirit |
| Breath of Life | As we chase all the best of life… Breath of God Father, as Jesus was the primary... Father, help me to savor… Father, today I need to be… God’s Life Within Us Never Be Thirsty Again Prepare for Pentecost You don't have to go on a long search… |
| By Faith | A Prayer for the Faith of Abraham Father, by retelling the life stories... Father, give me Noah's bold... Father, I want to live like all the Old... Father, when You face me… God Worked through Abraham God Worked through Moses God Worked through Noah God’s Gift Wrapping Long-term Obedience The Faith of Abraham The path to fruitfulness always… You Still Speak |
| By Faith in Jesus Christ (IN JESUS CHRIST) | Don't despair about your weakness… Father, by my own efforts... Father, simple faith in the truth… In Christ I enjoy… The Just Will Live by Faith |
* | By Faith in Jesus Christ (ST. THEODULPH) | Don't despair about your weakness… Father, by His coming… Father, by my own efforts... Father, I know my weakness… Father, may Your ways... Father, simple faith in the truth… Father, thank You for the wonderful… Father, when I was far… Father, You are the God of Abraham… In Christ I enjoy… Justified through Jesus The Just Will Live by Faith |
| By Your Breath | Breath of His Breath The Holy Spirit in Creation |
| Calling Us | Consistency |
* | Captives of Eternal Love | Blessed Are the Persecuted Father, help me to live in this present... Father, I long to be clothed... Father, sometimes Your work seems... Father, whatever of Christ's sufferings… Health, finances, relationships... How much richer and more joyful... Jesus was misjudged... Live with the End in View Our Reality in Christ The Inevitable Reality |
| Celebrate Christ | |
* | Child in the Manger | Glimpses of Messiah's Future |
| Children of the Lord | Father, I am Your child... Living in the Father's Presence O Father, You love me... You Are His Child |
* | Chosen in Jesus | All We Are in Him Chosen Father, as I continue Christ's work... Father, thank You for Your marvelous... Father, You have placed Your Almighty... In this world, Father, I am... The People of the Living God We are servants of the Most High... |
| Christ and His Bride | All Saints Day Blossoming Building a People Father, from our side of eternity… Father, You have decreed… Imagine the mutual joy... Jesus Is the Bridegroom One Thing I Seek Our Joining Prepare for All Saints Day The Bride Is Ready The Christ of All Saints Day |
* | Christ Crucified | Father, John the Baptist was so great... The Lamb of God This Is the One We Follow |
* | Christ Descended and Ascended | Christ Descended to the Place of the Dead |
| Christ Fulfills the Law | Christ Our Rightness |
* | Christ in Genesis and Exodus | Christ in Genesis and Exodus |
| Christ in Me | |
* | Christ in Psalm 3 | Christ in Psalm 3 Though people and circumstances... |
* | Christ in Psalm 30 | Christ in Psalm 30 In darkness and daylight... |
* | Christ in Psalm 38 | Christ in Psalm 38 Father, as I see the suffering of Your dear Son... |
| Christ in Psalm 4 | Christ in Psalm 4 Father, the evil one tempts me as... Father, You created me and set me... |
* | Christ in Psalm 40 | As I travel through this evil world... Christ in Psalm 40 Father, Father, Father... Father, how many times and in... Father, may my life be a song... Father, when I needed You... |
* | Christ in Psalm 45 | Christ in Psalm 45 |
* | Christ in Psalm 67 | Christ in Psalm 67 O Father, Jesus Christ is Your precious... |
* | Christ in Psalm 7 | Christ in Psalm 7 Father, You are perfect justice... Lord Jesus, no one has ever been... |
* | Christ in Psalm 8 | Christ in Psalm 8 Father, Your magnificence permeates... |
* | Christ Is Alive! We Live in Him! | Behind the Hymn: Christ Is Alive! We Live in Him! Easter Is a Story of Life Father, may my life be a vibrant... Father, You raise life from stone-cold death… Living in a Saturday World Ours is not a life… The Christ of Easter The Meaning of the Resurrection The New Creation Has Begun |
| Christ Is Come | Father, Psalm 72 is my prayer... Pictures of the Messiah The Ultimate King Why did God wait so long… |
* | Christ Is Coming! Lift Your Eyes! | Look! Prepare for the Living Christ Stay Ready |
* | Christ Is Our Horizon | Father, Your Son Jesus Christ is my... Look to the Horizon |
| Christ Is Shining in You | Prayer Response to Ephesians 5:1-20 |
| Christ My Joy | Our Father sows good seed in hearts... Our joy in Christ does not change... Unchanging Joy |
| Christ the Light | Christ the Light Father, somehow, through all I am... |
| Christ the Lord Is with Us! | Christmas Is for Everyone! Everyone Is Invited! Father, by my words and my life… Jesus Christ is the Father's good news… |
| Christ the Word | Jesus Is the Word |
* | Christ, Our Source and Goal | Christ Our Pattern Father, Creator of all the vast... Father, help me both savor... Father, help me both savor... Focus on Jesus Christ God is not blinded by time... Good and Evil in the Psalms Jesus was humbled that we... |
* | Christmas Love | More Loving |
| Clothe Me in Humility | Father, in our relationships with You... Help me to live humbly... Luke 11:37-54 |
| Colossians 1:26-27 | Father, by Your Spirit, continue... Reflection on Colossians 1:26-27 |
| Colossians 2:9-10 | Father, by Your Spirit, continue... Reflection on Colossians 2:9-10 |
| Come | Come to Me Father, help me to talk to You... Father, we don't need to fear... Father, when I pray, help... Father, You often let us feel... |
* | Come and Feast | Feast on Jesus |
| Come and Follow Me | An Adventure of Faith Father, when You speak to me... Follow Me God is a giver, not a taker… Knowing Jesus Better Prepare for Ordinary Time The Christ of Lent Walk with Me |
| Come and See the Works of Our God! | God, I Want to Know You O Father, help us to praise You... O Father, Your love... The Exodus: Seeming Setbacks |
| Come and See! | The Christmas Story |
* | Come Rejoicing! | Christmas Is a Story of Joy Free, Fearless, and Complete |
| Come See Our God | Follow Jesus I Want to Follow Jesus |
| Come to the Child | Unthinkable! We know what the holy… |
| Come, Children, Come | Rewarding God We Come and Go as Your People You Call, and We Come |
| Come, My Friends! | Come to Me Don't try to hide your need… Living Without Guilt |
* | Come, Our Lord! | Behind the Hymn: Come, Our Lord! Come, Our Lord! Energetic Waiting Father, Your presence in our lives now… I Will Return Longing for the New Creation Marriage Supper of the Lamb Our loving Father repeatedly... Today Is a Rehearsal We are already citizens of heaven… When you long for close... |
* | Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus | Constant Christmas Father, Give Me Jesus |
| Compelling Love | Gifts of Love Relationships & Service Devotional When John the Baptist sought... |
* | Complete in Jesus Christ | Complete in Jesus Creator, perfect health is being... Father, help me not to cling... Father, I am strong in Your strength... Father, I can't imagine… Father, I want to walk with You as... Father, since You are in Christ... Father, this is what I want... Father, You are complete in Christ... Father, You are eternal... Father, Your Son Jesus saves me... Focus on Jesus Christ In the end, Father, the story... Our Destiny Reborn The essence of preparation for life… The Golden Kingdom The Wait We Are Complete in Christ |
| Constant Love | Drink in the little blessings... Thank You! |
* | Content in You | According to Jesus:... Content Father, no matter what happens or... Father, You are always with me, faithfully... Father, You are with me always and forever... |
* | Created for Union with God | Created for Union with You Father, all the earth... God, we are so completely needy... O Father Creator, You who conceived... |
| Creation Praise | Open Your Eyes The Miracle of Growth |
| Creation Will Be Redeemed | Creation Will Be Redeemed |
* | Crucifixion Hymn | Crucifixion Easter Is a Story of Darkness Easter Is a Story of Love How much uglier… |
* | Daily Confession | Daily Forgiveness Freedom Have You Lost Your First Love? Holy God, You are truth... Like Peter, I overestimate the… Through our struggles, Father... Today’s Forgiveness |
| Day by Day in You, Our Lord | As I walk in Your Spirit... Father, help me not let... Father, help me to go through... Father, I want to walk by... Father, in all that I say and do... Father, since every detail of my life... God is unfailing love and absolute dependability... Hearing the Spirit’s Voice Living a Relationship Walking in the Spirit When the future is frightening... Without You, Father... |
* | Deck the Halls | |
* | Dedication Hymn | |
| Didn't He Rise! | Foreshadowing the Resurrection |
* | Discover Jesus Christ | A Christ-centered Year Behind the Hymn: Discover Jesus Christ He Came Life The Difference He Makes |
| Display Your Splendor in Me | My Weakness Glories God What Matters Most |
| Diversity Among God's People | Don't try to squeeze God's children... Embrace Diversity |
* | Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit | Be gentle with everyone… Father, help me set a godly example… Father, I don't want to spew... Father, in my relationships with other people… Father, keep us Christlike… Father, today help me to say… Father, You judge rightly... Luke 6:1-11 O Father, we live in a world... Speaking and Listening Speaking to the Saints When I'm Angry When the Church is as diverse… Whenever I talk about another person... |
| Do You Talk to the Lord? | Deliver Us from Evil #2 Growing through Prayer Stay Alert and Pray Top Priority |
| Draw My Desires to You, Lord | Father, fill my heart only... Father, like Jesus, help me... Father, Only You God Alone I Desire Only You So many seem to live without... Worship Devotional |
* | Each Moment by Faith | As you face your ministry task... Constantly, Completely Dependent Does the day ahead... Empty Empty Before God Father, for Jesus, You were the foundation... Father, I tend to judge… Father, in good times and in difficult times... Father, in my heart… Father, Jesus always knew... Father, Jesus had no income... Father, Jesus was completely... Father, like Jesus, I want to live… For Jesus, the Father was His constant… Jesus was who He was because… Jesus, You shared my weakness… Look to Jesus #1 Sharing Jesus' Father-Son Relationship There is a perpetual humility... Trusting our Father makes us both... |
| Engulfed in God | Engulfed in God |
* | Enthronement Hymn | Christ Draws Us Christ the King Easter Is the Story of a Coronation Father, You are pure light, love… King of Kings and Lord of Lords Lord God, every soul will soon witness… One Day One day, the reality… Prepare for Christ the King Sunday Rulers arise in their own nation... The Enthronement We pursue so many… |
| Ephesians 1 | All that matters now... Being a Christian is not about emotional highs... Complete in Our Father Father, help me to see myself… Father, thank You for what… Father, Your Word becomes reality... God Enjoys Your Company God Finds Joy in You Grace and Peace O Almighty, Eternal Father… Prayer Response to Ephesians 1:3-14 |
* | Ephesians 2 & 3 | The Panorama of Ephesians 1 - 3 Your Father delights to show mercy... |
| Epiphany Hymn (HELMSLEY 2) | When the Heavens Open |
* | Epiphany Hymn (REGENT SQUARE) | When the Heavens Open |
* | Eternal God, Unbound by Time | In Your Time O Everlasting God, Your love takes... |
* | Eternal Health | Are You Praying for Healing? |
* | Eternal Life Is Knowing You | Father, how wonderful our world... Father, how wonderful our world... Father, I Want YOUR reward... Jesus Christ is the Word... Our Father's best... The Surpassing Value of Knowing You This is the boundless life... |
* | Eternal Light | Holy, Holy, Holy Light The Uncrossable Gap |
| Eternal Treasure | Everyone Is Invited! |
* | Evening Prayer | At the End of the Day |
* | Ever Full and Overflowing | After centuries of enduring… Bear with one another's faults... Father, at present I see Your goodness… Father, I love You... Father, may Your love be all that it... Father, my earthly life is so brief... Father, we are so focused… Father, Your love is the force… For God's people, love is the law… God Teaches Jonah If you want to beat back... Life and Love Love each other with... Our merciful Father has called... Pray in the Truth Pursue Love |
* | Ever Standing in Your Presence | A Living, Present Being All-knowing, ever-present Father… Christ Helps Me Pray Father, in this world of constant need... Father, may our daily walk together... Fruitful Prayer God gives us Himself… God Wants You to Know Him How Much of a God? I have a personal, constant relationship… Like any loving father, You spend… Natural Prayer Practicing the Presence Pray as Christ Prayed Pray for Those You Pass Prayer Devotional Praying in His Presence Realizing His Presence Devotional Relax in the Silence Right Now Jesus Christ... Simple Prayer Today, in every challenge… When we sense God's presence… |
| Everlasting Father | Above All Behind the Hymn: Everlasting Father Everlasting Father Father, deliver me from the foolishness of pride… Father, if I were to fully perceive... Father, our glory is You... Father, we small, weak, short-lived... Father, You are the truth… O Father, I rejoice in You... O Father, if only everyone recognized You... O infinitely magnificent God... Parenting The Eternal God overflows all… Worship God in Truth You Are God |
| Everything I Need | Am I perfect... Care for Your Precious Plant Destructive Habits Father, the Spirit of Your Son gives... Father, Your Spirit equips us... Filled to All the Fullness of God God Can Enable You Too In my neediness... Jesus Christ Devotional Jesus, My Power and Wisdom Simple Faith Today, as You trust the almighty... When I am tempted… |
* | Everything's All Right! | Follow truth to its logical conclusion… Who’s in Your Boat? |
| Explore God | Explore God Father, You move in history in Your... Is anything more important than... |
| Ezekiel's Vision | A Glimpse of the New Creation Ezekiel: A Vision of New Life The Promise of the Spirit Wind, Breath, and Spirit |
| Failures and Prodigals | Is God Fair? |
| Family in the Lord | Father of love, thank You… Father, help me to savor the deep… Father, You are so patient… Father, You guided… God Loves to Grow Things We crave uniformity... When you embrace congregational songs... |
| Family Tree | Jesus’ Family Messiah's Family Tree We Are Jesus’ Family |
* | Far Above Riches | A Mother’s Love |
* | Father and Son | Father and Son Father, as I live in these threatening times... Father, bless me as You blessed... Father, express Your truth through us... Father, You gave Your holy, beloved... Flowing in You... I love You, Father... Our All-encompassing God Thank You, great... |
* | Father, As You Love Your Son | Christ Is Praying for Us Creator Father, every moment I want to think… Father, I want to know Christ… Father, in all our unworthiness... Father, this is what I want... Father, we see only this shadow… Father, You Yourself are my treasure... Grace and Peace Reborn Tuned to the Father |
| Father, Father | Being a Christian is not... Christ Helps Me Pray Do you want to delight... Do Your will in me, Father… Facing temptation, Father… Faith, not reason, is God's chosen... Father, as I face decisions today… Father, as I pray, keep me... Father, deliver me from the tyranny… Father, don't let me be shaped or... Father, free me from all dreams… Father, help me to pray with... Father, help me to treasure You… Father, I have nothing but what… Father, in what areas of my life are You... Father, make me less like Jeroboam... Father, may Your name be glorified… Father, sometimes I need to talk to You… I Bring My Weakness to You I Delight to Do Your Will I Want What You Want May we be like the twelve... Prayer grows from wanting... Prayer is connecting... Rewarding God Welcome the Silence Your Will Be Done |
| Father, Help Me Worship You | All rightness begins with... Don't chase emotional experiences… Father, am I clinging… Father, as I worship You… Father, help me to worship You today... Father, the offerings we bring... In the Old Testament people responded… The purest prayer and the truest worship… Worship Worship Devotional Worship God in Spirit Worship Like Jesus |
| Father, I See You in Your Son | Father, I See You in Your Son Father, seeing Jesus Christ... |
* | Father, I've Failed You | Father, if anything in my past deeds… Father, when I focus on myself… Father, when Your gifts feel like burdens… Forgiveness #1 Forgiveness Devotional Forgiveness Is Always Available Freedom God, My Brother Living Without Guilt Lord, Forgive Me Psalm 51: Confession Psalm 51: Confidence Psalm 51: Have Mercy! When We Fail |
| Father, in This Suffering | Father, I longed to know You... Father, through the daylight... Father, You allow hardships... Father, You use our weaknesses... God of self-sacrifice... I've found it consistently true... In Suffering O Father, like Paul... Some hurts in this life... Strengthen Yourself in the Lord Unshakable Confidence We complain about our trials... When Darkness Comes |
* | Father, Speak Your Word Again | Father, how insignificant in Your eyes... Father, today speak Your Word... Hungry for a Word Improving God’s Word |
| Father, We Come | Does your faith in God ever waver... Father, Glorify Yourself Father, Glorify Yourself through This Need Father, if it please You, take away... Father, may my prayers be driven… Father, my hardships focus my faith… Father, sometimes I trust You enough… Father, You call us to pray… Here is a request God will always grant... Pray for Patience When you pray, always pray… |
| Father, We Long to Know You | Father, I Long to Know You |
| Father, You See Our Need | All the beautiful qualities of Jesus Christ… Creator, Source and Goal... Father, help me not to be preoccupied... Father, I come to You now as I… Father, in my weakness, I ask... Father, is there anything unholy… Father, my Father, thank You… Father, this is what I want... Father, Your purpose is to bless… Freedom in Christ God is the source of all… Growing in Holiness His Strength through My Weakness Jesus Christ, Our Completeness Reborn Shape Me, Lord Sin would enslave us… So much truth is spoken but not… We go to great lengths… |
| Father, Your Name | A Glance Backward As It Is in Heaven Every moment, Father, You are... Father, all that I "accomplish"... Father, in the pressures of the day… Father, shape my habits and my heart… Father, today may Your name... Hallowed Be Your Name In the noise and in the silence… Our Father in Heaven The Closing |
* | Fear Not, You Are Mine | Reflection on Isaiah 43:1-7 |
| Fearing God | |
| Feeding the Five Thousand | Feeding the Five Thousand With Your love and Your power... |
| Feel the Savior's Heart for People | Father, our service to You focuses... Father, when You incarnated Yourself... Jesus' Heart for People Note Jesus' consistent pattern... |
| Focus | Decide Father, as I speak, may I... Father, I have limited time… Father, I tend to take… Father, I want to joyfully fill... Father, I want to stay faithful... Father, is any part of my life… Father, Jesus’ words and actions… Father, may I always live and speak... Father, may I never fearfully… Father, while serving You… Father, with whatever You give me... Father, You forget nothing… Father, Your primary purpose for my labor... Father, Your Son poured out all... God has unlimited resources… Looking for Acceptance Loving Father, may I always… Passionate about His Father The Apostle Paul was… Your Will Be Done |
* | For Such a Time As This | A Broader Vision |
| For the Joy | Father, help me to daily, hourly, always... Father, when You call us to Your service... Loving Father, Your loving will... The chance to contribute... |
| For You I Pray God's Peace | |
| Forever Has Begun | Forever Has Begun |
| Forever One | |
| Free to Choose | A Clear Choice Behind the evil we see in the human world… Darkness is the absence… Do not reject or… Evil will gradually draw us... Hiding in You or from You? The Power to Choose We are quick to blame… We cannot coast through… When we leave God out of our lives… |
* | Freedom Hymn | Truly Free |
| Freedom in You | Behind the Hymn: Freedom in You Complete Freedom Father, help me to take advantage… Father, help me to walk in all the light… Father, I could not have... Father, I treasure my freedom... Father, teach me to live in all… Father, when faced with temptation… Freedom is Jesus Christ God is all-in-all... God's Goodness Living in Freedom Living in God Only in Christ do we realize True Freedom |
| From These Depths, O Lord | Forgiveness #1 God, My Brother Living Without Guilt Out of the Depths Reflection on Psalm 130 The Blind Man of Jericho |
| From You, Through You, To You | All in All All-encompassing God Father, give me the Spirit of Christ... Father, may all I think… Father, only what is done from You… Hallowed Be Your Name In the Beginning, Father and Son Like Your Son, Father… Living in God Our value and our glory... |
| Fruit unto God | Fruit unto God |
* | Fruitful in You | As I face today's tasks... Be assured that whatever... Does the work God has given... Enjoying Christ Father, all that exists is Yours... Father, I accept my weakness... Father, is there anything in my life... Father, make Your precious Word fruitful… Father, only You make our efforts fruitful... Father, You are teaching me not... Fruitful Prayer God's Fruitful Vineyard God's Unfruitful Vineyard Only in You We Must Decrease When I Fail at Ministry |
* | Full Assurance | Father, as we simply trust You, we... Full Assurance |
| Full Knowing | God, help me to live like Christ today... Reflection on Habakkuk 2:5-14 |
* | Fullness of God | All the Fullness of God Creator, I am still part... Father, now we are stewards of what... God of self-sacrifice... Lord, as I become more and more aware... The Father Shares His Fullness |
* | Fullness of Joy | About "Fullness of Joy" Facing His darkest hour... Father, if Jesus could face... Father, make my times of sorrow... Father, no matter what my circumstances... For Jesus, "fullness of joy"... Fullness of Joy Teach me, Father, how... Very often God doesn't answer... |
| Galatians 2:20 | Crucified with Christ, Risen with Christ |
| Genesis 22 | Abraham's Sacrifice What Kind of Father |
| Gentle and Patient | Gentle and Patient |
| Gesu Bambino | |
| Gifts to Savor and Share | Gifts to Savor and Share Our Father shares with us the joys... |
| Give God What Is God's | Don't spend a single hour... Father, help me to use the passing... Father, I am serving, worshiping... I Am Yours Completely Make Me Whole in You Money only passes through... Prepare for Trinity Sunday The Widow's Mite When eternal truth is fully revealed... Wholeheartedly Yours Worshiping money... |
* | Give Me Jesus | Behind the Hymn: Give Me Jesus Give Me Jesus |
| Give Thanks to God | Behind the Hymn: Give Thanks to God Father, through all my inconsistencies… His Love Endures Forever Infinite Love Undying Love |
| Glorify Your Name | A Study in Failure, Part 6 A Study in Failure, Part 6 All God's servants are… Are you willing to let God... As Your servants, Father… Do you want God to glorify Himself... Earthen Vessels Father, I know what I want… Father, in the lives of Your servants… Father, may all my plans and dreams... Father, may I and all my dreams... Father, my desires, my time… Father, thank You for disciplining me... Father, through all my unrealized hopes... Father, Whatever Glorifies You Father, when hardship comes to me… Father, when I am treated unfairly… Father, when we suffer injustice... Father, You call us to pray… Hard Changes However I can glorify You... In our surrender, in our... In Your service, Father... Surprised by Suffering The Son's Focus What Glorifies You? What is your God-given ministry… When Darkness Comes When the Time Comes When trouble arrives… When you pray for God to glorify Himself... |
| Go to the Wilderness! | A Voice in the Wilderness |
* | God Alone | As It Is in Heaven #3 Don't live in response... Eternal Life Is Knowing God Father, as we give our time... Father, eternal realities call me... Father, help me to keep my life weeded... Father, help me to use my money... Father, I give You everything I do… Father, like the poor widow who gave... Father, nothing that we hold is ours… Father, Only You Father, today, help me to live as... Father, when You purge creation of everything false... God of Endless Abundance I Cannot Live Half-heartedly I Desire Only You My Hands Are Yours O Father, may nothing ever eclipse... Spirit-driven The One Thing The woman with the... |
* | God Answers Prayer | Conversation with Our Creator |
* | God Blesses His People | God Blesses His People Tell Your Story The Lord Bless You When you are obeying God… You Are in Full Control |
| God Comes | God's Promise to Noah Unthinkable! |
* | God Gives Us Himself | God Gives Us Himself |
| God in Christ in Us | God in Christ in Us Our calling is like that... The Man of the Spirit |
| God Introduces Himself | God Introduces Himself |
| God Is Calling | Can God's Existence Be Proven? The perfect time to come... |
| God Is Great, and God Is Good | Father, thank You for turning everything... Sorrow Worshiping in the Darkness |
* | God Is Here among Us | Christmas Is Past, Present, and Future |
* | God Is in His Temple | God Is in His Temple and on His Throne God rules over all the chaos... Let this reminder bring... |
* | God Is Light | Christ the Light Father, in this world of lies… God wants us to know Him… People look for proof about God... The Light of the World The Light of Truth |
* | God Is Speaking | As you go about your daily life… As you read and listen to God's Word... Do You Hear Him? Father, as we walk every step together... Father, Creator of all, You freely... Father, every day You give me… Father, help me to hear and obey… Father, I look to You now and... Father, I love every word... Father, in all the distractions... Father, You are a patient teacher… Father, You spoke, and all the universe… Hungry for a Word In a world filled with distractions… Listen Listening to a Friend Lord, I Am Listening The Source of All Wisdom When God Speaks |
| God Is with Us! | |
* | God Is with Us! Alleluia! | Christ the Tabernacle Consider This Gift The Word Unthinkable! |
| God Is Working All Around You | Don't let yourself be distracted... Father, I don't want to sleep... Father, some of the ways You speak and work... Father, sometimes what You do… Father, the life of Joseph... Father, we are in a complex and confusing... Father, You are working for... Father, You do what pleases You… For a time, God may isolate us… God Is Always Working God is working. Wait... God Keeps His Own Hear the counterpoint throughout… Hold Steady While He Works Our Father’s Discipline Silent Witnesses The Exodus: Setting the Stage The glory of God is the greatest… Wars, betrayal, persecution… Whatever you're facing, there's only… When You Don't Belong Your God is working… |
* | God My Father | As I Begin to Pray Creator Father, help me to think and live... Father, You are complete… Father, Your wisdom and power... I See You More Clearly Live in response to Sovereign God… Open My Eyes Our Father in Heaven Rewarding God |
| God of All Healing | Born out of my bout with cancer... We Are Your Gift to the World |
* | God of All People | Amos: But We Are Religious Be His Praise Ephesians 1:6 says... Father, I am neither the source… Father, teach us to live and work… Father, You don't rank individuals… Forgive Me, Lord From Every Nation God designed our individual... God of All Music In all the world, throughout… Individuals, Not Issues Pray as One of His Children Pray to the Father of All Remember: love is always God's… What Was Jesus Really Like? |
| God of Jacob | God of Jacob |
* | God of Peace | Blessed Are the Peacemakers |
| God of the Exodus | God of the Exodus |
| God of the Universe | Father, Your realm is all reality... God of All God, I Want to Know You Worship God in Truth |
| God Will Be Exalted | Father, our physical world seems… Father, sometimes You allow us to face... Father, You will give evil its hour... Fears within and the world around… God Will Be Exalted God's purpose is never threatened… Hope That Does Not Disappoint In the End O Father, what a day... Sometimes God sends us out… The Finale of Job's Confrontation with God Your Kingdom Come, Father! |
| God with Us, Immanuel | God with Us Immanuel: God with Us |
* | God's Glory in Creation | Look and Listen! |
| God's Kingdom Has Come | The Coming of the Kingdom |
| God's Mysterious Love | God loves you completely and forever... God's Mysterious Love |
* | God's Mysterious Ways | A Study in Failure, Part 5 As a writer... Consider David killing... Details Matter Difficulties Divine Coincidence Don't fear any opposition… Father, feelings of insecurity… Father, help us to follow wherever... Father, I don't know how You work... Father, though I am small... Father, You often choose people… Father, Your purpose is broader and deeper... Generations change... God is working through you to create... God Works through People God Works through Us God's actions don't illustrate… My Weakness Glories God Reflecting Back Set Apart Totally Available What Does Your Faith Demand? Wherever God guides... Your job is important… |
* | Going Home | |
| Good Gifts | Blessed by Problems Father, You know exactly... Our Single-minded Father Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks Resting in You |
* | Good Morning, All Who Trust in Christ! | Celebrate Your Resurrection Eternal Day Father, in the day-to-day of discipleship… Father, thank You for the assurance… Father, Your plan of salvation… Father, Your Spirit now is my guarantee… God's reward to His suffering... Like children, we don't appreciate… Money can only offer temporary comfort… One Thing I Seek |
| Good Shepherd | "The sheep hear his voice... As God's people, sometimes we have… Father, help me to not let... Father, Jesus Christ is my shepherd… Father, today shine Your light... Father, when we are lost... Focus your heart and life… Jesus, the Good Shepherd Living God Shepherd The Good Shepherd The One we follow is the… |
| Grace and Truth | Unfailing Love, Absolute Dependabililty |
| Grace Goes Before Us | Grace Goes Before Us Jesus befriended the moral outcasts of His day... |
* | Great Is Your Faithfulness (Easter) | Unchanging Faithfulness and Unfailing Love |
* | Great Lord of All Reality | Evil's False Power Faith That Lives On Father, we are so proud... Father, what a marvelous privilege... Father, You are the sovereign Source... Father, You the almighty, eternal God... Father, Your reality is broader... History's Destination Invest in Forever Live a life of simple faith... Read Hebrews 11... The Closing You Are My Defining Reality |
| Greater Than My Words | Closer, Lord Pure Light Simple Prayer The Importance of Being You Are God |
| Growing in God | A Living Relationship Be patient with others... Don't worry, if God couldn't forgive… Father, though we are small... Father, today broaden my understanding... Father, You are eager to be God… Father, Your gift to me is fullness… Father, Your power and creativity... God has sown His seed in You… Growing Me to You I Can Live in Christ Know God by Faith Our Patient Father |
| Growing in Grace | Father, help me to truly "grow in grace"... Growing in Grace Since God created us as living... |
* | Growing in Me | The Miracle of Growth |
* | Growing in the Spirit (Medley) | More and More Union with God Walking in the Spirit When our relationship with the True... |
* | Hallelujah Hymn | Father, Jesus Christ came announcing… Look around you. The entire… Psalm 24: God's Grand Entrance See the Future The Full Assurance of Faith The Ultimate King Your Kingdom Come #2 Your Kingdom Come, Father! |
* | Happy Our Home When God Is There | Daily Needs Father, thank You for the family… Father, Your best blessings... Without love, spiritual gifts… |
| Have Mercy | Father, when we are unloving or fearful… Have Mercy |
| Have You Seen Them? | |
* | He'll Understand and Say, "Well Done" | Father, I am Your servant. How... Father, You do not call me to success... For You Alone Have you been mistreated... Imagine seeing all the connecting threads… The Inevitable Reality When you obey God… |
* | He's All I Need | Breakfast with the Lord |
| Hear His Call | Among God's servants… Career Goals Father, self-sacrifice was… Kingdom seeking is not for... Prepare for Lent The Crucified Life |
| Hear the Longing | Desire God |
| Hear the Prophets Sing of Jesus | John the Baptist |
| Hear the Prophets Talking | Christmas Is a Story of Joy Hope That Does Not Disappoint |
| Hear the Word | Father, You speak the truth clearly... Jesus was rejected, as were… The Word: in Weakness and in Power |
| Heaven and Earth | Heaven and Earth Reunited in Christ Jesus, You Yourself are now our temple... |
| Heaven Here and Now | Drawing Near to God Father, in the crush of the day... Great Sovereign of all reality… Heaven and hell, now and forever... Lord, You are my treasure, my joy... One Thing I Seek The Pleasure of His Presence |
* | Heirs of God | Heirs of God |
| Help Me to Love Only You | Closer, Lord Father, help me not to cling... Guard Your Desires It is not Your miracles or Your gifts... Most thought that the woman... Single-minded Devotion |
* | Here at Your Feet, Lord | Father, deliver us from dreams... Father, guide me to the place… Father, help me to always be... Father, how often I am as dull... Father, show me how to serve today… Father, teach me what this call... Father, today help me show those… Father, You have redeemed me… Foot Washing Jesus taught: Don’t spend your life… Serving in Christ’s Presence Washing Feet With everyone I serve... |
| Here Comes Jesus! He's Our King! | Easter Is the Story of a King Easter Is the Story of a King (long version) |
| Here I Am | A Hearing Heart A Prayer for Many Occasions Coveting His Control Father, help me to listen to each... Father, I am available... Father, may my heart and mind be always open… Father, often when You act... Father, when You speak… Father, Your truth is the only truth… Father, Your words to us are pure words… God's Call to Samuel Hungry for a Word I Trust You with My Time In Your work, Lord, what I can do… Just one step, Lord... Lead Me Out, Lord Natural Prayer Notice that when Jesus revealed... Praying in His Presence Speak, Lord Through all that I read and hear... Time Today, Father, help me to keep my mind... Use Me Today What Could You Do If Nothing Else Mattered? Worship While You Work |
| Here Is Love | A Father’s Love Easter Is a Story of Love Hearing His Love Jesus’ Last Words My Father, our injustice… The Christ of Holy Week When Messiah Came |
* | Here We Come Rejoicing | Christ Comes |
* | Hey, Jonah! | |
| Hidden Treasure | Don’t Desert God Your Kingdom Grows |
* | High and Holy Sovereign God | All You Are Father, continue to grow my faith... Father, our images of Your power... Father, when the threat is very real... Father, You are the focus of all reality... How would your life change... Our difficulties and our opposition... Seeing a Greater God Start with God Today, Father, help me to walk... We Need to See You |
| His Hour Has Come | The Mind and Spirit of Christ Witnessing Even in Death |
| Holy Father, Only You | Creator & Father Devotional Father, help me serve You alone and... Father, help me to fully release... Father, Jesus cared only about... Father, my only desire is... Father, no matter what happens... Father, the only reward I seek... Father, this is what I want... Father, whatever circumstances today brings... Father, You are the only desire... Father, You have set me apart... For Himself and for His followers... Grace and Peace In Spirit and Truth Our Father’s Discipline Reborn Self-centeredness Still Focused on the Father Worship Devotional |
* | Holy in Me | Blessed Are the Pure in Heart Father, as the sick thronged to Jesus… Father, how often we are distracted… Father, You gave us rules... Filled to All the Fullness of God Holiness Holiness Devotional Living Water The process of holy living is the process… The process of holy living is… |
| Holy in You | As You Work Daily Work Father Creator, You are renewing... Father, are there any ways… Father, as we go into the world... Father, help me to cleanse from my life... Father, in all my responses… Father, in my thinking, in my living... Father, may the people I encounter... Father, sin is horrible... Father, You have given me this day... Lord, Today Make This Day Holy O Father, separate me entirely... This Day Is Yours This Time Is Yours Time Today my life may seem menial... Train yourself for godliness... |
| Holy Is the Lord | |
* | Holy, Boundless Breath of God | The Father's Gift The Holy Spirit in Creation |
* | Holy, Holy, Holy God | A New Relationship with God Christ in You Father, may Your holiness... The Holy Spirit: Power to Be |
* | Holy, Human Jesus Christ | Holy and Human Imagine moving to the poorest... My Holy and Human Brother The Price of Our Salvation |
* | How God Came | How God Came |
| How Precious Are Your People | As when Jesus walked among us... Father, as Your child, help me think... Father, heal me of all negative... Father, help me to always treat... Father, thank You for the rich... Father, the works of our hands... God's Spirit makes ordinary... Help Me Remember In these divisive days... In these divisive times... Paul related to God's people... What Will Last When I look at other believers... |
| Humble God | Humble God |
| Humble in Christ | Humble in Christ |
| Hungry for God | Come to the Source Father, as I bow to You… Father, Creator and Lord… Father, form Your Son in me… Father, I want to know You and… Father, I want to sow my life... Father, in my thoughts… Father, make my love wiser… Father, perfect in wisdom... Father, You are good in every way... Father, You long to lift us to… How corruptive and destructive is sin… If you want to look good... It is exciting when God uses... Look to Your Father O Father, cleanse me and... Today, Father, fill my heart and mind... |
* | Hymn for the Persecuted Church (HYMN TO JOY) | As disciples, our suffering changes us... God's Persecuted People When suffering unjust imprisonment... |
| Hymn for the Persecuted Church (JEFFERSON 2) | As disciples, our suffering changes us... God's Persecuted People When suffering unjust imprisonment... |
| I Am I AM, the Boundless Christ | Jesus Christ, the I AM |
* | I Am Rejoicing! | All God's Best |
* | I Am the Door | I Am the Door |
| I Am Your Salvation | Jesus Christ Devotional One |
| I Am Your Servant | A Prayer for Many Occasions Ask Anything in My Name Difficult Tasks Father, as Your servant may... Father, I feel pressured by a mounting list... Father, like Paul, help me to never... Father, though the road… Hannah Has God given you a task... I Follow You I Work for You Never hesitate to follow God… When interruptions come, Father... |
| I AM, I AM - Hear the Mighty Name | |
| I Bow in Obedience | |
| I Build My Life on You | Father, I set aside pleasing people… Father, those who practice Your wisdom... Father, Your Spirit ministers as He chooses… The Blessings of Obedience What Is Real? Wisdom doesn't come to those... |
* | I Cannot See the Light, My Lord | Do not complain when… Father, facing this uncertainty… Father, I cannot see the path ahead... Father, though I don't trust… Father, whatever disappointments come… Father, Your power, Your wisdom... Shifting Light Simple Faith Thank You, loving Father, that... When your life seems to be burning... With You Your perfect wisdom... |
* | I Cannot Tell | A Fascinating Person Behind the Hymn: I Cannot Tell Easter Is the Story of a Mystery |
| I Choose You | I Choose You |
| I Come | Complete in Our Father |
| I Come in Christ | Come Humbly |
| I Find All My Joy in You | Father, Your unfailing love... God Keeps His Own Patience and Persistence |
| I Fix My Thoughts on You | An Adventure in Christ Distractions Father, any view of reality... Father, as I walk this daily journey… Father, as You surround me… Father, even when pressed… Father, help me not to allow... Father, I will not see the truth... Father, since You are who You are... Father, throughout the day, fix… Father, You are so far above us... God, You are my Savior, and I am… Jesus was murdered by religious people… Money, comfort, health… Pride Simple Prayer Taking Thoughts Captive |
| I Have the Truth | All the Treasures of Wisdom All truth, all reality flows from... Father, all Your life… Father, bathe my thoughts… Father, bless me with the wisdom… Father, even when deception is rampant... Father, help me to cultivate... Father, help me to live all the truth… Father, when I live Your truth… Father, You are patient with our mixed motives… Father, Your Spirit provides us... God of all the arts... Having the Truth Within Jesus, as I read Your Word today… O God, You are absolute... Slaves to a Lie Soon everything hidden will be… Stay Focused on the Truth The Christ of Christmas The Hunger The Law and Wisdom Literature Point to Christ The Prophets Look Forward The Tempter's Strategy The truth is never on Satan's side... Think and Feel the Truth Truth |
* | I Know That My Redeemer Lives | Certainty Easter Is a Story of Life Foreshadowing the Resurrection One Sacrifice Ruth: Kinsman-Redeemer When Messiah Came |
| I Leave It in Your Hands | Don't judge the importance... Father Creator, You always provide... Father, as we follow Your leading... Father, nothing is as valuable... I bring each problem... My reputation, my belongings... Time and Patience Where God Wants Me |
| I Live in You | Freely, Gladly Yours! |
* | I Long for You, My Father | I Long for You, My Father |
| I Look to You | Don't let the world's fear and tumult... Father, I come to You needing You... Father, keep my eyes, not on my difficulties... Father, when those around me don't... God of mystery... God of perfect timing... One Desire Reflection on Habakkuk 3:1-15 The eyes of all look to You... |
* | I Look to You, and You Are Love | Daily Love Father, help me not to live in... Father, help me to respond… Father, I want to show myself… Father, may all that I am… Father, with so many suffering… Father, You've taught me… Fruitful Living Imagine how ignorant, selfish, false… Jesus' compassion was aroused... Love Is Fruit Love is greater than any God-given abilities... Nurture Our Love Shape Me with Your Presence Thank You, gracious Father… The Essence of Life The pride and thrill… Through Eyes of Love When I Drive Whether I am in church… |
* | I Love You, Jesus, Savior, Lord | Behind the Hymn: I Love You, Jesus, Savior, Lord Believers, look at the One… Easter Is a Story of Sacrifice Hearing His Love Jesus’ Last Words Love Him The Anointing |
| I Only Want to Walk in You | A Single Step Ask for Wisdom Do not look around for "greener grass"... Father, help me never walk... Father, our minds and hearts… Father, the crucial question is not… Hearing the Spirit’s Voice Lord God, with every step... Lord, Give Me Light Merciful and patient Father, warn... O Father, You are the lamp... |
| I Quiet Myself in Your Love | A Relationship of Trust Any love and desire... Clarity Continual Dependence Creator & Father Devotional Dependence Father, my responsibility today… Father, no matter how deep… Father, no matter what stresses… Father, You are always wise… Father, You who hear our prayers… Grace and Peace Hearing His Love I Am Your Creation Rewarding God |
| I Rejoice in You! | |
| I Rejoice in Your Purpose Today | Father, in our sufferings, disappointments... Father, receiving Your perfect will... Father, temporary trials develop in me... Father, You speak Your promises... In this world filled with trouble... Living in a Saturday World Rejoice! Sometimes when God seems to be... Suffering |
| I See the New Creation | A New Day Eternal Dawn |
* | I See You | See God! |
| I Take Your Cross | Communion Commitment |
* | I Thank the Lord for You | As in the Apostle Paul's day... Behind the Hymn: I Thank the Lord for You Father, bless my dear loved ones… Father, help me never be… Father, if we would look beyond… Father, thank You for giving us glimpses… Father, thank You for the pleasure… Father, You have enriched my life… Father, You have made me wealthy... Hey, I Know Them! I Thank God for You In all of Paul's suffering... The Touch of Christ Your Family in Christ |
* | I Walk the Dark Emmaus Road | Emmaus Road Father, like the disciples on the road... Father, You are sovereign God, so… Our sight is so limited by ignorance… The Need Is in Me The two disciples on the road to Emmaus… |
| I Want to Be Like You | |
| I Want to Know You | Don't focus on knowing about God... Father, Creator, I want to know... Father, outside of You, human beauty... Father, You show us Yourself... Father, You want us to grasp… Getting to Know Jesus Help Me to Know You I Am Asking, Father I Want to Know You Knowing Jesus Better O Father, by Your faithful Spirit, fix... O Father, continue to deepen... O Father, lead me into... Rest The Most Natural Way |
| I Was the One | Behind the Hymn: I Was the One When I Met Jesus |
| I Will Live in You | Improving God’s Word |
| I'll Sing of You | A Servant’s Prayer All you who practice... Daily Work Don't despise your own weakness and smallness… Each of us has a role in... Father, by my attitudes… Father, cure me of my restless desire… Father, help me to fill my here... Father, I am a small… Father, make my life a testimony… Father, may my daily life be my clearest... Father, today may my life sing... Father, whether or not... Father, You fed 5000+... Father, You give each of us some task… Gifts of Love I Work for You Little Things for God Only for the Lord The Little Things Today’s Task What Is in Your Hand? What Matters Most Work While It Is Day Your confidence in God is exactly… |
| I'll Spend This Christmas, Lord, with You | Perspectives |
| I'm in You | Behind the Hymn: I'm in You Father, may all my thoughts, hopes... Father, may I no longer be… Father, my life here is uncertain… Father, my one ambition… Father, we see only this shadow… Father, what joy when I realize… Father, You are my reward for service… I Am from You If you want to see your future… In Christ One Thing I Seek We enjoy a well-being that flows… We will soon realize by personal… |
* | If God Is on Our Side | An Adventure in Christ Behind the Hymn: If God Is on Our Side Daily Confidence Easter Is the Story of a Mystery Every guilt trip that doesn't... Faith: The Greatest Bargain in the Universe Father, all power belongs... Father, wherever I go… Father, You have no limits... Father, Your unlimited wisdom, power… If God Is for Us In Christ we are never helpless victims… In the lives of those who trust God… Jesus Provides Forgiveness Money is a lifeless idol… No Fear We are weak and temporary... |
| If I Could See | Walk by Faith |
* | If You Would Be Great | Behind the Hymn: If You Would Be Great I Am Your Servant Let's ask our Father to guide… |
| Image of the Unseen God | Angels vs. The Son of God Behind the Hymn: Image of the Unseen God Focus on Jesus Christ Guaranteed! Revelation: God with His People See Your Heavenly Father Stumbling Block or Cornerstone? |
* | Imagine Your Creator's Breath | Building a People Father, how temporary... Father, I look forward to the day... Father, today I will press ahead… Father, when I pray for Your glory... Filled to All the Fullness of God I Am from You I look forward to being immersed... Imagine the day when... Imagine what your life would be... May the riches that I pursue... One with Your Creator See the sweep of what God is doing… The glory God shares... The Ultimate Fulfillment of God with Us True wealth is not… Trust your Creator: be the person... Unbroken Oneness |
| Immanuel's Land | An Adventure in Christ Not a Hair Will Perish |
* | Immanuel, Immanuel | Seeing God |
| Immersed in You | Immersed in You |
| In Christ | A New Reality |
* | In Simple Response to You | A Day of Love According to Jesus:... Father, day by day help me to walk... Father, in my relationships with others... Father, may all my thoughts, words... Father, sin has absolutely no part in... Father, when I disobey you... Father, You call us to follow Christ... In daily life there are... In Matthew 14, the Son of God... Judas, the Jewish leaders... Live as Seeing the Unseen Live in response to Sovereign God… My Prayer Is a Promise O Father, may everything I do... O merciful Father, by Your... Some have the gift of teaching... The Christian life easily... Today help me live a... Today, go wherever... Trusting Christ, I am strong… Undistracted Love Worship Devotional |
| In Step with the Spirit | Keep in Step with the Spirit |
| In That Morning | Today's trials and sufferings will soon... What a Day! |
* | In the Father's Hand | As Jesus’ disciples, we do not… During His Suffering on the Cross Father, if I want to live in Your Son... Father, You personally prepare Your servants… Father, Your Son walked in You… From the Father’s Hand Suffering patiently for Jesus Christ… When your world seems frightening... |
| In the Father, Son, and Spirit | Anointed with God's Spirit Father, help me to meet every situation... Jesus' life perfectly illustrates this truth... Messiah and the Holy Spirit Son and Spirit |
| In the Light of the Cross | Behind the Hymn: In the Light of the Cross Easter Is a Story of Love Easter Is a Story of Sacrifice Father, am I enslaved by my money… Father, help me to shepherd… Father, help me to treat Your servants... Father, I cannot boast about anything… Father, I don't want to stand… Father, if any of my habits… Father, may every day of my life… Father, may I do each task today… Father, whatever I have done in Your service... Father, You are the Lord… Father, You have equipped me... In the Light of the Cross Invest your brief, earthly life... Jesus’ Last Words They Divided Your Clothes When the Son of God became… |
| In You, Lord | I Can Be and Do in You |
* | In Your Presence, God Almighty | A Real Person As I simply trust You, Father, I live... Father, today we are in Your tender care... O Father, what a privilege to live... Praying in His Presence Pure Light Secure |
* | In Your Spirit | Every other good in life... Father, in so much of my life… Father, my only ambition and my deepest… Father, no matter how uncertain… Father, no matter what faces me… Father, thank You for a salvation… Father, without You, we are hopelessly… Never Be Thirsty Again One with Christ The Gift of God’s Spirit What a Wonderful Gift! |
| In Your Steps | A Study in Failure, Part 3 Father, I will trust and obey You... Father, in the long run my "success"... Father, no matter what disappointment… Father, You showed Yourself... How does God honor His servants... I Follow You I Will Stay Faithful Jesus was led by Your desires... Noah, Abraham... While Jesus was bearing the full weight… Worship God in Suffering |
| Incarnation Wonder | Incarnation Wonder |
| Indebted to God's Love | Indebted to God's Love |
* | Infinite Lord | Born a King Christmas Is the Story of a King Our King We were rebels against God… |
| Inscrutable God | Father, You move in history in Your... Father, Your commands to us are often... Inscrutable God |
| Interruptible | Interruptible |
| Introducing Jesus | John the Baptist Introduces Jesus |
| Is There Any Word from the Lord? | Father, how compact are… God often chooses to speak through a lone voice... Listen for His Word Soul Food The Old Testament Law |
| Isaiah 35 | Reflection on Isaiah 35 |
* | Isaiah 40 | You Come to Me |
| Isaiah 53 | Easter Is a Story of Darkness Easter Is a Story of Love Sharing His Suffering Suffering Servant The Suffering Servant |
| Isaiah 6 | Isaiah's Vision |
* | Isaiah 61 | Jesus Introduces Himself |
* | Isaiah 9 | God Born Among Us The Blessings of the King |
| Isn't He Good? | Holy Pride Psalm 71: Trust and Praise Satisfied in You The Gift of Giving |
* | It's a Gift | Behind the Hymn: It's a Gift Depending on the Spirit frees us… Holiness Holiness Devotional One of the most beautiful truths… Set Apart |
| It's So Good to Be with You | Alone with Jesus Breakfast with the Lord Father, as we begin to know You better… Father, as we respond to You… Father, as Your children we are already... Father, the highlight of my life… Father, today help me trust You… God Is Here God Is with You I Choose Your Presence Living a Relationship Nothing but You Practicing the Presence Relax in the Silence The Music of Prayer Today’s Companion |
* | Jesus | All We Need Consider This Gift I am not called to straighten out... |
| Jesus Arose Again | |
| Jesus at the Last Supper | As we walk with Jesus… Jesus at the Last Supper |
| Jesus Dying for Me | |
* | Jesus Loves Me (Christmas) | Behind the Hymn: Jesus Loves Me (Christmas) |
| Jesus Weeps for the Unrepentant | Father, help me to love and seek... Jesus Weeps for the Unrepentant |
* | Jesus' Life Is All a Promise | Communion is a foretaste... Do you feel weak, imperfect… Every promise God ever made… Father, our future rests not... God's Kingdom Comes Jesus’ Life Is God’s Promise Sin's alluring promises are a lie… The emptiness, pain, and sorrow… |
* | Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace | Grace and Truth Grace and Truth 1 What Was Jesus Really Like? |
| Jesus, I Need Your Spirit | Father, help me to stay as... Father, may I always be humble... Jesus, Brother, Shepherd... Shape Me with Your Presence Temptation |
* | Jesus, Joy of Earth and Heaven | Christmas Is Only the Beginning |
| Jesus, Living God! | Jesus Died, Risen, Lord of All Living God Resting in You Revelation: Opening the Scroll Rulers arise in their own nation... See Jesus Christ The Christ I serve is wonderful… |
* | Jesus, the Gift of Christmas | Christmas Is the Story of a Gift Constant Christmas Prepare for Christmas |
* | Jesus, the Light of the World | Behind the Hymn: Jesus, the Light of the World Christ the Light Christmas Is a Story of Light Father, help me follow Jesus today... Jesus, Light of the World… Morning Star |
| Jesus, the Name Above All Names | Have the Attitude of Christ |
* | Jesus, the Son of God | |
* | John 11 | The Resurrection of Lazarus |
| Joy in Christ | Father, form in me the wonderful… Father, help me to trust in all You are… Father, how often have I missed… Father, save me from the little temptations... Find your joy in the Lord… Rejoice in Jesus Christ! |
| Joy in You | Reflection on Habakkuk 3:16-19 |
* | Joy in Your Presence | Breakfast with the Lord Continual Dependence Father, when I get discouraged... Father, You are with me wherever... Father, You reward Your servants… Father, You Yourself are life's... In this false world… Joy Lord, Today Lord, what a difference it makes... Psalm 73: Captivated by God Rejoice |
* | Joyfully Giving All | Joyfully Giving All |
| Just You | God's Gentle Whisper |
* | Justice Hymn | Do you long for a just, righteous society... Father, instead of craving… Father, Your goodness, justice... Justice Justice and Mercy What Is Justice? |
| Keep Us From All Evil | Deliver Us from All Evil Deliver Us from Evil Deliver Us from Evil #1 Father, my Father, help me turn... Guard Your Heart I Look to You in Temptation Merciful Father, help us to guard… Money, pleasure, and pride… O Holy God, always good... Seeds grow to many times... Sinful choices make us… Watch and Pray When Temptation Comes Without You, Father, sin… |
| Keep Us Strong in Faith | Aunt Bessie Drawn by such magnificent... Father, in this prolonged trial… Father, in what ways does the smallness... Father, throughout my hardship… Father, we face temptations and… Father, whatever challenges... Father, You are with me always... Father, You develop the precious qualities… Father, You have proven Yourself… Fear, distraction... Give Me Boldness Hold Steady While He Works Holy and Faithful In all I say and do, Father… Jesus returned from the… Nothing in this world, seen or unseen… Patience and Persistence in Prayer Persevere! Save yourself lots... Walk by Faith When Faith Seems Illogical When Jesus walked on water… |
* | Keep Your Eyes on the Prize | Don't let the enemy of your soul... Patient Endurance |
| Kindle a Flame | David's example of joyful generosity... Father, I want to be salt and light… Father, keep me bold in… Father, You know my financial resources... I Lay Down My Life In comparison to Your love… Let Your Love Burn in Me Luke wrote his gospel because… Our lives are so brief that we have… We have deep, satisfying, unending… What Matters Most |
| Kingdom of Love | Kingdom of Love |
| Kingdom Seed | The Unimposing Seed |
| Know the Lord | Beautiful Words Father, help me to know You... Knowing God Make Them Rich in Christ |
* | Knowing God | As we hunger to see Your glory Deep Knowing Father, knowing You is life's... |
| Knowing the Father in the Son | A Fascinating Person Father, Give Me Jesus Father, help me to know You, trust You... Father, Jesus' relationship with You... Father, may the only glory... Father, thank You for fully bringing Yourself... Father, we cannot grasp Your holiness... Jesus’ Bond with the Father Love Him |
| Lament for Sin | Lament for Sin |
| Last Words | During His trial and crucifixion, every… Easter Is a Story of Darkness Easter Is a Story of Love Father, facing the most horrific trial... Jesus Models Forgiveness Jesus was engulfed in violence… Jesus’ Last Words |
* | Lavish Love, Abundant Beauty | Father, You comfort me and... Father, You fashioned all this world... Love in Living Color The Holy Spirit in Creation You Are God |
* | Lay Aside Your Passing Pleasures | Behind the Hymn: Lay Aside Your Passing Pleasures Father, I have become rich... Father, since Jesus' followers… Father, through difficult relationships… Free for the Asking Jesus modeled this definition… Sacrifice will not deter us… Self-indulgence is the path… The path of self-indulgence... When Loss Is Gain |
| Lead Me On | A Study in Failure, Part 1 Almighty God, this is Your work... An Adventure in Christ Ask for Wisdom Customer-driven Ministry Father, help me to meet the challenges… Father, help me to throw off… Father, when You call me… Father, whenever You call me... Father, You are glad to lead... Father, You often bless me... For God to work mightily through you… Interruptions Keep Walking Lead Me Out, Lord Living God Our Eternal Destiny Reciting What I Know This is my daily prayer for… What Gifts Would You Give? When God Calls |
* | Lead Me to Calvary | I Want to Follow Jesus Sharing His Suffering |
| Let Me Love You | I Desire Only You Make Every Song a Prayer |
* | Let Mercy Shine | All our relationships are to be shaped… Blessed Are the Merciful Every time I interact… Father, keep a watch over my mind... Father, spread Your goodness freely… Father, You have graciously invited... Kind to the Unkind Make Me Gentle Stewards of Grace |
| Life Fulfilled | |
* | Life in the Vine | Day by day, challenge by challenge... Forget "success"... Living in God Prune Me |
* | Life Is Brief and Full of Trouble | Before Easter: A Meditation for Holy Saturday Ecclesiastes: An Overview Ecclesiastes: Highlights Ecclesiastes: Introduction My Life Is Pain |
| Life of God | Creator of all, You... Father, You promised to give good gifts… I Am from You Prepare for Pentecost The Gift of God’s Spirit The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament The Life of God We spend our lives fearfully holding God… We will soon realize by personal… What work does the Holy Spirit… |
| Lift Up Jesus | Lift Up Jesus |
* | Light Is Shining All Around | A Multitude of Angels Christmas Is a Story of Light No Fear, No Bitterness |
* | Light of Every Nation | Even when Jesus was an infant… Leaders from a different country... Prepare for Epiphany The Christ of Epiphany The Creator announced the birth… The Light of the World |
* | Like Christ, in Christ | Father, I have the wonderful privilege... For Himself and for His followers... Like Your Son, Father... Moment by Moment |
| Listen to Love | Amos: God's Judgment Daily Bread Father, may the love of Christ lead me… Father, thank You for Your tender concern... Father, You are driven by love… Forgive Me, Lord God's wise stewards focus… Let Me Love You in Others More on Stewardship Personal Service to Jesus This Moment Walking in Love |
* | Live and Love and Grow in Christ | As We Live in Christ Father, fill my heart and mind... Father, may my attitude... Father, may my fellowship with Christ be... Father, Your love within... The Golden Rule is a reminder... |
* | Live by Faith | Reflection on Habakkuk 1:12 - 2:1 |
| Live for God | Ever Increasing Health in Christ Father, we may be persecuted for obeying... Psalm 90: We Are So Brief We mourn the victims… Whether our deeds... |
| Live in His All-ness | Do you doubt the power... Live in the All-in-all God The All-in-all is... |
| Live in Love | As I Want to Be Treated Father, as in Jesus' day… Father, help me to be more generous... Father, help me to respond… Father, may my life be adorned… Father, pour the generous and gentle… Father, whoever is elected... Live His Love Love’s Wisdom People won’t truly believe… Practice kindness and compassion… The Taste Test |
* | Live in the Promise | Father, help us to see beneath... Hope Devotional Prepare for Advent |
| Living Christ | As we live and serve… Father, help me not to look... Father, the highlight of my life… Father, we have a living relationship... Father, You want a closer… How Can We Describe It? I Am from You In a sense, you share… Life Life 1 Lord, help me to live every day... Love, struggle, comfort, challenge… Money is a medium of human exchange… My Own Prayer Retreat Personal Lord See Jesus The Christian life easily... There is a rest in which… We will soon realize by personal… |
* | Living in Babylon | Reflection on Daniel 1 |
| Living Toward God | Living Toward God |
| Longing for Home | Anticipation Beyond This Life Father, our longing for home... Father, You fill my life… Having tasted Your wonderful salvation… I Long for the Father Longing Our Longing for God Our longing for peace... Strangers Here The Inevitable Reality We Are Not Home Whatever awaits me the moment after I die... |
* | Longing for Jesus | A Prayer of Love Father, I embrace the brevity… Longing |
| Look! His Goodness Fills the Morning | Creation’s Prayer |
* | Looking to Jesus | Necessary and Easy You pour out Your wisdom... |
* | Lord Jesus, Living Presence | As you trust God, you can do... Be faithful to sow God's Word… Difficult Tasks Father, as I walk among people… Father, help me to live more and more… Father, help me work up to... Father, I and my work are… Father, I can only accomplish... Father, I share Your glory through... Father, in all I do today... Father, matters of eternal importance... Father, the work You have called us... Father, today, in every situation… Father, when I lack confidence… Father, You gave the gift... Father, Your witnesses fill a key… Jesus, My Power and Wisdom Moses Stood with God Only in You Our Confidence Saul on the road to Damascus… Set Apart Stewards of God’s Life within Us The Holy Spirit: Power to Serve Today I am free to serve... |
| Lord Jesus, You Have Conquered | Welcome, My King! |
| Lord of All Realms | Lord of All Realms When Isaiah faced... |
* | Lord of Nature's Grand Display | |
| Lord of Time | Do you want your life to be balanced... Father, how loose... Father, thank You for the perfect... Father, You are the master of time... Father, Your boundlessness... Sleep is a good gift from God... Working and Resting in You |
| Lord, Draw Me On | A Glance Backward A Study in Failure, Part 4 Even our temptations can draw us… Father, many things are allowable… Father, You are using my disappointments… Our Father did not spare… Psalm 80: God's Purpose Through This Pain What needs are you feeling… When God works, He will do it… |
* | Lord, from Your Hand | Communion Face-to-Face The Meaning of the Lord's Supper |
| Lord, How Good to Rest in You | Ask for Wisdom Father, life periodically reminds me... Learn a New Response to Need Quit Struggling Rest To You alone, Father, I look in... |
| Lord, I Repent | Repent |
| Lord, Keep Us Reaching | Compassion Father, You are passionate about lost people... Other People’s Children Paul faithfully delivered the gospel... Stay in Touch The Shepherd's Compassion Weeping over Jerusalem |
* | Lord, Life Becomes More Simple | Behind the Hymn: Lord, Life Becomes More Simple Even as a believer, most of the… Father, continue to shape my heart… Father, following Christ is not a... Father, fulfill all Your desires… Father, I look to this world... Father, in this life of conflicting pressures… Father, You are the center of all reality… Father, Your entire agenda… I Want to Know You Imagine how much better your... One Example Reshape My Desires The Beatitudes Describe Jesus |
* | Lord, May Our Thoughts Begin with You | Begin with God Dependence Father, I truly want to be the spouse… Father, may every desire of my heart… Father, may I take pride... Father, may my every thought… Father, since all reality… Father, You are the Life and… I Come Seeking You Let Love Fill My Moments Open My Eyes Proverbs: The Wisdom of Creator and Father Reinvest My Thoughts Your heart is the well… |
* | Lord, Why Am I Anxious? | A Living Example Father, all the earth... Father, how amazing that You... Father, no matter what threats... Father, often I come to You so anxious… Father, though Your hand is unseen... Father, You are always with me… Father, You are completely unlimited... Father, You gladly supply our needs… Father, Your timing is always loving… Father, Your Word, Your creation… Fearing the Father If God Is for Us Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want The Danger of Worry The Foolishness of Unbelief When God leads us through difficulties… Where God Wants Me Worry |
* | Lord, You Are Love | A Prayer Response to Romans 14 By living as children of God... Father, help me to love others... Father, help me to treat everyone in Christ… Father, the love You show in Jesus Christ... First Things First Live Love Nothing defuses a confrontation... Romans 14:13-23 The Golden Rule |
| Lord, You Are My Home | You Are My Home |
| Love | Father, You do not disperse... Reflection on Song of Solomon |
| Love Has Brought Us Near | Complete Your Love in Us God loves you completely and forever... |
* | Love Has Come! | Behind the Hymn: Love Has Come! Christmas Is a Story of Love Father, Your heart is love… Prepare for Advent: Love The Christ of Christmas |
| Love Lessons from Jesus | Love Lessons from Jesus |
* | Love of God, Possess Me | A Testimony Father, I look at the life of Your Son… Father, I rationalize and justify my faults… Father, may the love of Christ control… Father, may Your living, loving wisdom… Father, show me the people… Father, Your wisdom is holy... Father, Your Word is wisdom, power... I treasure Your love… Individuals, Not Issues Stay absorbed in the right things... The magnificence of Jesus Christ… The Widow's Mite We cannot avoid God’s pure truth… |
| Love One Another | Accept One Another As I Want to Be Treated As Jesus was departing... Daily Love Father, help me to freely give… Father, help me to only open… Father, help me to respond… Father, today I will interact... Father, Your love patiently endures… In Someone Else’s Skin Love Love One Another Rise above every difficult relationship... The Dream Today your Father calls you to… |
| Magnificent God | |
* | Make All Things New | God Will Make All Things New The Unshakable Kingdom |
* | Make My Life a Holy Fragrance | Father, the alabaster anointing... Living Praise Only to Your Glory The Anointing We spread the fragrance... |
| Make My Love Wiser | Make My Love Wiser |
| May Our Loved Ones Come to Know You | Pray in Love |
| May Your Presence Purify My Heart | God Is Here Realizing His Presence Devotional Shape Me with Your Presence |
| Meditation on the Crucified Christ | Meditation on the Crucified Christ |
* | Meekness | Blessed Are the Meek Father, adorn me with… Father, saturate my mind... Father, You urge me to be quick... God uses our weaknesses more... Humility Meekness, not human glory... O Father, deliver me... |
| Mighty Day | God of judgment, when You arise... Judgment Day Now Is the Time |
* | Mighty God, I Will Trust in You | An Adventure in Christ Are you overwhelmed... Father, as long as I am following... Father, in all temptation… Father, my Father, help me to simply... Father, nothing escapes Your notice… Father, sometimes it seems that You… Father, this is Your world… Father, whatever my challenge... Father, when we fail to trust You… For a time, God may isolate us… Give Me Boldness It's OK to lack confidence in yourself… No Fear The Eternal I AM, the Source... We are blind until we trust God… When We Trust God Why Does God Save? |
| My Father, Do What Pleases You | Do What Pleases You Father, continue to teach me... Father, Jesus told the blind men... |
| My Father, My Joy | Father, I rest in Your foreverness... Father, You Are My Joy |
| My Heart Was Hard As Iron | Crucifixion |
| My Life Is Not My Own | Father, may I use each... Stewardship |
* | My Life, My Love, My Joy | All to Your glory... Complete in Jesus Created for God Enjoying His Presence |
| My Loving Father | All understanding begins with an... Almighty God, our shallow... Father, forgive our small ideas... Father, Peter was awestruck... God Far and Near You Call Yourself My Father |
| My Mind Is Yours | Breathe Every Prayer Closer, Lord Each of Us Is a Gift of Grace Father, help me to offer… Father, how many beautiful truths… Father, I give You what little... Father, I only want to do what... Father, may all that flows… Father, may Jesus Christ be all… Father, may our prayer life include... Father, Your wisdom is not only... God is always seeking workers... I Offer You My Silence I Trust You with My Time Inspiration Lord, I am restless to fill... My Mind Is Yours Preoccupied with Love Quit guiding your life... This Day Is Yours Time Today, Father, fill my… Use Me Today Whatever You give me to do today... Work Gladly and Patiently |
| My Mind Will Be Your Holy Place | A Taste of Heaven Father, as Jesus cleansed the temple… Father, at the cost of Your own... Father, continue to sanctify my thoughts… Father, help me not to say or do… Father, help me to make no peace... Father, I am one in Spirit… Father, in my daily life I will pursue... Father, others will be influenced… I Can Live in Christ Lust is self-centered and longs… Psalm 24: Who May Come Before Him? That Place Thoroughly Present Your Holy Temple |
* | My Soul Exalts You, Lord | Praise to You, Our Father! |
* | My Time Is in Your Hand | Behind the Hymn: My Time Is in Your Hand My Time Is in Your Hand |
| New in Christ | Father, You are making me new… O Father, thank You for our... One with Your Creator The New Creation Has Begun We humans are like flowers… |
| No Other Life | Ordinary Things |
| Not Greatness, but Sacrifice | Even with the Messiah... Father, may I bear injustice... Grasping for Greatness |
| Not I, but Christ | Behind the Hymn: Not I, but Christ Father, by Your Spirit in me… Father, free me from the desire for... Father, give me a heart always hungry… Father, I gladly give all... Father, I only want the glory You give... Father, in our age and time… Father, in what I say and what I do Father, may glorifying You… Father, may Your glory… Father, the beautiful truth of the gospel… Glorify Jesus Christ Live and speak the gospel so that... My Weakness Glories God Nothing but You, Christ Saul of Tarsus was… The Flame of Hope Worship and Submission Your spiritual gifts were given… |
| Not to Us, O Lord | I Sing Your Glory |
* | Nothing Between | Behind the Hymn: Nothing Between Father, I want to be a clean vessel… Father, in time and eternity... Father, is there anything I'm doing… Father, we don't receive all the wonderful gifts… Father, You have removed everything… Give Yourself to Him Prepare Your Body for Worship What Is Hindering Me? |
| Nothing Else Matters | Father, may my prayers be shaped... Nothing Else Matters |
* | Now in Christ | A Living Relationship All You Made Me to Be |
* | Now Unto Us a Child Is Born | Christmas Is the Story of a King God's Promise to Abraham |
| O Father, Give Us Jesus Christ | Father, Give Me Jesus Father, I see Jesus, and He is... The Golden Kingdom What Do You Wish? |
* | O Living God | A Prayer of Love All that you see is temporary… Behind the Hymn: O Living God Empty Glory Father, glorify Yourself in my deepest desires… Longing for God Sometimes the Bible explains heaven… |
* | On Christmas Day | |
| On the Damascus Road | On the Damascus Road |
| One | The Exchange |
| One by One | Father, help me not to respond… Father, we think of ministering to… Father, You sent Your Son , not... Father, Your Anointed Son has forever… Miracles? One by One To see God's Church in action… |
| One God | One God |
* | One in Jesus | All we believers are members… Community Diversity Father, our unity with other… Follow One Leader Imagine Our Creator honors us with a... Receiving Christ’s Servants |
* | One in Purpose, One in Passion (HYFRYDOL) | Catch Me Up in Your Work Each ability, each resource… Father, forgive my indifference… Father, help me to display Your generosity… Father, I get distracted by… Father, You are always and completely... Father, You want our faith to mature… Jesus was Your temple One with Christ |
* | One in Purpose, One in Passion (PLEADING SAVIOR) | All We Are in Him Behind the Hymn: One in Purpose, One in Passion Catch Me Up in Your Work Centered on Jesus Each ability, each resource… Examine My Motives Father, as I bring You my daily concerns... Father, as with Jesus, may doing… Father, consume my life... Father, do You have deep... Father, forgive my indifference… Father, help me to display Your generosity… Father, I get distracted by… Father, thank You for teaching us… Father, You are always and completely... Father, You have entrusted precious… Father, You want our faith to mature… If Jesus… Jesus was Your temple Ministry by Numbers: Jesus' Example Once we are gripped... One with Christ True Freedom When God comes knocking… |
| One Lost Sheep (CHIC SHAVER) | Don't give up on... Father, the sobering truth is that... God doesn't think like... God Loves the Lost God's most basic instinct... Jesus was faced with a woman... |
* | One Lost Sheep (EVERLASTING LOVE) | Don't give up on... Father, the sobering truth is that... God doesn't think like... God Loves the Lost God's most basic instinct... Jesus was faced with a woman... |
| One with God | Father God, my mind and imagination… Father, Brother, Breath of God... I Am from You Knowing the Unknowable |
| One with Us | A Life Framed with Love |
* | One with You, My Jesus | Easy to Please Father, I make myself a slave… Father, in the face of every… Please Yourself, Lord Practice kindness and compassion… |
| Only You | All that you see is temporary… Father, as long as my heart is all Yours… Father, glorify Jesus Christ today… Father, help me live every day from… Father, help me to give myself… Father, in all my life and ministry… Father, keep me conscious… Father, my Father, save me... Father, Only You Father, whatever troubles and threats… Father, when I begin to realize who You are... Father, with all my needs... Father, Your gifts are lavish… Hope That Does Not Disappoint I Desire Only You Lord, I know that more is expected... More and More One Example Our Deeper Need Simply Jesus |
| Open Hands | Father Creator, help me to… Father, help me to hold everything… Father, I commit to You all… Father, regarding me… Father, show me my daily life… Father, whenever You call me… I Want What You Want Ordinary Things Pray as Christ Prayed The question we need to ask is not… What Could You Do If Nothing Else Mattered? Cont. |
| Open Your Hand | Don't set your desires on riches... Father, guard me from greed... Father, help me to use Your resources... Father, instead of asking... Father, this world is engulfed... Father, You are a Giver… Father, You are joyfully generous... Forgive Me, Lord In what ways have you suffered… O Father, help me never... Undiscovered Blessings |
| Our Daily Bread | Even in our abundance, Father… Father, when I need Your provision… Give Us Our Daily Bread Give Us Our Daily Bread #3 Manna: Bread from Heaven Our Daily Bread The Danger of Worry |
| Our Destiny Is Jesus Christ | Beyond All Imagining Easter Is the Story of a Mystery Father, any good that we have been... Father, as I trust You, my reality… Father, in Jesus Christ You give us all… Father, we live in the darkness… Father, You are the goal toward which… Focus on Jesus Christ God in Christ How Can I Thank You? My hope, my glory, and my joy... No money, not human glory... One Thing I Seek Prepare for Advent Read the Old Testament law… Realize who you are… See Your Destiny The Priest King |
| Our Father Exalted | A Glance Backward Children of the King Father, help me to live beyond… Father, You are sovereign Lord… Keep the Focus on Him Living in God Our reality is too small… Self-centeredness blinds us... Six Wishes The Lord's Prayer |
| Our Father in Heaven | A Better Life Is Waiting A Glance Backward Children of the King Father, I long to live in full response… How Do I Use This Prayer? O Father in heaven, bless this earth... Sometimes faith leads us to patiently… The Lord's Prayer |
* | Our Father's Burning Heart | A Father’s Love All-seeing God… Even though I cannot know… Father, help me share Your heart… Father, help me to see people… Father, help me to spend less of myself… Father, help me to treat all... Father, You have trusted me… If you want to please your Father… Individuals, Not Issues Love Is Not Blind Luke 15: The Other Lost Son Our personal reality can grow… Reading the little book of Jonah... Whatever your ministry, don't focus... |
* | Our God Came to Visit | You Come |
| Our God Is a God of Might | Almighty God, my Father… Eternal God Father, as I trust You, my reality… Father, help me to live in the reality… Father, You are sovereign over… Sovereign God made Himself a victim... Sovereign God, Loving Lord, my Father… Sovereign God, You dwell in eternity… The Eternal God overflows all… The Exodus: A Preview of the Plagues The Exodus: The Plagues Begin The Exodus: The Plagues Continue To the trusting heart… |
| Our Great High Priest | Father, thank You for the eternal, holy… Jesus Christ, Our High Priest O Father, because Your holy... Scarred |
* | Our Healer | Father, we trust Your love: You... God Our Healer Loving Father, I long... When I'm Ill |
* | Our Hope Is All in You | Father, You are all my hope... Reflection on Psalm 33 |
| Our Lord I Am | Behind the Hymn: Our Lord I AM Father, every time we see You working… Father, Your wisdom is perfect… In His Presence Know Your Creator Majestic in Holiness O Magnificent God... Once we grasp… The Eternal God overflows all… The overwhelming... The Transcendent God Transcendent Father, help me to be so... Usually we can analyze… We make physical sight the gatekeeper… While I freely admit my own ignorance... |
| Our New Song of Praise | |
* | Partners in the Mystery | An unwanted decree... Share in Christ Through Difficulties |
* | Pass the Peace of Christ | The Peace of Jesus |
* | Peace in Christ | Alone with Jesus Anxiety is self-centered… Anxiety or deadly false… As you read the gospels, sense… Deep Peace Father, as my fears grow… Father, in the world we have trouble... Father, one that I love… Father, Your salvation is not all… Jesus tells us: Don’t think… O God of Peace, You grant... Peace in You Tense Situations |
* | Peace in the Storm | As I read Mark 4:35-41... Do you long for peace? Father, we chafe under... Lord, in the midst of my greatest... Lord, You expected Your disciples not to fear... Peace in the Storm |
* | Peace, Peace, Peace | In this selfish, troubled... Kingdom of Peace The Shepherd King |
| Pearl of Great Price | Father, I set aside... Father, let nothing water down… Father, our treasure is not… Father, You kept Your promise to Solomon... Jesus Christ, I give myself to You… O Father, in Jesus Christ... The Pearl of Great Price The Supreme Good The Treasure, the Pearl The Ultimate Treasure Yes, Father, I gladly, eagerly... |
* | Pentecost Hymn | Behind the Hymn: Pentecost Hymn Father, distraction and self-interest… Father, what a momentous and... Father, You have wonderful, gracious… Pentecost The Christ of Pentecost The Gift of God’s Spirit The Holy Spirit: God with Us |
| People of the Living God | People of the Living God |
| Perfect Peace | Father, help me to remain content… Father, I want to rest in You… Father, while I trust and obey You… If we throw aside… (paraphrased from Fenelon) Perfect Peace |
| Persistent Prayer | Persistent Prayer |
| Philippians 2:1-8 | As we servants of God... David was not called... Father, help me to treat all other... Father, the Bible reminds us... Father, we walk and work each day... Give Me the Mind of Christ Receiving Christ’s Servants The highest purpose for speaking... The Sweet Fruits of Unity Your Chosen People |
* | Pictures of God's Love | Father, help me not to expect You... Jesus was continually at odds... Jonah stumbled... Picture This What an amazing passage... |
| Please Yourself | Guard Your Heart |
* | Poor in Spirit | Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit God of Endless Abundance Money |
* | Praise to You, Giver of Life! | Father, help me to see other… Like the disciples, Father… Patient with Differences The Gift of Life The God of Life |
* | Prayer for God's Presence | Beautiful Words |
* | Prayer for Purity | Destructive Habits Father, I always go wrong… Father, in my thinking, in my living... Father, keep my heart… Father, search me... Father, Your testing is part... God is serious about our holiness… Judgment Has Already Begun Psalm 139: Embracing His Knowing Your Holy Temple |
| Prayer of Intercession | A Prayer Response to Romans 14 As I Sit among Your People Concerned with What Concerns You Father, I want for my loved ones... Father, whenever I come before You… Father, with all our political leaders… I Thank God for You If you care so much for your loved ones… Individuals, Not Issues Musical and Spiritual Changes The Bond of Prayer When you pray for someone... |
| Prepare Us | O God, for me make the waiting… Prepare for Worship Shadows of Christ |
* | Present Lord | A Living, Present Being A Present God A Real Person As I simply trust You, Father… Creator Face-to-face with the Living God Father, I will bring You all my sorrow… Father, You are all-in-all... Jacob at Bethel Know God by Faith Realizing His Presence Devotional |
| Pride | Pride |
| Print Your Image | Decide Easter Is a Story of Sacrifice Father, I have not made myself right... Luke 11:37-54 The fruitfulness of your life depends… |
| Prophecies of Christ | The All-in-all Christ |
* | Psalm 1 | Before the day begins and after... Father, help me drink... Father, help me to begin... Father, in a world of lies and vicious... Father, today feed my mind... Father, You Yourself have breathed... Father, Your Word is so precious... Imagine: the Creator... O Father, implant Your Word... O Father, may Your wisdom... Reflection on Psalm 1 Without You, Father... |
* | Psalm 10 | Our Father, righteous King of all... Reflection on Psalm 10 |
| Psalm 100 | O magnificent Creator, our Shepherd, we sing... Reflection on Psalm 100 |
| Psalm 101 | Father may Your Spirit fill my heart... Reflection on Psalm 101 |
* | Psalm 102 | Father, You listen to our groans... Reflection on Psalm 102 |
* | Psalm 103 | God loves you completely and forever... O Father, You always have been... Reflection on Psalm 103 |
* | Psalm 104 | Father, our imaginations strain... God takes animals through the long… Know Your Creator Love in Living Color O Father, my Father, may I always respond... O magnificent God, in this world You immerse... Psalm 104: How Should I Respond to My Creator? Psalm 104: Immerse Your Senses in God Psalm 104: Our Nourishing Creator Psalm 104: See God's Servants |
| Psalm 105 | Are you being tried... Father, through difficult days, help... Father, we trace Your hand Reflection on Psalm 105 |
| Psalm 106 | Father, even at our best, how inconsistent... Reflection on Psalm 106 |
| Psalm 107 | Father, You deliver the needy... Reflection on Psalm 107 |
| Psalm 108 | Father, I worship You for... Father, when human means seem... Reflection on Psalm 108 |
| Psalm 109 | Father, the injustice of this world... Good and Evil in the Psalms |
* | Psalm 11 | Father, no crisis... No matter how deserted... Pray. He loves... Reflection on Psalm 11 When you are threatened... |
* | Psalm 110 | Do you want to see God's Kingdom... Father, You have brought all You are... Reflection on Psalm 110 |
* | Psalm 111 | O my Father, recognizing You... Reflection on Psalm 111 |
* | Psalm 112 | Father, O what a blessing... Reflection on Psalm 112 |
| Psalm 113 | Most High God, You humble Yourself... O God, high over all reality... Reflection on Psalm 113 |
| Psalm 114 | Master of all reality... Reflection on Psalm 114 |
| Psalm 115 | Almighty God, our shallow... Maker of all that is... Reflection on Psalm 115 |
| Psalm 116 | O Delivering God... Reflection on Psalm 116 |
| Psalm 117 | EVERYONE, praise God... Reflection on Psalm 117 |
| Psalm 118 | Jesus Christ, Our Intercessor Jesus Christ, You have come to us... Reflection on Psalm 118 |
| Psalm 119 | Father, deliver me from the wisdom... Father, You and all Your words are sure... Reflection on Psalm 119 Your Word enriches my life... |
| Psalm 12 | Father, most of the words in... Father, Your Word is my joy... O Father, Your Word is forever... Reflection on Psalm 12 |
| Psalm 120 | O Father, I feel like an outsider... Reflection on Psalm 120 Strangers Here |
* | Psalm 121 | O Father Creator, no matter... Reflection on Psalm 121 |
* | Psalm 122 | Father, how I love being among... |
| Psalm 123 | Father, I will look to You... Father, weighed down with needs... Reflection on Psalm 123 Simply calling on our God... |
* | Psalm 124 | Reflection on Psalm 124 Through every trouble... |
| Psalm 125 | Father, You surround me... O Light of the World... Reflection on Psalm 125 |
* | Psalm 126 | Father, Creator, Savior, You have... Father, the waiting we endure... Father, through difficult days, help... Reflection on Psalm 126 |
* | Psalm 127 | Father, only in You do our efforts... Father, You are the Giver of all... Lessons from Solomon Reflection on Psalm 127 |
* | Psalm 128 | Father, the blessings that flow... Reflection on Psalm 128 |
* | Psalm 129 | Father, I do not live... Father, let Your rightness... Reflection on Psalm 129 |
* | Psalm 13 | Father, I feel like You have forgotten... Reflection on Psalm 13 |
| Psalm 130: "From These Depths, O Lord" | Everything I want, everything... Reflection on Psalm 130 |
* | Psalm 131 | Almighty, Holy God, I pray, keep... Reflection on Psalm 131 Strong and gentle Father... |
| Psalm 132 | Almighty God of unfailing faithfulness... Reflection on Psalm 132 |
| Psalm 133 | Father of all, in these divisive... God in Three Persons... Reflection on Psalm 133 Society encourages competition... |
* | Psalm 134 | O Almighty Father, You who... |
* | Psalm 135 | Eternal God, You are all-powerful... Reflection on Psalm 135 |
| Psalm 136: "Give Thanks to God" | Father, this is the light... Father, through all my inconsistencies… His Love Endures Forever Infinite Love Undying Love |
| Psalm 137 | Father, when all the world seems dark... Reflection on Psalm 137 |
* | Psalm 138 | Father, we thank You for Your unfailing love... Reflection on Psalm 138 |
| Psalm 139 | Father, You know me thoroughly... Reflection on Psalm 139 You will always, always... |
| Psalm 14 | O Father, You did not abandon us... Reflection on Psalm 14 |
| Psalm 140 | O Holy God, always good... Reflection on Psalm 140 |
| Psalm 141 | Father, so fix my heart on You... Reflection on Psalm 141 |
| Psalm 142 | Father, when I feel overwhelmed and... Reflection on Psalm 142 When my Gethsemane comes... |
| Psalm 143 | Father, when all seems dark... Reflection on Psalm 143 |
| Psalm 144 | Father, Eternal Almighty God... Reflection on Psalm 144 |
* | Psalm 145 | O Almighty, Magnificent Father... Reflection on Psalm 145 |
* | Psalm 146 | My Father, I will praise You with... Reflection on Psalm 146 |
* | Psalm 147 | Father, how can we trace... Reflection on Psalm 147 |
* | Psalm 148 (AZMON) | Our God deserves to be praised... Praise Reflection on Psalm 148 |
* | Psalm 148 (RISING SUN) | Kingship Our God deserves to be praised... Praise Reflection on Psalm 148 |
* | Psalm 149 | O Father, I am glad IN YOU... Reflection on Psalm 149 |
* | Psalm 15 | Father, thank You, thank You... Reflection on Psalm 15 |
* | Psalm 150 | Father, consume my life... Reflection on Psalm 150 |
* | Psalm 16 | Father, I long for escape... O Father, You are my protector... Reflection on Psalm 16 |
| Psalm 16: "I Find All My Joy in You" | Father, Your unfailing love... God Keeps His Own Patience and Persistence |
* | Psalm 17 | Father, rescue me from a ravenous evil... Reflection on Psalm 17 |
| Psalm 18 | O Awesome, Almighty God... Reflection on Psalm 18 |
* | Psalm 19 | All that God says is wise... Father, enable me... Father, Your Word is so creative... Loving Father, Your truth... O Living God, we know You... Reflection on Psalm 19 Since You have no needs... |
* | Psalm 2 | If God Is for Us Psalm 2: God Responds Psalm 2: Our Response Psalm 2: The World Threatens Son of God This Is Our Champion When evil threatens its worst... |
| Psalm 20 | Here in the middle of my trouble... Reflection on Psalm 20 |
* | Psalm 21 | Father, You have anointed Your Son... Reflection on Psalm 21 |
| Psalm 22 | In the grip of all these threats... Trusting God in the Darkness Why Have You Forsaken Me? |
| Psalm 23 | Father, You give me everything I need... Psalm 23 Paraphrase Reflection on Psalm 23 |
| Psalm 23: "The Father's Gifts" | A Relationship of Trust Even our needs... Father, my neediness is deep and wide… Father, You comfort us in... Father, Your blessing is more powerful... He Is Our Shepherd, We Are His Sheep I Trust My Body to You In my unbelief... Know God by Faith Our Father's Discipline Our Shepherd through the Wilderness Psalm 23 Paraphrase |
* | Psalm 24 | Reflection on Psalm 24 Who is worthy to come... |
* | Psalm 25 | Father, help me not to cling to... Father, You have deep... Reflection on Psalm 25 |
| Psalm 26 | Father, I desire union with You... Reflection on Psalm 26 |
* | Psalm 27 | Father, You are my light, my... Reflection on Psalm 27 |
* | Psalm 28 | Father, as I cry out to You... Reflection on Psalm 28 |
| Psalm 29: "Voice of God" | Father, through Your wonderful words... Father, Your mighty, sovereign voice... O Father Creator, Sovereign King... You Speak |
* | Psalm 31 | As Jesus was beaten... Father, even in our most desperate need... Father, help me to be content... Father, when unfair... Reflection on Psalm 31 |
| Psalm 32 | Father, what a wonderful gift is freedom... Reflection on Psalm 32 |
| Psalm 33 | Father, if we thank You for every gift... God Is Drawing Us to Himself Morning Thanksgiving O Father, all reality overflows... |
| Psalm 34 | Father, I will praise You with my words... Reflection on Psalm 34 |
| Psalm 35 | Father, in every situation, with... I live in a world of hatred... Reflection on Psalm 35 |
| Psalm 36 | Reflection on Psalm 36 When our hearts are wrong... |
| Psalm 37: "Wait on the Lord" | Beware of shortcuts... Dangling Threads Do you feel engulfed... Does your struggle seem long... Father, all life, all goodness... Father, the fulfillment of Your promises... Father, to us Your ways... Father, You led Abraham out... God of mystery... God of perfect timing... Ninth Months Pregnant Our Childish Perspective Sometimes when we seem to be... Wait When God delays, He may be... Your perfect wisdom... |
| Psalm 39 | My life and all my "possessing"... Reflection on Psalm 39 Strangers Here |
| Psalm 41 | Father, when I join You in caring... Reflection on Psalm 41 |
| Psalm 44 | Don't be distressed by problems... Father, through difficult days, help... Reflection on Psalm 44 Throughout my life and... Your weaknesses and neediness... |
* | Psalm 45: "See Christ, Your Bridegroom" | Almighty Father, Your Son... Christ Your Bridegroom Our Wedding Day Is Near |
| Psalm 46 | Father, in the Psalms... Reflection on Psalm 46 You, Almighty God... |
| Psalm 46: "God Will Be Exalted" | Father, our physical world seems… Father, sometimes You allow us to face... Father, You will give evil its hour... Fears within and the world around… God Will Be Exalted God's purpose is never threatened… Hope That Does Not Disappoint In the End Sometimes God sends us out… The Finale of Job's Confrontation with God Your Kingdom Come, Father! |
| Psalm 47 | Father, I exalt You, praise You... Reflection on Psalm 47 |
| Psalm 48 | O Father, help us to glorify You and... Reflection on Psalm 48 |
| Psalm 49 | Father, in this world and in this... Reflection on Psalm 49 |
| Psalm 5 | Father, as I face another day in... Father, in what ways... My Own Prayer Retreat Reflection on Psalm 5 This morning, Father, I turn to You... |
| Psalm 50 | Father, You are not fooled... Reflection on Psalm 50 |
| Psalm 51: "Song of Confession" | Father, when I do wrong... Forgiveness #1 Forgiveness Is Always Available God, My Brother Living Without Guilt Lord, Forgive Me Psalm 51: Confession Psalm 51: Confidence Psalm 51: Have Mercy! When we do wrong… |
| Psalm 52 | Father, in the face of every evil and... Reflection on Psalm 52 |
* | Psalm 53 | Reflection on Psalm 53 Those who deny God consign... |
| Psalm 54 | Father, Creator, Savior, only You... Reflection on Psalm 54 |
* | Psalm 55 | Father, when I am burdened... Reflection on Psalm 55 |
| Psalm 56: "When I Am Afraid" | Almighty God, my Father, when... Don’t Fear Sufferings Father, help me to remain in Your peace… Father, I receive this difficult situation… Father, when trouble faces me... For a time, God may isolate us… Trust Your Father When concerns for your physical body… When problems come, Father… |
* | Psalm 57 | O Unfailing Love... Reflection on Psalm 57 |
| Psalm 58 | O Father, bring justice... Reflection on Psalm 58 |
* | Psalm 59 | Father, in a world where evil... Reflection on Psalm 59 |
| Psalm 6 | Father, I am desperately needy... Reflection on Psalm 6 |
* | Psalm 60: "Back to You" | During our times of deepest need… Father, when we are laid low... Forced Fasts Neediness Secure When Discouragements Come You Call Me Back |
| Psalm 61 | O Father, my troubles are too much... Reflection on Psalm 61 |
| Psalm 62 | Beyond my words, Father, I fix... Father, when I think about the situation... God, You are my deliverance... In the Silence You Alone |
* | Psalm 63 | I Hunger for You O Magnificent Father, my whole being... |
| Psalm 64 | By what a person is mastered... O just and loving Father... Reflection on Psalm 64 |
* | Psalm 65 | O Father Creator, all that... Reflection on Psalm 65 |
| Psalm 66: "Come and See the Works of Our God!" | God, I Want to Know You O Father, help us to praise You... O Father, Your love... The Exodus: Seeming Setbacks |
| Psalm 68 | Lord God, however the present appears... Reflection on Psalm 69 |
| Psalm 69 | Reflection on Psalm 69 Suffering, tortured, rejected... |
| Psalm 70 | Father, evil is pressuring us... Reflection on Psalm 70 |
| Psalm 71 | Father, in this present struggle... Reflection on Psalm 71 |
* | Psalm 72 | Creator, loving Father, the rule... Reflection on Psalm 72 |
* | Psalm 73 | Father, I will not see the truth... Father, when my focus shifts... Reflection on Psalm 73 |
* | Psalm 74 | Almighty God, our suffering is real... Reflection on Psalm 74 |
| Psalm 75 | Not the wonders of nature... Reflection on Psalm 75 |
| Psalm 76 | O Father, how marvelous is Your presence... Reflection on Psalm 76 |
* | Psalm 77 | Almighty Father, I cannot see or feel... Reflection on Psalm 77 |
| Psalm 78 | Father, through all our neediness... Reflection on Psalm 78 |
| Psalm 79 | Holy God, we are overwhelmed... Reflection on Psalm 79 |
* | Psalm 8 | O Magnificent God, Your creation... Reflection on Psalm 8 |
* | Psalm 80 | Loving Father, our Shepherd... Reflection on Psalm 80 |
* | Psalm 81 | Father, Your goodness to us extends... Reflection on Psalm 81 |
| Psalm 82 | Father, You are just and always work justice... Reflection on Psalm 82 |
* | Psalm 83 | Father, Creator, Redeemer, even... Reflection on Psalm 83 |
| Psalm 84 | Father, through all that I pursue O Father, my heart sings for joy... Sometimes my daily path seems... Thank You, Father, for the joy... The Joy of Your Presence |
| Psalm 85 | Father, I trust You to finish... Father, Your loving heart longs... Reflection on Psalm 85 |
* | Psalm 86 | In this need, Father, help me... Reflection on Psalm 86 |
| Psalm 87 | Father, You have joined Yourself... Reflection on Psalm 87 |
| Psalm 88 | God, in my lowest moments... Reflection on Psalm 88 |
| Psalm 89 | O Father, enthroned in unfailing love... Reflection on Psalm 89 |
* | Psalm 9 | Father, even in this evil world... Reflection on Psalm 9 |
* | Psalm 90: "Eternal God, Unbound by Time" | In Your Time O Everlasting God, Your love takes... |
* | Psalm 91: "In Your Presence, God Almighty" | A Real Person As I simply trust You, Father, I live... Father, today we are in Your tender care... O Father, what a privilege to live... Praying in His Presence Pure Light Secure |
| Psalm 92 | Reflection on Psalm 92 You are unfailing love... |
| Psalm 93 | Lift the eyes of your imagination... Reflection on Habakkuk 1:5-11 Reflection on Psalm 93 |
* | Psalm 94 | Evil seems to flourish unchecked... Father, I long for You to show... Reflection on Psalm 94 |
| Psalm 95 | Almighty God, my Shepherd, my Father... Reflection on Psalm 95 |
| Psalm 96 | O my Father, my Creator... Reflection on Psalm 96 |
| Psalm 97 | Almighty Creator, all the earth shows... Reflection on Psalm 97 |
* | Psalm 98 | Father, all Your people, all nations... Reflection on Psalm 98 |
| Psalm 99 | O Living God, how every person on earth... Reflection on Psalm 99 |
| Psalm of Trust | Psalm 23: In Deepest Darkness Psalm 23: My Provider Psalm 23: Provision in Threatening Times Rest |
* | Psalms 42-43 | Father, when my heart and my life... Reflection on Psalms 42-43 |
| Pursue Love | Father, in what ways am I... Love Throughout your heart... |
| Quietness | As I trust You, Father, I... Father, step by step... Father, when anxiety rises in me... The Quietness of Jesus Trust Devotional |
* | Raised from Death to Love and Living | Father, if I have softened… Father, may my actions today… Father, You have committed to me… Holiness The Only Reasonable Response You are the righteous... |
| Ready | Stay Ready |
* | Reconciled in Christ | After His resurrection… Ambassadors of His Love As we see Jesus, we... Everywhere the Apostle Paul went… Father, help me see my world… Father, thank You for Your marvelous... Father, the Old Testament saints... Father, You love everyone with... Father, Your Spirit works within us... How absolutely wonderful is the gospel… Motives Matter On the outside, Father, we appear... The epistles of Paul show... Toward Unbelievers Who We Are in You |
| Reign in Me | Almighty God, my Father… Children of the King Closer, Lord Prayer does not enable a small... The Fruit of Relationship The Lord's Prayer The Lord's Prayer Paraphrased Turned Toward God Without You, Father, and dependence… |
* | Rejoice in His Coming | A Multitude of Angels Christmas Is a Story of Joy |
| Rejoice in His Love | |
* | Rejoice! Christ Is Here! | Rejoice! Christ Is Here! |
* | Remain in Me | Father, I want a living, unbroken connection… Father, in all I do today... Follow where the Lord leads... Growing in Holiness The Key to Fruitfulness |
* | Remember Your Lord | Father, as I take communion... Father, as the Passover helps the… Jesus, as we take communion… Meal of Remembrance Remember Him The Lord's Supper and Passover |
| Remind Me, Lord | Remember Your God |
| Reminders of You | A Living Hymn |
| Repent | Even God's judgment... Repent |
| Responding to Our Father | Creator, Father, Savior... God of Endless Abundance O Father, help me to live more... |
* | Resting in the Lord | Holiness Devotional I Am from You I Can Live in Christ When I feel a need... Your Rest, Father |
* | Revelation 21 | All Saints Day All the Fullness of God Father, in the new creation You are... The Jewel |
* | Revelation Worship | When I Worship You Worship in the Book of Revelation |
| Rich in Christ | All the richest blessings we... God commanded that the tribe of Levi... Now, Christ Alone O Father, what eternal riches we see... True, eternal wealth... We can be rich by human... |
* | Risen from Eternal Death (EASTER HYMN) | Easter Is a Story of Life Risen with Christ |
* | Risen from Eternal Death (LLANFAIR) | Risen with Christ |
* | Risen with Jesus Christ | |
* | River of Mercy | |
* | Romans 6 | Father, as I trust You, I am dead... Father, I want to serve You as... Prayer Response to Romans 6 |
| Sabbath | Sabbath |
| Sea of Mercy | A Story of Forgiveness A Story of Forgiveness 2 Do you regret some chapters... Father, I don't need a major moral… Father, the more I look to You, the more... God gives grace when... Mercy Psalm 51: Recommitment Whatever your faults and failures... |
* | Seated with Christ | Seated with Christ |
| Second Coming Hymn | Christ will soon gather... Father, help me lives as Your servant... Just as we cannot fully understand... The Second Coming Ultimate Urgency |
* | See All That Human Can Be | As I See Jesus Consider This Gift Easter Is the Story of a Mystery Father, Creator, Sovereign Savior Father, You sent Jesus to bring us… Jesus Christ is our example... Jesus: Your Ultimate Choice Realize who you are… See Your Destiny See Your Heavenly Father Son of Man The Christ of Ordinary Time The Son of Man We will soon realize by personal… |
| See Almighty God | Easter Is the Story of a Coronation |
* | See Christ, Your Bridegroom | Almighty Father, Your Son... Christ Your Bridegroom Our Wedding Day Is Near |
* | See God in Christ | One with You in Christ |
| See Him Walk on the Water | Do you want God to glorify Himself… Father, when storms engulf me... He Comes to Us Sovereign, almighty, all-loving God... |
* | See His Kingdom Come in Power | At His transfiguration... God's Kingdom Comes |
* | See How God's Flower Blossoms | Behind the Hymn: See How God's Flower Blossoms Promises |
| See Jesus | |
* | See the Father Walk Among Us | Father, You are high and holy, transcendent… Miracles? See Your Heavenly Father |
| See the Glory of God | See the Glory of God |
| See the Lamb of God | His Indescribable Gift |
* | See the Seed of Faith | Be diligent with every task… Faith Spreads Father, what beautiful, life-giving fruit... Father, whatever I am sowing day after day… Father, You often work through… Father, Your Kingdom is a mustard seed... God is a gardener at heart… God’s Seeds Bear Fruit Realize this: you are serving… We dream of making grand and glorious… |
| See the Servant | Here Is My Servant Recognized as King Servant Song 4 The Anointed One The Servant King The Suffering Servant comes to bring... |
| See Them Come | Father, the human race is like a prism… One in Christ |
| See What Love Has Done | Because You Love Me Easter Is a Story of Darkness |
| Seeds of Prayer | Ask #3 Ask! Be Open with God Commit your concerns to your Father... Jesus talked to You often, Father... |
| Seeking Me | Forgiving Love Knocking Letter from a Concerned Father Our Pursuer Seeking Me |
| Shalom | Shalom |
| Share in the Father | Share in the Father |
* | Share Your Father's Heart | Father, deliver me from the self-centered... |
* | Simeon | Father, like Simeon Simeon |
| Simple Faith | Father, as we begin to know You better… Father, I limit the constancy... Father, may my prayer life include... How Do I Use This Prayer? I Am Always with You Just Talk with Him Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 1 Natural Prayer Openness and Simplicity Prayer Devotional Prayer is personal communication... Prayer Is Simply Talking to God Praying in His Presence Realizing His Presence Devotional Talk simply and honestly to your Father… The Sovereign Lord of all reality speaks… Today, Father, I will not listen to… Today’s Prayer When faith is simple… |
* | Simply God | Captive O Father, Ruler of all reality... |
| Simply Seeing You | During difficult times we sometimes… God of glory, Your magnificence... Habakkuk's Prayer In plenty and in need... Open My Eyes Our Single-minded Father |
* | Sing We Now of Christmas | Glorious Counterpoint |
| Snowflakes | Children: God's Living Promise |
| So Unworthy | Grace and Peace New Driver Unearned Love |
* | Soldiers of Christ, Arise | Behind the Hymn: Soldiers of Christ, Arise Evil's False Face Father, in this evil world, help... One of the Tempter's strategies... The Full Armor of God The Full Armor of God 1 The Full Armor of God 2 The Full Armor of God 3 |
| Song of Confession | Father, when I do wrong... Forgiveness #1 Forgiveness Is Always Available God, My Brother Living Without Guilt Lord, Forgive Me Psalm 51: Confession Psalm 51: Confidence Psalm 51: Have Mercy! When we do wrong… |
* | Sown in Tears, Raised in Joy | A Seed Must Be Planted Do not fear death... Father, I look forward to an... What We Will Be When a believer "dies"... |
* | Speak Your Word, My Father | A Personal Reflection A Study in Failure, Part 2 All Credit, No Blame As You Lead Because of our unique resources… Ezekiel's Calling Father, as one You have trusted to teach... Father, help me not to wrangle... Father, help me to know when… Father, I get up every morning… Father, I serve not for money… Father, I will not let my service to You… Father, may people see and hear... Father, the gospel spreads… Father, when I speak Your truth… Father, You will make me sufficient… One voice speaking the truth... Speak Your truth boldly and clearly... Speaking for the Father The Great Commission... Words matter. They hurt… |
| Speak, I Am Listening | Father, teach me the humility... Father, thank You for Your willingness... If I Am Following, You Are Leading Immersed in God |
* | Speak, Lord | Father, deliver me from the wisdom... God's Living Word |
| Spirit of Christ | As I read today... Father, as I read today... Father, I want a living, unbroken connection… Father, You put within me the Spirit... Like Jesus' disciples… Listen to the Spirit of Christ… O my merciful Father, I want to walk… Spirit of Christ The Spirit of Jesus |
| Spirit, Come | Father, by Your Spirit in me… Father, engrave Your truth… Father, today fill me with the holy… Father, You have poured Yourself… Following the Father Living Water We cannot make ourselves like God… |
| Standing Strong | Give Me Boldness |
* | Star Hymn | The Star |
| Startled by Your Lowliness | Free, Fearless, and Complete The angel's message to... |
| Still He Comes | Still He Comes |
| Surrounded by Your Greatness | Creator & Father Devotional |
| Sweet Peace | Behind the Hymn: Sweet Peace Father, I look forward to the day… Kingdom of Peace Peace Prepare for Advent: Peace |
* | Take These Goods I Cannot Keep | Father, help us to use the resources... Invest Wisely |
* | Talking with God | Talking with God |
| Teach Me How to Love | Gentleness is not weakness... In Someone Else’s Skin O Father, make my love... With those whose opinions differ... |
| Teach Us to Pray | Father, Jesus craved time... Father, Teach Me to Pray! Jesus and His Father Jesus Models Prayer Teach Me to Pray |
| Thank You for the Beauty of This Day | Morning Thanksgiving On this beautiful day, Father... Practicing the Presence |
| Thank You for This Child | |
* | Thank You for Your Perfect Will | Absolutely nothing of lasting value... Coveting His Control Father, all that You do is good... Father, help me to see today... Father, help us not to fear what... Father, I long to see the whole... Father, I wait patiently for You... Father, no matter what happens today... Father, with You we can go... Keep Walking Loving Father, You guide... Wait |
| The All-in-all Is All I Need | The All-in-all Is All I Need |
* | The Allness of God | Father, You make promises that... God Himself is all that you... Live in the Allness of God The Allness of God |
| The Beauty of Christ | Whatever else the Lord... |
| The Bible Song | Treasure God's Word |
| The Birthday Party | What a Beginning! |
| The Blessing of the Lord | A Love Letter Father of all life and all good Father, the highlight of my life… Father, You bless all who trust You... Father, Your faithfulness overwhelms... God Decrees Our Well-being God's blessing is not His wish… In all the world, there is nothing... You Are the Blessing |
* | The Blood-washed Pilgrim | An Introduction to Temptation Behind the Hymn: The Blood-washed Pilgrim Father, I remember what I was like… Father, in Your loving plans for Your children… How can you please your Father… If you are following Jesus… Reflection on Daniel 3 Rejoice! The Father has guaranteed a glorious... Triumphant through Suffering Walk by Faith We live in cities planned and built… |
| The Body of Christ | Father, thank You for the rich... Right here, right now, God is... The Body of Christ |
| The Catch and the Call | Prayer Response to Luke 5:1-11 |
| The Circle of Love | Father, all that I have… Father, I am passing through this world… Father, I offer You… Father, the more I trust You and love You... Father, with whatever riches… Giving is a beautiful way... Remember that today, as with the… Sharing God’s Gifts The Circle of Love When God gives you a gift... |
| The Father's Face | Always Face to Face As you pray, you open… Children of the King Christ Helps Me Pray Completion Father, anger and anxiety grow… Father, as Jesus faced the whirlwind... Father, as You speak today… Father, help me to live in Your presence… Father, help me to live moment by moment… Father, I am challenged… Father, I long to live fully as Your child… Father, Jesus was single-mindedly devoted… Father, when Jesus was abandoned… In my thoughts, Father… In Old Testament times, it was… Jesus was transfigured AS... Look to Your Father Move in, Lord Natural Prayer Praying in His Presence Rewarding God What If I Prayed? When the Real Me Prays |
| The Father's Gifts | A Relationship of Trust Even our needs... Father, my neediness is deep and wide… Father, You comfort us in... Father, Your blessing is more powerful... He Is Our Shepherd, We Are His Sheep I Trust My Body to You In my unbelief... Know God by Faith Our Father's Discipline Our Shepherd through the Wilderness |
* | The Fear of God | Father, help me to live in the reality… Father, with threats all around me... Fear God Alone Fearing the Father In God's Holy Presence Isaiah 6: The Prophet's Response Jesus knows death and life… Sovereign God, Loving Lord, my Father… What does it mean to fear God... When we fear God - when we believe... While the crowds marveled at Jesus' miracles… Whom or What Do You Fear? Worship by Faith |
| The Feast Is Spread | Christ Is Our Feast Feed Me, Lord How Do We Keep the Lord's Supper Meaningful? |
* | The First Noel | The Shepherds' Invitation |
* | The Flower | Promises |
* | The Freedom of Faith | The Freedom of Faith |
* | The Fullness of God's Glory | The Immensity of God |
* | The Gift of Your Spirit | Walking in the Spirit |
* | The Glories of Christ | Our Living Hope |
* | The Glorified Christ (AUSTRIAN HYMN) | Christ Walks among Us Jesus Christ, Sovereign God, is forever… Jesus Walks Among Us Prepare for Ascension Day Revelation: The Glorified Christ The Ascended Christ |
| The Glorified Christ (GLORIFIED CHRIST) | Jesus Christ, Sovereign God, is forever… Jesus Walks Among Us |
| The Glow of Your Goodness | God, what a glorious day... Joy is the inevitable... My prayer for all my loved ones... Seeing God's Glory Sing to the Lord a new song |
| The God of Heaven Bless You | |
| The God of Hope Be With You | |
| The Good Fight of Faith | |
| The Good Samaritan | Draw near to the needy... Father, may my life make… Father, what amazing and marvelous ways… I owe a debt to every person… The Bible doesn't say that we are to love… The Good Samaritan Use Me |
| The Goodness of God | The Goodness of God |
| The Greatest Commandments | Fill Me with Love Let Me Love You in Others |
* | The Heart of Christ (BEACH SPRING) | Give Me Your Heart |
* | The Heart of Christ (NETTLETON) | Give Me Your Heart In His final hours, Jesus was shrouded… The Christ of Holy Week |
| The Joy of Forgiveness | Father, bless us today... Father, You are so generous with… Father, You have given me such… Forgiveness #1 Forgiveness #2 Forgiving Others God, My Brother Hold on to Love Living Without Guilt Mercy, Not Judgment O Father, continue to grow in me... Only God knows the whole... Relationship Lessons The Gift of Forgiveness The Unforgiving Servant When someone wrongs you, remember... |
| The Joy of Giving | The Gift of Giving |
| The Kingdom of Our God Has Come | |
* | The Lamb of Christmas | |
| The Leper and the Paralytic | The Leper and the Paralytic |
| The Light Is Born | Christmas Is the Story of a Baby |
| The Light of the Living Christ | The Ultimate King |
* | The Lord Has Come! | Prepare for Advent: Joy Rejoice in Your Destiny |
| The Lord Is One | |
| The Lord's Own Child | |
* | The Love of God | A Father’s Love |
| The Love We Owe | Father, You have blessed me and... Jesus Will Call Us to Account |
* | The March of the Three Wise Men | Christmas Is the Story of a Star The Story of the Magi |
* | The Mind of Christ | Father, as long as… Father, bless my loved ones… Father, by Your Spirit help me to... Father, deliver me from the foolishness… Father, give me Christ's attitude... Father, I come to You this… Father, in my personal relationships… Father, may you be pleased... Father, self-centeredness permeates… Father, wherever You are leading me… Father, Your basic nature is love… Fill My Thoughts Forgiving Each Other Gaining the Mind of Christ Messiah and the Holy Spirit The life of Christ, the mind of Christ… |
* | The Mystery of Love | |
| The Only Good Is Jesus | All the care we lavish… As a means to true… Behind the Hymn: The Only Good Is Jesus Don't let anything--anything… Even the highest human joys are mixed... Father, all that we see and touch... Father, help me to be completely satisfied… Father, help me to turn away… Father, I diet and exercise… Father, may I not grasp for... Father, Your best gifts are in Jesus Christ… Focusing on the temporary things… From my own life experience... Hunger for God In heaven we will know and experience... Nothing but You O the utter futility... Single-minded Devotion Ultimately, money is like… When tempted, remember... You Alone |
* | The Promise | Behind the Hymn: The Promise Christmas Is the Story of a Promise Christmas reminds us… God's Eternal Promises In Jesus Christ all the beautiful... The Annunciation The Christ of Advent |
* | The Reason We Sing | A Thought about Congregational Singing Father, no matter what songs... God of all the arts... The Reason We Sing What Do You Want from Your Music? When you hear a song... Worship is more than telling God... |
| The Rich Young Ruler | Beware of the hunger for money… Father, deliver me from the craving… Father, I crave comfort and security… Money The Essence of Life True Riches What Do You Worship? What Will Matter Then? |
| The Seasons of LIfe | |
| The Seed and the Soils | Father, help me to keep my life weeded... Father, may my heart always be... The Seed and the Soils |
| The Shepherd's Carol | Behind the Hymn: The Shepherd's Carol Mysterious Wonders |
| The Table of the Lord | Meal of Remembrance |
* | The Timeless Truth | Treasures Old and New |
* | The Trial (BEECHER) | In Control Who Is on Trial? |
| The Trial (VENEZUELA) | In Control Who Is on Trial? |
| The Trumpet Will Sound | Father, He is with You right now… Father, what an amazing reality... God Keeps His Promises In a world completely obsessed… In You, Almighty God… Through Silence and Trumpets When Christ returns and the end of this age… |
* | The Truth of God Is Greater Far | Behind the Hymn: The Truth of God Is Greater Far Father, I’m sure I have false… Father, what prejudices or false notions… Father, what small-minded... Father, You have yet more truth… Father, Your truth overflows... God has not called me to attack… God's truth is so marvelous... Help Me to Know You In Jesus Christ we have infinite room… In our search for truth… O Father, forgive me for the way... Wisdom in Our Ignorance |
* | The Upward Call | An Adventure of Faith Don't focus on the life... Go Beyond I Press Ahead toward Christ Living with Our Imperfections The Danger of Drifting |
| The Way, Truth, and Life | The Way, Truth, and Life |
| The Wheat and the Weeds | God refuses to let His servants... The Wheat and the Weeds |
* | The Woman at the Well | The Woman at the Well |
* | The Word of God | Father, the truth You have revealed to us... I trust the Bible as one perfect... Is the Bible Accurate? Mangling the Word of God The Word of God |
| The Word of God Is Jesus Christ | Father, You have spoken Your full... Focus on Jesus Christ God's Promise to Moses Jesus the Word |
| The Word of the Lord | A Love Letter Behind the Hymn: The Word of the Lord Can We Reasonably Trust the Bible? Father, I am limited… Father, in our deep ignorance… Father, You have communicated precious... Father, Your written word comes… Improving God’s Word Is the Bible Accurate? Psalm 119: Desiring God's Word Psalm 119: The Value of God's Word Science doesn't have the… The Bible The King of Judah burned... The Word of God |
* | These Things Are Always True | You Never Change |
* | Think, Speak, and Live the Truth | All the Treasures of Wisdom Father, give me the mind… Father, grow in me… Father, help me to daily speak... Father, in this world of lies, delusions... Father, it is not enough to have the truth... Father, You have not left us to wallow... Father, You have shown me so much… Father, Your Word to us is… In Jesus Christ, the Truth... Slaves to a Lie Slaves to a Lie 1 Slaves to a Lie 2 The Law and Wisdom Literature Point to Christ The Prophets Look Forward The Truth The truth seems so little valued... The Truth Sets You Free The Word When society fails to uphold... |
| This Is God's Banquet, and All Are Invited | ALL Are Invited! |
| This Path of Pain | |
| Through Me | Each of Us Is a Gift of Grace Father, help me to be more patient... Father, help me to drive... Father, keep me completely humble... Today, let God spread... Use Me Today |
| To Worship You | Teach Me to Praise You |
* | Today in Your Presence | A Prayer for Today A Unique Opportunity |
* | Today, Father | Father, today help me to cleanse... For Today How Do I Use This Prayer? Sing the Lord’s Prayer The key to prayer and the fruit... The Lord’s Prayer in Context |
| Touch a Life Through Me | Do You Want to Make a Difference? Father, how can I be salt... Father, keep me lovingly sensitive... Father, people flocked to Jesus... Father, we always reap what we sow... The people all around you... |
| Transcendent and Immanent | Transcendent and Immanent |
* | Transcendent God | Earth Crawlers History's Destination Human history seems to be… In His Presence In order to keep ourselves as… Know Your Creator Magnificent God Psalm 94: A Warning Thousands of years after Eden… To many, the idea... |
* | Transfiguration Hymn | The Transfiguration Transfigured |
| Treasure | Father, I can only be and do... Father, in Your mercy deliver me... Father, our physical life is here... Father, thank You, thank You, thank You... Father, You are riches in... Today, Father, in this unique day... Well-being What a Priceless Treasure! |
* | Trinity Hymn | Father, Son, and Spirit Our All-encompassing God Prepare for Trinity Sunday The Christ of Trinity Sunday The prize held out… |
| True Wealth | Do not seek human glory... The Wealth of Being |
* | Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus | A Living, Present Being Content Father, any view of reality... Father, I will not see the truth... Father, You are wise and loving… |
| Turn Your Thoughts to God | Closer, Lord Help me to turn to You... I Can Live in Christ Pray Continually Relax in the Silence Simple Prayer Turn to God |
| Unchanging Father | Fearing Change O Father, everything else we trust... |
| Voice of God | Father, through Your wonderful words... Father, Your mighty, sovereign voice... O Father Creator, Sovereign King... You Speak |
| Wait on the Lord | Beware of shortcuts... Dangling Threads Do you feel engulfed... Does your struggle seem long... Father, all life, all goodness... Father, the fulfillment of Your promises... Father, the way You work is often... Father, to us Your ways... Father, we will wait on Your way... Father, You led Abraham out... God of mystery... God of perfect timing... In your difficult, uncertain situation... Ninth Months Pregnant Our Childish Perspective Sometimes when we seem to be... Wait When God delays, He may be... Your perfect wisdom... |
* | Waiting for Our Lord | Father, help me to spend my entire life... Father, I want to remain… Longing Prepare for Advent We Wait We Wait on You |
* | Walk by Faith, God's Guarantee | God is never limited by money… How to Be Sure about God If I Am Following, You Are Leading |
| Walk with Jesus | |
| Walking by Faith | Christmas Is a Story of Faith Father, as with Mary... Father, thank You for Your stern warnings… Through Difficulties |
* | Walking with You | Breakfast with the Lord Father, help me to lift my eyes… Father, with the challenges... Father, You deliver us from futile… Growing Me to You Joy Psalm 1: Fruits of God's Blessing Psalm 1: The Path to Blessing Today, Father, You are my Shepherd. |
| Watch and Wait | Reflection on Habakkuk 1:1-4 |
* | Water into Wine | Water into Wine |
* | We Are Children | Children Children of God Come like Jesus Father, I am Your child... Father, I am Your child… Father, the river of time… Father, though I cannot rely… I Am His Child Living in the Father's Presence Love That Teaches Realize who you are… Rewarding God See Your Destiny The Father's Children Through all the twists and turns… |
| We Are in Christ Jesus | Father, even when doing good seems to be futile... Father, I am weak… Father, when Jesus returns… Father, when we sacrifice or suffer… Father, You feed us with suffering... Father, You let Paul languish... I look at the glorified Christ… In Me You Have Peace Loving Father, help me to endure... Sovereign Father, You are leading me… We Follow Jesus When you have done the will of God... |
| We Are Listening, Lord | As I read Your Word today, Father... Father, I live, I hope... Father, may I not let Your pure Word... God is eager to teach you... Listening to a Friend We Are Listening |
* | We Are Living in Your Kingdom | We Are Living in Your Kingdom |
| We Are Trusting in the Lord | Despite the way we say it... Faith: The Greatest Bargain in the Universe Father, as we simply trust You, You... Father, as we trust You, we are... Father, faith in You is the way… Grow Us in Christ However frightening the future… In this dark world we cannot yet see… O Father, no matter how small... The Faith of Abraham |
* | We Can Know Our God Transcendent | All human learning is an attempt to… Eternal Day Father, Jesus Christ has come... Focus on Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the full and final revelation… Like the disciples, we know the way... See the Eternal Son The Holy One The I AM When redemption is complete… |
| We Choose Joy | Do you want more joy in your life… Father, bitterness and discontent… Father, help me to receive joyfully... Father, thinking about Jesus Christ… Rejoice You don't have to wait... |
* | We Come and Rest | Freedom in Christ Yes, Jesus, I gladly take... Your Mighty and Tender Word |
| We Come Seeking You | Father, as I read, I come... Father, feed me... Father, help me not to grow... Father, nurture in me the... Father, thank You for holding Yourself Father, the real point... I Come Seeking You If the Bible doesn't… Lord, I Am Listening Patience and Persistence Prepare Yourself for Praise We Come Seeking You |
| We Commit This Life to You | |
| We Fix Our Eyes on Jesus Christ | Church, Follow Me Do you want to know God better?... Don't be seduced or sedated... Everyone who follows Jesus Christ… Father, help me lay aside… Father, lasting honor comes from You alone... Father, our future is all… Final, ultimate, eternal truth... Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Focus on Jesus… In a world that denies moral absolutes... Purpose Run with Endurance Seeing the Unseen The model to which we aspire… Today's Focus Walk with Me War and Peace Watch the Horizon When we serve the Sovereign God... Your most important, most far-reaching… |
| We Have a Hope | Christmas Is the Story of a Star God's Promise to Noah Hope Grows Hope That Does Not Disappoint Immersed in disappointments and delays… The Temple: Destroyed, but Not Forever |
* | We Have Come to Join in Worship | As We Gather Father, may our view of each other… We believers are all together in the… |
* | We Have Come, God's Living Temple (CWM RHONDDA) | Greater Than the Temple O Father, by Your faithful Spirit... Satan Bound |
* | We Have Come, God's Living Temple (LAUDA ANIMA) | Father, help me to take every... Greater Than the Temple O Father, by Your faithful Spirit... One Body Satan Bound Together Worship |
* | We Lift the Light of Hope | Behind the Hymn: We Lift the Light of Hope God's Promise to Noah Hope Has No Ifs |
| We Long for Wholeness | Christ Our Healer |
* | We Look Behind at All You've Done | Almighty God has called you out... Father, as I look back… Father, You were faithful to… Hope Devotional Look Back Psalm 94: Confidence for the Future Tell Your Story The Unchanging God |
* | We Mourn | Blessed Are Those Who Mourn |
* | We Need You, Holy God | Father, continue to nurture my neediness... Father, I need You... Father, in all our need... Father, the future flows from You... Father, this is what I want... Father, We Need You I Need You, Father Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 4 Learn a New Response to Need Neediness Needing God Reborn We Need You Without You, Father, how... |
* | We Rejoice in YOU | We Rejoice in YOU |
| We Shall Rise in Jesus Christ! | A Seed Must Be Planted I Will Raise Him Up Our present bodies are only… Our present bodies, as amazing as they are… The Resurrection Body |
* | We Sing a Life Completed | A Life Completed |
* | We Taste Your Life and Long for More | As You have fed… Better Bread Father, in Your presence… Father, Jesus is everything You are… Father, Your Spirit now is my guarantee… Feed Me, Lord Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness True Bread |
| We Thank You | Father, You and Your Word are pure... Thank You! |
* | We Thank You, O Lord! | Father, gratitude is the beautiful fruit… Give Thanks Surprising Examples |
* | We Trust Your Love | We Trust Your Love |
* | We Walk with Our Lord | |
| We Will Be Your People | A People of Truth Apostle and High Priest Building a People Father, all we Your servants are... Father, as we follow Your Spirit… Father, I pray for the entire Christian... Father, in these divisive days, help... Father, it frightens us… Father, Jesus spoke only… Father, no matter what opposition… Father, the Body of Christ will grow… If we go where God sends us… Jesus, as I follow You in daily service… People of God When laying the foundation… Wholehearted Support Why were the twelve apostles… |
* | We Wish You a Merry Christmas | |
* | Welcome, Jesus Christ! | Father, when I receive the lowliest... How often has Jesus come among us… Jesus Among Us Personal Service to Jesus You Come to Me Every Day |
* | Welcome, Lord | |
| What a Fine Country! | |
| What a Strange and Wonderful Kingdom! | Children of the King Father, teach me to live fully... The Kingdom Will Come |
| What Will You Do with Jesus? | Holy, Almighty God made flesh... One Question |
| When Christ Our Healer's Work Is Done | Father, all Your children pass through... Father, I thank You for good health... God came among us focused... The Fruits of Your Presence When His Healing Is Complete When you pray for healing... |
| When I Am Afraid | Almighty God, my Father, when... Don’t Fear Sufferings Father, help me to remain in Your peace… Father, I receive this difficult situation… Father, when trouble faces me... For a time, God may isolate us… Trust Your Father When concerns for your physical body… When problems come, Father… |
| When I Face You, Lord | Behind the Hymn: When I Face You, Lord Father, compared to much of the world... Father, may love for Christ overflow... Father, the coming judgment is… Father, when that great day comes… Father, You have entrusted me… Father, You welcome those who... Holy and just Father, help me... If we could see… Obey God eagerly… Personal Service to Jesus Savior, when I stand before... The Judgment You Did It for Me |
| When I Speak | Father, I want to be completely... Hearing the Spirit’s Voice I Need the Mind of Christ |
* | When Jesus Speaks | Do you want to be truly blessed… Father, even when You judge... Father, Your perfect, loving wisdom… Hungry for a Word Jesus' dealing with us is neither… Remember that God's commandments… The Way He Speaks Urgent! |
* | When Morning Dawns and Evening Fades (ELLACOMBE) | Creation’s Prayer Dependence Let There Be Light Psalm 36 |
* | When Morning Dawns and Evening Fades (FOREST GREEN) | Creation’s Prayer Dependence |
| When the Mountains Sing Your Praise | |
| When We Talk to Him | A Model for Prayer Natural Prayer Praying in His Presence Unspoken Prayers |
| When We Trust You | |
| Where I Am | In your difficult, uncertain situation... Where I Am |
| Which Spirit? | Which Spirit? |
* | Who Is He? | Easter Is the Story of a King Easter Is the Story of a King (long version) Recognized as King The Triumphal Entry |
| With Jesus in Temptation | Do You Recognize These Temptations? Father, You exposed Your… In Jesus' temptations in the wilderness... The Temptation of Jesus We experience the same temptations… When you face temptation with… |
| Without Words | Called Aside |
| Worship Father, Son, and Spirit | When We Worship |
| Worshiping the Trinity | Worshiping the Trinity |
* | Worshiping Transcendent God | Reality calls us to praise You... The Magnificent One |
| Yahweh, Breath of Life | Yahweh, Breath of Life |
| You Alone | Our Magnificent Future in God |
| You Are Almighty God | Father, when Israel fully… Our All-encompassing God You Are Holy |
| You Are Calling Me to Yourself | You Are Calling Me to Yourself |
| You Are Good | Continual Worship Father, living or dying… Father, may everything I say and do... Father, thank You that I can rest… Father, though we are engulfed... Father, You want my life to be… Ignore the voice of fear… May my attitude and my… New Driver No matter what our uncertainties… Psalm 65 Reflecting Back Thank You! The Gift of Giving You Are Good |
| You Are Holy; I Come in Silence | Come Humbly Father, we too often judge... Worshiping the Father You Are Holy |
| You Are Lord | Father, in our anxiousness, how... Perfect Love, Wisdom, and Power When Isaiah faced... |
| You Are Near, O Lord | Father, I love Your Word because... Father, may my worship be obedience... Father, may praise and profound... I Am Always with You Knowing the Transcendent God: My Personal Story 2 Nothing but You Psalm 119: Desiring God's Word Psalm 119: The Value of God's Word Realizing His Presence Devotional |
| You Are the Gift | |
| You Are the Light | Father, as I walk through the dark times… Father, I want to always live... Father, we cannot understand this world… Father, You are pure Light. Help… Father, You are the center of all reality... Light O Father, what a privilege to walk... Prepare for Epiphany Psalm 19: The Sun We are immersed in realities… We have a Light--a Light that… What Does Christ Think of Christmas? Whenever you follow God, whenever... |
| You Are the Same | Faith That Lives On Father, we are so focused… God's Unfailing Promises Psalm 90: Teach Us to Number Our Days The Unchanging God |
| You Became Human | You Became Human |
* | You Bore Our Sin, O Lamb of God | At His baptism, the sinless Jesus... Lamb of God |
* | You Came to Us | A Focus for Christmas Father, I see Your Son, and … Father, Your Son came all the way… Father, Your Son gave up everything... God with Us: Completed in Jesus Human Rejoice in Your Destiny The Uncrossable Gap |
* | You Give All That You Are | Reflection on Daniel 2:1-23 |
| You Give Yourself | You Give Yourself |
| You Lead Me by the Heart | From the Inside Out |
* | You See Me, Lord | God Who Sees |
| You, Me, Now | |
* | Your Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love | A Father’s Love Behind the Hymn: Your Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love Bound over to Mercy Father, is there anything unfruitful… Forgiving Love Freedom God loves you completely and forever... God's Burning Love Hearing His Love Infinite Love Letter from a Concerned Father My Plans for You New Driver Psalm 81 The effects of our sin are… Watching the arrest, trial, and crucifixion… What’s the Problem? Your Wrath Against Sin |
* | Your Joy Has Just Begun | |
| Your Kingdom Come! | Father, everywhere I go, may... Father, we claim to long for... |
| Your Kingdom, Your Power | Eternal Life Is Knowing God Has the Lord called you to a task... O Father, may Your Kingdom come to... Your Kingdom Come Your Kingdom Come, Father! |
| Your Love, Holy Father | At Home with the Father Father, what is critical is not how much… The Father and Spirit in the Son's Ministry |
| Your Sovereign Word | Father, as I humbly receive... Father, help me to receive the precious seed... Father, is there any part of Your... Father, Your Word performs Your work... Father, Your word will... In changing and uncertain times... Place God's Word in your heart… The Almighty, Eternal God… Unimaginable Power Words That Never Pass Away You and Your truth... Your Word becomes reality... |
| Your Thoughts, Your Words | A Tense Situation Bless me with the Spirit of Christ... Father, help me be careful how... Father, help me to guard my tongue... Father, in every situation, even... Father, is there anything I should change… Father, You care deeply and personally... I Bring That One to You Loving Difficult People O Father, write James... Only to Help and Heal People grow... Sleepless Nights When I'm Angry Words are powerful... |
| Your Word | |
| Yours Alone | Yours Alone |